Centripetal and - Centrifugal - Mission - Solomon and Jesus

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Matacio: Centripetal and “Centrifugal” Mission: Solomon and Jesus

Centripetal and “Centrifugal”

Mission: Solomon and Jesus

a new strategy for contemporary

Christian mission, I encourage
By Doug Matacio certain church action trends
that go with the article’s concep-
tual framework.
Centripetal comes from the
The purpose of this article is Latin, centripetus, which means
to further develop “centripetal “center seeking” (“Centripetal”
and centrifugal mission,” an 1985:221). So, a centripetal
analogy conceived by mission force attracts objects inwardly
theologians—for two reasons: toward the center. It is like your
(1) my new understanding of the hand holding a string that is at-
meaning of centripetal, “seek- tached to a ball. You can twirl
ing the center,” and centrifugal, the ball around, but as long as
“fleeing the center,” and (2) my it is attached to the string in
twofold thesis that Solomon’s your hand, it cannot sail off,
kingdom is the best exemplar but remains in orbit around the
of Israel’s centripetal mission central force, your hand. Phys-
and Jesus’ mission best demon- ics teachers explain: “Without
strates the New Testament ideal this [centripetal] force, an object
of balance between the centrip- will simply continue moving
etal essence of God’s biblical in straight line motion” (“Cen-
mission and the centrifugal ne- tripetal Force—the Real Force”
cessity of going out to search for 2008:1). It is no longer seeking
the lost. While I am not planning the center, so it goes off on its
own. Unlike centripetal the Latin
Doug Matacio is term, centrifuges, means “center
Chair and Professor fleeing:” centrifugal in Eng-
of Religious Stud-
lish (“Centrifugal” 1985:221).
ies at Canadian
University College,
Physicists call “centrifugal force”
Lacombe, Alberta, a fictional force (Bloomfield
Canada. 1997:115) because it is sim-
ply “a lack of centripetal force”
(“Centrifugal Force—the False
Force” 2008:1).
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Journal of Adventist Mission Studies, Vol. 4 [2008], No. 1, Art. 4
Understanding the analogy and special messengers (e.g.,
between centripetal/centrifugal Joseph, Jonah, Daniel, and
force and the mission of God Esther) were called to witness
requires noting the importance in foreign countries, “Israel was
of orbiting; e.g., planets orbit not mandated by God to send
around the sun, a centripetal missionaries to the nations”
force. Here, orbiting refers to a (Wright 2006:24). But it was
person’s or group’s decision to God’s plan, prophesied in Isa
focus around God even as sepa- 66:19-21, to eventually send
rate individuality is maintained. “survivors” among his people
One does not merge into God, in a “centrifugal” mission to the
losing one’s own identity, but nations that would “show them
remains in orbit around God. God his glory.” How, then, is it pos-
becomes the center of life and sible for Christian witnesses to
worship; from that time on one’s “flee the center” in “centrifugal”
orbit is guided by the Holy Spirit. mission while continuing to
Being “in orbit around Christ” “seek the center” in attraction

It was God’s plan, prophesied in Isa

66:19-21, to eventually send “survi-
vors” among his people in a “centrifu-
gal” mission to the nations that would
“show them his glory.”

