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 What part of the cell’s subunit is responsible for disposal of waste, maintaining its

shape/integrity, and replicating itself?*

o Plasma membrane
o Enzymes
o Phagocytosis
o Organelles

 The outer boundary of the cell which makes up the three main parts of the
human cell is the?*
o Cytoplasm
o Nucleus
o Plasma membrane
o Enzymes

 The nucleus is found in the center of the cell and controls cell activity.*
o True
o False

 What structure of the cell is responsible for packaging DNA, reinforcing mitosis,
preventing DNA damage, and controlling DNA replication?*
o Chromatin
o Glycosome
o Nucleus
o Plasma membrane

 What structure is responsible for storing glycogen for the cell’s main energy
o Nucleus
o Glycosomes
o Plasma membrane
o Chromatin

 Smooth endoplasmic reticulum is responsible for fat metabolism.*

o False
o True

 The liquid found inside a cell is?*

o Centrosome Matrix
o Centrioles
o Cytosol
o Microfilament

 The lysosomes perform intracellular replication.*

o False
o True
 This structure is called the power-house of the cell because it generates the cell’s
o ribosome
o endoplasmic reticulum
o Mitochondria

 The centrioles are found in the cytoplasm.*

o True
o False

 What structure of the cell is like tiny, finger-like extensions of the plasma
membrane that increases cell’s surface area?*
o Microtuble
o Microfilament
o Microvilli
o Filaments

 The ( ______) helps form the cytoskeleton of the cell?*

o Mitochondria
o Microfilaments
o Vaults
o Nuclear Envelope

 The (______) is responsible for supporting the cell and giving it shape.*
o Nuceloli
o Intermediate filaments
o Chromatin
o Microtubles

 Intermediate filaments are cytoskeletal elements that help the cell resist tension.*
o True
o False

 Peroxisomes use oxidases and catalase to (_______) the body from (_______).*
o break down, lipids
o detoxify, free radicals
o mobilize, cytokines
o destory, water

 This structure is a stack of three to ten disc-shaped envelops bound by a

membrane that sorts, processes, and packages proteins and membranes?*
o exocytosis
o Lysosomes
o Golgi apparatus
o ribosomes
 Ribosomes have the appearance of _______ and are constructed of _______?*
o large, dark staining granules, DNA
o None of the above
o tiny-finger-like extensions, and lysosomes
o Small, dark staining granules, RNA

 This area of the cell is a thin flexible layer that separates fluid into intracellular
and extracellular fluid?*
o Nucleolus
o Peroxisome
o Chromatin
o Plasma membrane

 This site serves as the synthesis and assembly of ribosomes?*

o Chromatin
o Peroxisome
o Plasma membrane
o Nucleolus

 This structure is the central core of the cell and it’s genetic material is DNA?*
o Glycosome
o Mitochondria
o Centrosome
o Nucleus

 This area of the cell surrounds the nucleus and regulates passage of substances
to and from the nucleus?*
o Nuclear envelope
o chromatin
o mitochondria
o microtubules

What part of the cell’s subunit is responsible for disposal of waste, maintaining its
shape/integrity, and replicating itself?

 Organelles

 Enzymes 
 Plasma membrane
 Phagocytosis
The outer boundary of the cell which makes up the three main parts of the human cell is

 Plasma membrane
 Cytoplasm

 Nucleus 
 Enzymes

The nucleus is found in the center of the cell and controls cell activity.

 True 
 False

What structure is responsible for storing glycogen for the cell’s main energy source?

 Chromatin

 Glycosomes

 Nucleus 
 Plasma membrane

What structure of the cell is responsible for packaging DNA, reinforcing mitosis,
preventing DNA damage, and controlling DNA replication?

 Chromatin
 Glycosome

 Nucleus 
 Plasma membrane

Smooth endoplasmic reticulum is responsible for fat metabolism.

 True

 False 
The liquid found inside a cell is?

 Cytosol
 Centrioles
 Centrosome Matrix

 Microfilament 

The lysosomes perform intracellular replication.

 False 
 True
It perform intracellular DIGESTION.

This structure is called the power-house of the cell because it generates the cell’s

 Mitochondria

 ATP 
 ribosome
 endoplasmic reticulum

The centrioles are found in the cytoplasm.

 False 
 True
They are found in the centrosome matrix.

What structure of the cell is like tiny, finger-like extensions of the plasma membrane that
increases cell’s surface area?

 Microvilli 
 Microfilament
 Microtuble
 Filaments

The ( ______) helps form the cytoskeleton of the cell?

 Microfilaments

 Mitochondria 
 Vaults
 Nuclear Envelope

The (______) is responsible for supporting the cell and giving it shape.

 Microtubles
 Intermediate filaments

 Chromatin 
 Nuceloli

Intermediate filaments are cytoskeletal elements that help the cell resist tension.

 True 
 False

Peroxisomes use oxidases and catalase to (_______) the body from (_______).

 detoxify, free radicals 

 mobilize, cytokines
 destory, water
 break down, lipids

This structure is a stack of three to ten disc-shaped envelops bound by a membrane that
sorts, processes, and packages proteins and membranes?
 Golgi apparatus
 ribosomes
 exocytosis

 Lysosomes 

Ribosomes have the appearance of _______ and are constructed of _______?

 Small, dark staining granules, RNA

 large, dark staining granules, DNA

 tiny-finger-like extensions, and lysosomes 

 None of the above

This area of the cell is a thin flexible layer that separates fluid into intracellular and
extracellular fluid?

 Plasma membrane 
 Nucleolus
 Chromatin
 Peroxisome

This site serves as the synthesis and assembly of ribosomes?

 Nucleolus

 Plasma membrane 
 Chromatin
 Peroxisome

This structure is the central core of the cell and it’s genetic material is DNA?

 Nucleus
 Glycosome

 Mitochondria 
 Centrosome

This area of the cell surrounds the nucleus and regulates passage of substances to and
from the nucleus?

 Nuclear envelope

 chromatin 
 microtubules
 mitochondria

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