FS11 Module 2 Notes

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WW1 DISCUSSION There are a lot of factors that lead to the war.
The terms nationalism, imperialism,
Europe and America During WW1 militarism, and alliance system began to be
known in the 19th and 20th century which are
1.The Outbreak started with the assassination
also considered as causes of the war.
of Archduke France Ferdinand
What was the world condition before the war?
When the German Empire Even the European powers
was formed in 1871 due to had colonized most of the
Congress of Vienna (1815) the strong feelings of world territories in 15th and
European powers met to reorganize the nationalism among its 16th century, they entered a
constituents. This also new wave of imperialism in
political map of Europe and develop a system of
encouraged cooperation with the 19th century.
conflict resolution aiming at preserving peace Austria-Hungary as both
and balance of power. This is to address lapses speak the German language. In this new wave, Britain,
in French revolutionary wars and Napoleonic France and Germany were the
Another case is that of Bosnia major competitors.
Wars. Herzegovina that wanted to
gain independence from Germany under Kaiser
Austro-Hungarian empire as Wilhelm II pursued
Pax Britannica (British Peace) they are not historically, Weltpolitik international
Britain’s navy had supremacy for most of the ethnically, and culturally policy to turn his country to a
linked. world power.
century as its empire as well as Russia’s
expanded significantly and became the world’s Most of its people wanted to In 1905 and 1911, Germany
leading powers. join with Serbia to form one sent troops to take control of
nation which was also North African French colonies
supported by Russia. This also and block further French
Belle Époque expansion.
fueled Russia to join alliance
Nations experienced a sort of “golden age”. It with Britain and France.
was characterized by regional peace, economic With Britain’s support, France
prosperity, and innovations resisted Germany’s attempt
resulting to its defeat.
There were very few regime changes but
tensions between working-class socialist ALLIANCE SYSTEM
parties, bourgeois liberal parties, and landed or With the rising tension from imperialism
aristocratic conservative parties increased in and nationalism, the alliance system was
many countries. established to prevent wars with the
assumption that no one would take risk to
(This lead to the rise of nationalism, the 1848 go against a group of nations.
Revolutions, the Crimean War, the unification of
The leading nations grouped into two:
Germany, and the Eastern Question)
(1) Triple Alliance in 1882 (Germany,
Otto von Bismarcktt Austria-Hungary, and Italy) and
The prime minister of Prussia and first
chancellor of Germany. He maintained the (2) Triple Entente in 1907 (Britain, France,
and Russia)
balance of power in Europe to keep it at peace
in the 1870s and 1880s.
Germany and Britain entered into an ‘arms race’
with Britain pouring millions into ships and
British colonies, Japan which signed armaments.
a treaty with Britain, Bosnia
Herzegovina supported by Russia were also What were the major events that lead to the
considered members of the Triple Entente. First World War?

1. 1912-1913 BALKAN WARS

Therefore, a conflict between Bosnia-
Herzegovina and Austria-Hungary is also a Two Balkan Wars fought between major
conflict between the two alliances. imperial powers Austria-Hungary, Russian
Empire and the Ottoman Empire turned the
Factors that lead to the First World War area into a crisis point.
Militarism created an arms race out of Austria-Hungary controlled parts of the Balkans
competition and fear of neighboring nations. and taken control over Bosnia Herzegovina
Germany tried to compete in a naval race with in 1908.
Britain, building more and more ships.