is a metaphor that reminds us to God? Does the analogy still

of Paul’s still valid “in Christ” hold, or does it break down at
figure. Conversely, the “center this point?
fleeing” of those who refuse to The answer is the key to
orbit is the “centrifugal force” understanding centripetal and
that takes them away from God “centrifugal” mission in the
into a life of sin. New Testament. Essentially,
But how do the terms, cen- the analogy continues to hold.
tripetal and centrifugal, spe- After Pentecost the Spirit of God
cifically relate to God’s mission? dwells within Christ’s disciples,
God’s plan of centripetal mission making it possible for the pres-
was for Israel to attract other ence of God to remain with them
nations to faith and worship. whether they go to New York or
Seeing the success of Israel, they New Guinea. God now dwells in
would inquire and be told, “It is the new temple, the members of
because of our covenant with his church, through his Spirit
Yahweh.” Though a few prophets (1 Cor 6:19). Jesus’ centripetal
32 Journal of Adventist Mission Studies
Matacio: Centripetal and “Centrifugal” Mission: Solomon and Jesus
mission continues (“I, when I new temple sources for mission.
am lifted up from the earth, will Both the kingdom of Solomon
draw all people to myself” [John and the mission of Jesus have
12:32 NRSV]), even as worldwide implications for the church to-
“centrifugal” mission is imple- day when considered from the
mented (Matt 28:19). perspective of the centripetal
I put centrifugal in quotation and centrifugal facets of God’s
marks because missionaries are mission.
not actually fleeing the center,
but in fact taking the center The Centripetal and
(the indwelling Holy Spirit) with Centrifugal Theme in
them. They are seeking the lost, Mission Theology
who are fleeing the center, but My purpose in this section
they themselves are not fleeing is not a formal review, but it
from God, so, technically, they helps to provide a sense of where
are not centrifugal missionaries. other scholars have gone. Bengt
Since they are going out to the Sundkler (1936:462-499) intro-
nations, however, I illustrate duced the idea of centripetal and
their going by putting centrifugal centrifugal mission to solve the
in quotation marks. As they go problem of why Jesus initially
out “centrifugally,” they attract sent his disciples only to the
the nations centripetally by lift- lost sheep of Israel (Matt 10:5b-
ing up the cross through (1) self 6) (cited by Blauw 1962:146).
denial and (2) verbal witness, Sundkler commented:
the preaching of “repentance
Centrifugal universalism is actu-
and forgiveness of sins” (Luke alized by a messenger who crosses
24:47). So, it is still useful to frontiers and passes on his news to
distinguish between centripetal those who are afar off; centripetal
and “centrifugal” mission. by a magnetic force, drawing dis-
In this article I briefly note tant peoples in to the place of the
selected contributions to cen- person who stands at the center
tripetal/centrifugal mission. (1965:14-15).
Then I apply the theme to the Here Sundkler makes a use-
kingdom of Solomon and the ful distinction between two
mission of Jesus. I point out kinds of mission, but does not
that Solomon, during the early attempt to show how they could
years of his reign, brought Israel be brought together.
to the zenith of its centripetal Johannes Blauw applies the
mission through his willingness centripetal sense of the mis-
to enter into a covenant rela- sion of Israel—where the na-
tionship with Yahweh. Jesus, tions would stream to Zion (Isa
Son of David, demonstrated 2:2-4)—as “an eschatological
both centripetal and “centrifu- expectation which will be ful-
gal” force in his mission, and he filled only at the end of days”
established new covenant and (1962:41). Blauw could not ac-
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Journal of Adventist Mission Studies, Vol. 4 [2008], No. 1, Art. 4
cept the idea that Israel’s cen- somewhere,” but of “being some-
tripetal mission was “deliberate thing,” namely, a light and wit-
missionary activity” (1962:34). ness to the nations through cov-
(Though Solomon mentioned enant faithfulness (2006:504).
“the foreigner” specifically in Second, Wright’s conclusion
his temple dedicatory prayer.) is that the purpose of the new
Neither, he writes, is there any centrifugal “going out” is for
“thought of mission in the Old the nations to be centripetally
Testament in the centrifugal “gathered into” God’s kingdom
sense in which it comes to the (2006:524).
fore in the New Testament” Seventh-day Adventist schol-
(1962:35). Walter C. Kaiser Jr. arship has made a significant
by contrast sees the centripetal contribution to the theme of
role as “passive witnessing” and this article, although without
the centrifugal role as “active using the terms, centripetal or
witnessing” (2000:9). Kaiser can centrifugal. Tucked away in the
be commended for focusing on Seventh-day Adventist Bible
the people’s responsibility to Commentary, volume 4—is Ray-
share the knowledge of Yahweh mond R. Cottrell’s article which
with their neighbors. However, deals at length with “God’s plan”
he misses the significance of a for Israel as his chosen nation
theology of centripetal mission and his advantageous covenant
that goes deeper than passive (1955:25-33). He suggests God’s
witnessing. Missionaries who plan was to reveal his character
“go” to the nations centrifu- to the nations by placing Israel
gally need a centripetal force to in the crossroads of the ancient
attract the nations after they world and providing them “with
arrive. every facility for becoming the
Christopher Wright makes greatest nation on the face
two noteworthy points on the of the earth” (27; cited from
centripetal/centrifugal theme. White, 1900:288). Israel’s suc-
First, he agrees that centrifugal cess would attract the nations,
mission was not God’s agenda many of whom would be incor-
for Old Testament Israel. On porated into God’s covenant.
Kaiser’s book (2000), he con- Cottrell points out Israel’s suc-
cludes, “I am not yet convinced, cess would have been based on
however, of his interpretation seven factors: (1) holiness of
of these [Old Testament] texts character (Lev 19:2); (2) health
[on mission], as implying a mis- (Exod 15:26); (3) superior intel-
sionary mandate that ought to lect; (4) skill in agriculture and
have resulted in Israel engag- animal husbandry (Deut 7:13;
ing in centrifugal missions to 28:2-8); (5) superior crafts-
the nations” (2006:502). Yet he manship (Exod 31:2-6; 35:33-
adds that Israel had a sense of 35); (6) unparalleled prosperity
mission, though not of “going (Deut 8:17-18; 28:11-13); and
34 Journal of Adventist Mission Studies
Matacio: Centripetal and “Centrifugal” Mission: Solomon and Jesus
(7) national greatness (Deut the covenant, his temple build-
4:6-8; 7:6, 14; 28:1; Mal 3:12) ing, and his political and eco-
(1955:27-28). nomic achievements resulted
I would not characterize the in inquiring visits of kings and
debate over how the centripetal/ queens. Second, the compari-
centrifugal motif fits mission son between Solomon son of
studies as being sharp. Sundkler David, prince of peace—and
was the first to see the possibili- Jesus, Son of David, Prince of
ties of using these terms. Blauw Peace is full of significance. It
initiated the line of thinking shows how Jesus’ centripetal
that Israel’s mission was com- mission paralleled and fulfilled
pletely centripetal, while Kaiser the promise of Solomon’s mis-
challenged that notion with sion. Third, the mission of Jesus
his emphasis on the Israelites’ shows us the New Testament
responsibility to actively share balance between centripetal and
the promise of the Messiah with centrifugal mission. My study
their neighbors. While Wright suggests the cross is the most