Alliances were created to check the balance of The latter as mentioned in the previous
power between nations. In 1882, Germany, page is not in any way linked to Austria-
Austria-Hungary, and Italy formed the Triple Hungary.
France, Britain, and Russia reacted in 1907 by
creating the Triple Entente.
The emperor of Austria-Hungary, aware of the
Imperialism caused another type of
tension in Balkans, sent his nephew and his wife
competition and disagreement.
for a goodwill visit on June 28, 1914.
The British and French empires made Germany As people lined the streets, Archduke Franz
jealous as it tried to colonize parts of Africa. Ferdinand, heir to the thrones, was shot and
killed by Gavrilo Princip, a member of Serbian
Nationalism created the feeling that countries nationalist group called Black Hand.
were better than others, and promoted the
anti-Austro-Hungarian sentiments in Serbia. What happened after the outbreak of World
Seven young Bosnian Serbs, who were part of War 1?
the nationalist Black Hand, planned to DECLARATION OF WAR
assassinate Franz Ferdinand, heir to the throne After the assassination, Austria-Hungary issued
of Austria-Hungary. an ultimatum to Serbia. Failing to agree one (1)
MILITARISM: “ARMS RACE” of the ten (10) demands, Austria-Hungary
One of the distinct features of the First World declared war on Serbia on July 28, 1914.
War is the advancement in weaponry. Most of
the European powers in the 20 th century were The one demand which was not agreed was the
training armies and building up ships and involvement of Austrian Hungarian officials in
the investigation of assassination.
How did the United States got involved in the
As result of the alliance system, Russia
responded to the declaration of war by The entry of United States turned the tide of
mobilizing its army. the war. In the early years, US remained neutral
despite supplying Entente countries.
Germany also declared war to Russia after the Germans attacked not only British and French
latter rejected its request to stop its war ships but also the American ships, with the
preparations. consequent loss of lives, President Wilson
declared war on the central powers.
The two main scenarios of the war were its Russia was out of the conflict in December with
the armistice signed by Vladimir Lenin and
Western and Eastern front. Central powers.
 The western front was a battle between
Germany and Britain, France and later This is due to the popular discontent that
America. resulted to a revolution overthrowing the Tsar
and bringing the Bolsheviks (Communists) to
It is in the same front where soldiers dug power.
trenches (trench warfare) in preparation for
How did the war ended?
a long war.
In the summer of 1918, Germany could now
 The Eastern Front was between Russia and focus on the Western Front. However, most of
Germans and Austro-Hungarians. its allies were military and economically
At this point, the war is in favor of the Entente
A plan devised by Germany to invade France
and was further increased with the arrival of US
through Belgium (which also signed a treaty
with Britain). However, the French managed to
stop them in the Battle of Marne. As result, Bulgaria, Turkey, and Austria-Hungary
asked armistice and surrendered in September,
THE WAR OF ATTRITION (1915-16) October, and November respectively.
The confrontation between the two alliances
led to several casualties and development of EFFECTS:
new weapons. German generals called some The war brought casualties both to the victors
battles “War of Attrition” like the Battle of and the losers. Among the effects were the
Verdun where more than 700,000 soldiers were exhaustion of human and natural resources.
killed but the front remained immovable.
What happened in the aftermath of World
It also meant wearing down the resources of War 1?
the enemy until it does not have the capability In 1919, the victors of war (United States,
to continue to go to war. United Kingdom, France, and Italy) negotiated
the peace terms of the defeated nations in the
absence of such nations.
Different peace treaties were signed:

Treaty of Versailles (Germany), Treaty of

Saint-Germain (Austria), Treaty of
Trianon (Hungary), Treaty of Neuilly
(Bulgaria) and Treaty of Sevres and
Lausanne (Turkey)

1. Treaty of Versailles
 The treaty is composed of territorial
and military clauses as well as clauses
for war reparations.
 Germany lost all of its territories while
the victors annexed them.
 Navy and Army were reduced and
limited at the same time the Rhineland
region was demilitarized.
 Germany was also forced to pay a
massive war reparations bill.

Due to the harsh provisions of the treaty, it

created an unstable economy with mass
unemployment in Germany.


The League of Nations was established as part
of the Treaty of Versailles.

It was the idea of US President Woodrow

Wilson which he stated in his Fourteen points.

The league aims to settle disputes between

nations and prevent another world war through
imposing sanctions.
MODULE 2 Africa or Japan’s invasion of Manchuria in

What were the factors that lead to the Second

World War? 4. Militarism and Fascism
1. Paris Peace Conference There are three (3) notable cases under this
factor: the case of Germany, Italy, and Japan.
As discussed in the previous page, the Paris
Peace Conference gave not only harsh terms to All of which are influenced by the Paris Peace
Germany but also alienated some of the Allies Conference and economic depression.
in the war.
There is a growing discontent among their
Italy and Japan were outraged of the little people and wanted strong leaders that could
benefits received in the peace conference. At create better economic and foreign policies.
the same time, Japan failed to ensure equality
with other powers. Benito Mussolini (Italy) and Adolf Hitler
(Germany) were put to power.
All of these eventually led to the rise of fascism,
nationalism and nationalism in the three Japan also moved to totalitarianism, and
countries. fascism and ignored the League of Nations but
this will be discussed further in our Diplomacy
2. Economic Depressions of East Asia and the Pacific subject.

The whole world was hit by an economic

depression or as they call it The Great
5. Failure of Appeasement
In 1930s, Britain and France believed Adolf
Many people were unemployed, businesses
Hitler’s actions (To be discussed later) as
were forced to close, and banks go corrupt.
understandable and justifiable given the
Countries had exhausted its resources in the conditions of the Treaty of Versailles.
The Policy of Appeasement was adopted by
Britain in response to the demands of Germany
3. Failure of the League of Nations and in order to avoid further conflict.
The aims of the league sounded idealistic to its The Munich Agreement 1938 is a result of this
members. The major reason for its failure is the policy where the two countries allowed
non-membership of its mastermind, the United Germany to annex areas in Czechoslovakia
States. where German-speakers lived under the
condition that Germany will not invade the rest
The United States pursued an isolationist policy
of Czechoslovakia or any other country.
to recover from the war and avoid being the
helper of those affected by the war. However, Germany broke this promise and
invaded the rest of rest of Czechoslovakia
Not all countries joined the league and the
(March 1939) and Poland (September 1939)
League had no army to prevent military
which caused Britain and France to declare war
aggression such as Italy’s invasion of Ethiopia in
on Germany and marked the start of World War was warned by the sanctions to be imposed by
II in Europe. United States.

The Rise of Hitler and the Nazi Party

Adolf Hitler took advantage of instability and

great depression in was appointed Chancellor in
What happened during the war?
1933 and to reduce unemployment, inflation,
Germany’s national pride under his The Nazi Germany proved to be successful for
government. the first two years in their military campaigns
which stretched from the English Channel to the
The Nazi party that he is under German Soviet Union.
nationalism, anti-communism, Semitism (idea
that Germany was not the first world war but
The invasion became the example of the tactic
was betrayed socialists and Jews)
known as Blitzkrieg or lightning war. Despite the
support of British and French, the speed of
German military made it impossible for the two
Build-up to war in Europe and Asia
to offer military support.
The Nazi Germany violated the terms of the
Treaty of Versailles: increasing the size of Germany then, in fear that Soviet Union under
military (reintroduced conscription), air force, Joseph Stalin would make an alliance with the
and the production of weapons and west, entered and signed a Nazi-Soviet Non-
ammunition. Another violation was the invasion aggression Pact. Hitler offered eastern Poland
of Germany in Rhineland as well as the and the Baltic states.
annexation of Austria.

These were tolerated by the British and French Phoney War

as discussed in the previous pages through the Although war was declared, there were no
policy of appeasement but later on failed and major battles after the invasion of Poland until
stemmed the declaration of war in September April 1940. During these times, British built up
1939. strength and prepared to defend France against
German attack.
Prior to the war, Japan and Italy signed the Ant-
Cominterm Pact with Germany in 1936 and Battle of France and Britain
1937 respectively that will be followed later by
the 1940 Tripartite Pacts or the Axis powers’ In May 1940, Germany continued to invade low
alliance. countries and France which made the latter
surrender and signed an armistice. They
Japan invade Manchuria in 1937 but is not manage to evacuate 338,000 allied troops.
generally considered to be part of World War 2.
Japan thought of moving southward (Southeast After France, Germany thought of defeating
Asia) in order to fuel its military machine but Britain. In doing so, he needed to take control
of the air. In August 1940, German air force
launched a major offensive where it bombed When did the war end?
British air and naval bases and other industries.
Hitler later changed his tactics to attacking
major cities but Britain remained successful in At the beginning of 1943, the allies agreed to
resisting the attacks. Hitler then postponed the fight the Axis powers until they surrender
invasion in Britain indefinitely. unconditionally. At this point, the tide of battle
had turned against the Axis powers.
British appealed to the United States for help
but the latter followed a strict policy of Most of the Axis powers surrendered in Tunisia
isolationism. and the battle was brought to Italy where
Germans had successfully occupied.
Attack on Soviet Union
The Allied advance up the Italian peninsula
Hitler’s failure in invading Britain led to the
resulting to heavy casualties.
assumption that Britain remained as it expects
Soviet Support. Therefore, this support must be On June 6, 1944 also called D-Day, Allied forces
defeated. under U.S. general Dwight D. Eisenhower lead
the greatest naval invasion on Normandy
Hitler, convinced that the country had pitiful
beaches resisted by Germans.
army, invaded Soviet Union in June 22, 1941.
Yet, for the first time in the war, German armies Within three months, the allied forces pushed
had been stopped due to the large area and inland and broke through German defensive
climate in Russia. The Germans had no winter lines.
By January 1945, Adolf Hitler hid in his bunker
A counterattack in December 1941 by the Soviet 55 feet (almost 17 m) under the city of Berlin
army came as an ominous ending to the year and committed Suicide on April 30 followed by
for the Germans. the shooting of Mussolini and the surrender of
German Commanders. This finally ended the
war in Europe.
When did United States entered the war?
United States at the Asian theater was faced by
On December 7, 1941, one of US Naval bases at a difficult decision – the use of atomic weapon
Pearl Harbor was attacked by a Japanese against Japan.
Harry S. Truman permitted the use of the
This fueled public opinion in America to end bombs – one in Hiroshima (August 6) and
isolationist policy and join the war, The United another in Nagasaki (August 9).
States now joined European nations and This resulted to major casualties but forced
the Japanese military to surrender on August
Nationalist China in combined efforts to defeat
14 and marked the end of World War II in
Japan. Four days after the bombing, Hitler Asia.
declared war on the United States.
The official end of the war was in September
This created a new coalition called the grand 1945.
alliance of Great Britain, United States, and
Soviet Union
What were the significant events of World War
World War II, in some ways, was similar to the Europe and America during World War
previous war. However, there were significant
The War in Europe began in September 1939,
changes in how the wars were fought. Two of
when Nazi Germany under Adolf Hitler invaded
the most significant events were the use of
Poland. Using blitzkrieg tactics, the country was
Genocide (The Holocaust) and Atomic weapons.
quickly over taken. The world was shocked.
THE HOLOCAUST Britain and France responded by declaring war
on Germany, but took little action. This became
As part of the ideals of the Nazi Party and under
known as the Phony War.
the command of Adolf Hitler, the systemic,
government-endorsed persecution and murder But in 1940, German offensives rapidly defeated
of Jews took place throughout Nazi-occupied Denmark, Norway, Belgium, the Netherlands
territories. and France. The British Army meanwhile, was
on the retreat being evacuated from Dunkirk.
Around 6M Jews out of the 11M before the war
Britain alone was attacked by Germany during
had died and suffered in the hands of the Nazis.
the battle of Britain and the Blitz, however, the
Luftwaffe failed to defeat the RAF.

The early development of the holocaust is In June, 1941, Hitler invaded Russia under the
embodied in Hitler’s manifesto, declaring that Codename Operation Barbarossa. In December
evil assumes the living shape of the Jews. Out of 1941, the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor
fear, many Jews flew to other non-Nazi nations. bringing the USA into the war. Germany, Italy,
and Japan Formed the axis powers while Britain,
The spread of Anti-Semitism led to the Russia and the USA made up the major
formation of ghettos, areas to contain Jews, and combatants on the allied side.
concentration camps.
In 1942 , the Nazis implemented their final
Other policies against the Jews include mass solution a plan to exterminate all Jewish people.
shootings and the institution of the Final Critical battles followed that would dramatically
solution. change the course of the war. These were:
The final solution is combines forced midway in the Pacific theatre June 1942, El
deportation and transportation of Jews to labor Alamein in Egypt November 1942, Stalingrad in
camps before extermination. Russia January 1943. On June 6th1944 D-Day,
the Allies launched operation overlord invading
THE ATOMIC BOMBINGS Normandy France. The red Army Advanced in
Before the use of these weapons, Japan was put the East and was the first to reach the German
in an ultimatum issued in the Potsdam capital of Berlin.
Declaration. On August 6, 1945, the atomic Germany surrendered in May 1945 shortly after
bomb nicknamed Littler boy was dropped in Adolf Hitler Committed suicide. On 6th of
Hiroshima. Still, Japan did not respond to the August 1945, the Americans dropped an atomic
declaration. Three days later, the atomic bomb bomb on Hiroshima. Japan surrendered on V-J
“Fat man” was dropped on Nagasaki. Both day 15 August 1945 and the war was over.
caused the lives of around 80,000. Japan was WW2 lasted from 1939 - 1945 and remains the
forced to surrender on August 14. most geographically widespread military
conflict the world has ever seen.
liberated by Soviet forces and the west by the
BritishAmerican forces.

After the war, they meet again in Yalta to

discuss re-establishment of nations of war-torn
Europe. Each had an agenda: US to gain Soviet
support in the war against Japan, UK
under Churchill pressed for free
elections and democratic governments in
Eastern and Central Europe, and USSR to have a
soviet sphere of influence in Eastern and
Central Europe.

MODULE 2 The western powers were obliged to accept


Potsdam conference
After World War two, humanity went from a The mistrust grew between the Big Three
global military confrontation to another type of Alliance due to their contradictory viewpoints.
war called a cold war. Instead of transitioning to Roosevelt had died in April and was succeeded
a peacetime economy specifically to a conflict by Harry Truman. The latter demanded free
which didn't involve direct military elections in Eastern Europe which the Soviet
confrontations between the main participants occupied. Stalin declined to the demand as it
but rather an extensive arms race, continuous, would be anti-Soviet.
tensions and occasional proxy wars.
What were the two blocs during the cold war?
What happened in the aftermath of World War
II? The United States and the Western Bloc

Major European powers were left exhausted From 1947 onwards, the western bloc raised
which created the opportunity for the concerns on the spread of communism as
emergence of new superpowers. Two blocs Communist parties entered and played
developed, the Soviet Union and the United significant roles in governments.
States. The Soviet would accuse the other of Truman Doctrine
attempting a new wave of imperialist expansion
and the US then was concerned of the Soviet’s Harry Truman provided in his doctrine a policy
communist expansion. of containment which aimed to provide
financial and military aid to countries
The world now enters a bipolar world and threatened by Soviet expansion.
countries were forced to choose between the
two. Marshall Plan and Establishment of OEEC

Tehran and Yalta Conference George C. Marshall, proposed the granting of

economic and financial assistance to all
The big three (Stalin, Roosevelt, and Churchill) countries of Europe. One of the decisive factors
met at Tehran to address concern on the future was the fear of communist expansion in
course of the war. This mistrust developed at Western Europe. Only 16 countries signed up
the thought that Eastern Europe would be
leading to the creation of the Organization for Republic in the East, A Stalinist party dominated
European Economic Cooperation. The policy until the end of Communist era in 1989.
paid off in stopping communism from these
The strengthening of Alliances
The USSR and the Eastern Bloc (Other details
will be discussed in the Diplomacy of East Asia The western bloc formed and strengthened
and the Pacific subject) alliance through treaties and conferences. One
of the results is the establishment of North
Zhdanov Doctrine and the Cominform
Atlantic Treaty Organization which came into
The cominform is an information bureau in force on August 23,
Belgrade that serve as agent for spreading
In 1953, US President Dwight
communist ideology through its newspaper.
Eisenhower introduced the rollback policy
Andre Zhdanov created a doctrine in response which aimed not only containing communism
to Truman. This doctrine reveals that the world but also driving it back. Thus, the need to form
is divided into two camps: imperialist and anti military alliances,
democratic led by US vs anti-imperialist and
PACTOMANA phenomenon was prevalent in the
democratic camp by USSR.
1950s where similar treaties and Pact were
What happened when the world became signed.
USSR created the Warsaw Pact to form a
Divided Germany and the establishment of military alliance with Albania, Bulgaria,
Federal Republic of Germany and German Czechoslovakia, GDR, Hungary, Poland, and
Democratic Republic Romania to counter NATO.

During 1945, Allies have their respective zones What were the significant events or
in Germany. Americans, British, and France confrontations during the war?
occupied South, West and North, and South-
Despite not having an all out war between the
west respectively while Soviets had central
two blocs, localized conflicts arose which had
Germany. In attempt to revive German
the backing of the Western and eastern bloc.
economy, the British and Americans implied a
monetary reform, the Deutsche Mark (DM). The first confrontations between the two were
This caused Soviet to have a total blockade of felt in the civil war in Greece, revolution in
the Western Sectors of Berlin. China, and the Korean war.
British, American and French decided to merge
zones. They called a constituent assembly and
elected Konrad Adenauer to lead and formulate Greek Civil war
the Basic Law. The Law became the provisional The Revolution and War in China and Korea led
constitution of the Federal Republic of to the
birth of new nations. The national government
As a response, USSR encouraged the of Chiang Korean war Kai-shek took refuge on
proclamation of the German Democratic the island of Formosa (Now Taiwan) and the
Mainland China joined forces with USSR.
The Korean peninsula was divided by the 38th Cubans with intermediate-range offensive
parallel from which the communists troops missiles.
from the North crossed to confront the South.
On October 14, 1964, Soviet freighters carrying
United States determined to support the south,
missiles had been identified by American spy
brought the issue to United Nations Security
planes. The US president, John F. Kennedy,
when Soviet delegate was temporarily absent.
imposed a naval blockade. However, a
They applied collective security on South Korea compromise emerged through the United
and sanctions against the North. The war ended Nations. Soviet ships withdrew and the US
with an armistice in July 1953 and reunification removed rockets from Turkey.
of the Korean
Détente (1962-1975)
Peninsula is still impossible today.
In 1963, a direct line (red telephone) was
established between two powers to open
discussions on limiting the arms race. The US
Peaceful Coexistence (1953-1962)
find it difficult to finance its global military
There was a period of peaceful coexistence presence especially in Vietnam and the new
after the death of Stalin and USSR is now under Ostpolitik in Federal Republic of Germany.
Nikita Khrushchev . United States, no longer the
only country with nuclear weapons, opted a
“new look” strategy”, a combined diplomacy The attempt of the new chancellor, Willy
with threat of massive retaliation to counter the Brandt, to normalize relations and openness
towards the East. The Federal Republic of
Significant events
Germany signed the Non-Proliferation Treaty
The building of Berlin Wall and Basic treaty with GDR and USSR.

West Berlin is an easy escape route for East Vietnam War

Germans. The East Berliners envy the economic
The US replaced French troops in Vietnam. The
prosperity in the west. Strikes broke out but
aim was to prevent communism to dominate
was faced with brutality causing the people to
Southeast Asian region as justified by the
flee to the west In order to stop this, GDR built
domino theory.
a wall on August 12-13, 1961 which made
passage impossible. The wall became the Lyndon Johnson massively expanded military
symbol of Cold war and division of Europe. presence from 23,000 troops to over 540,000 in
1969. The USSR and China also intensified their
The Cuban Missile Crisis
assistance to the Communists.
In 1962, the pro-Communist's leader, Fidel
The Americans began bombing military and
Castro, moved closer to USSR after nationalizing
industrial targets in North Vietnam. In January
Cuban property of American undertakings. The
1968, The Communist Tet offensive escalated
two signed trade and military agreements.
the conflict. The American public forced the
United States attempted to overthrow the country to withdraw and cut military spending
regime by arranging anti-Castro exiles but in Vietnam.
failed. Khrushchev decided to secretly provide
US under President Nixon began peace
negotiations resulting to the Paris Agreements
of January 1973. The United States pulled out There is also a wave of opposition gathered in
from the conflict leaving South Vietnam fall to Central and Eastern Europe calling for freedom
the North Vietnamese. The fall of Saigon on of thought, of press, and of assembly.
April 20, 1975 marked the end of Vietnam war.
East German Government was replaced by Egon
The war weighed heavily on US policy and Krenz who was in favor of Gorbachev’s reforms.
caused serious damage to the country’s On November 9, travel was authorized and the
international standing. crowd began to concentrate in Berlin wall. The
demonstrators started to demolish the Wall.
Arms race and “Star Wars”
The leaders of GDR promised a free and secret
President Richard Nixon resigned after the
elections where Socialist reformers were
Watergate scandal. This is also after the country
defeated and the Christian Democrat declared
was traumatized by defeat in Vietnam War and
itself in favor of a unified Germany.
loss of international influence, The presidency
was continuously discredited. Under the new The collapse of Communism within the Eastern
president in 1980, Ronald Reagan described the bloc and the Soviet Socialist Republics
USSR as evil empire and relaunched an arms proclaimed sovereignty in the summer of 1991
race. marks the end of a cold war between the two
This was later called “Star wars” program or
Strategic Defense Initiative devised by Reagan
where the US would be protected from enemy
nuclear weapons by a space-based shield that
would detect and destroy enemy missiles as
soon as they are launched.

This drew the USSR into a frenzied arms race

and led the country to the brink of financial and
economic collapse.

How did the war ended?

In 1985, Mikhail Gorbachev was put to power

and open to develop closer relations with the
west. He was famous for his policy of economic
reconstruction (perestoika) and openness

In its implementation, Gorbachev limited

USSR’s international commitments and reduce
military expenditure. The policies were popular
with the west and fueled opposition
movements to the communist regimes. With
this, the communist regimes collapse and
individual nations gained freedom.

The collapse of GDR and fall of Berlin Wall

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