The comparison between Solomon

son of David, prince of peace—and Je-
sus, Son of David, Prince of Peace is
full of significance.

cannot use the term, “centrifu- significant factor in attracting

gal,” to describe Israel’s mission, the nations to Christ as his
he holds that both dimensions disciples go out. New Testa-
are included in the New Testa- ment missionaries, filled with
ment missionary mandate of the the Holy Spirit, could now seek
church. the lost in centrifugal mission
without “fleeing the center” in
Centripetal Mission in the the process.
Kingdom of Solomon King David established a
In the biblical section of this strong kingdom, defeated Is-
article I focus on Solomon not rael’s enemies, and made plans
merely because he has been for a temple. He and other
largely ignored in the biblical psalmists left inspiring notions
history of mission, but because of Israel’s centripetal mission:
the data reveals that Israel’s “May God be gracious to us
centripetal mission reached and bless us and make his face
the zenith of its success during shine upon us, that your ways
Solomon’s reign; his keeping of may be known on earth, your
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Journal of Adventist Mission Studies, Vol. 4 [2008], No. 1, Art. 4
salvation among all nations” was for him to be a builder
(Ps 67:1-2). A census taken rather than a warrior like his
shortly after David’s reign ended father. Solomon means “peace,”
found 153,600 aliens living in and he was to be a “prince of
Israel (2 Chr 2:17); certainly peace” free to devote his time
many of them had become to the building of the temple (1
acquainted with “the ways” of Chr 22:9). The temple and its
Israel’s God. David’s prayer services were designed not only
for Solomon’s reign is found in for the Israelites, but to attract
Psalm 72, where he anticipated foreigners as well (2 Chr 6:32).
distant kings bringing him gifts Gold-covered cherubim wings
and serving him (10-11), that and four hundred bronze pome-
“all nations would be blessed granates would draw people to
through Solomon and call him its visual beauty (2 Chr 3-4),
blessed” (17b). After David’s while lyres, harps, cymbals,
death Solomon concentrated on and trumpets provided music
the covenant source of the cen- (1 Chr 25). Solomon’s rationale
tripetal force that would cause for building such an aesthetic
nations to wonder at the great- temple was theocentric: “The
ness of Israel and its God. temple I am going to build will be
Solomon established both a great, because our God is greater
personal and a national rela- than all other gods” (2 Chr 2:5).
tionship with God. The personal God was to be glorified in this
covenant relationship began at temple because he was the cen-
his birth, when Yahweh named ter of Solomon’s life.
him Jedidiah (“loved by the Solomon, in his temple dedi-
Lord”) (2 Sam 12:24b-25). The catory prayer, petitioned Yah-
young king “loved the Lord” (1 weh to reconfirm the covenant,
Kgs 3:3), and God responded to hear prayer, and forgive sin. In
Solomon’s request for wisdom the midst of these petitions we
and knowledge—by promising discover evidence that Solomon
wealth and honor as well (2 Chr was overtly conscious of and
1:10-12). Near the beginning concerned about the centripetal
of his reign Solomon was full mission of God:
of repentance and gratitude,
As for the foreigner who does not
and led the entire nation in a belong to your people Israel but has
consecration service at Gibeon come from a distant land because
(2 Chr 1:5-6). By renewing the of your great name and your mighty
covenant relationship with Yah- hand and your outstretched arm—
weh, Solomon and his people when he comes and prays toward
were spiritually empowering this temple, then hear from heaven,
themselves to attract the na- your dwelling place, and do whatever
tions as Moses had promised the foreigner asks of you, so that all
the peoples of the earth may know
(Deut 4:5-8).
your name and fear you, as do your
God’s mandate for Solomon
36 Journal of Adventist Mission Studies
Matacio: Centripetal and “Centrifugal” Mission: Solomon and Jesus
own people Israel, and may know discovered the source of Solo-
that this house I have built bears mon’s wisdom:
your name (2 Chr 6:32-33).
The report I heard in my own
Here Solomon focuses on the country about your achievements
many foreigners in attendance. and your wisdom is true. But I did
He recognizes that foreigners not believe what they said until I
would come to Israel because came and saw with my own eyes.
of the news of Israel’s great- Indeed, not even half the greatness
of your wisdom was told me; you
ness. He sees that foreigners,
have far exceeded the report I heard.
who come to inquire about that . . . Praise be to the Lord your God,
greatness, will eventually find who has delighted in you and placed
themselves praying toward the you on his throne as king to rule for
temple along with the Israelites. the Lord your God. Because of the
So, he asks that God will answer love of your God for Israel and his
their prayers, that the people desire to uphold them forever, he
of the whole world will eventu- has made you king over them, to
ally worship Yahweh. When maintain justice and righteousness
(2 Chr 9:5-6, 8).
Solomon finishes his prayer,

The results of centripetal mission

in Solomon’s kingdom were positive
as long as he maintained his covenant
relationship with Yahweh.

fire comes down from heaven This testimony is an eye-

and the glory of the Lord fills witness account of the success
the temple. This presence would of the centripetal mission of God
make Israel great and could during the reign of Solomon. It
attract the nations to worship shows how the monarch of a na-
Yahweh. tion south of Egypt was attracted
The results of centripetal to Israel because of reports of
mission in Solomon’s kingdom its greatness. She was attracted
were positive as long as he main- by Solomon’s wisdom, but she
tained his covenant relationship saw that it was the result of the
with Yahweh. His gift of wisdom blessings of Yahweh and she
brought ambassadors from “all praises him.
the kings of the world” (1 Kgs Solomon’s potential for cen-
4:34) to hear him. His knowledge tripetal mission achievement
of natural history (1 Kgs 4:33) was never realized because of
gave him opportunities to speak his failure in the later years of
of the creator of all plants and his reign to keep the covenant
animals. The Queen of Sheba
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Journal of Adventist Mission Studies, Vol. 4 [2008], No. 1, Art. 4
and commandments of Yah- trifugal” mission made possible
weh (1 Kgs 11:11). But all was by the cross, resurrection, and
not lost. Another Son of David pentecostal outpouring of the
would take over when his broth- Holy Spirit.
er slipped. The wisest earthly Jesus announced the neces-
king would be succeeded by “a sity of “centrifugal” mission in
shoot” growing from the stump light of these three new gospel
of Jesse, on whom the spirit realities by proclaiming, “Peace
of wisdom and understanding be with you. As the Father has
would rest (Isa 11:1-2). Solomon sent me, even so I send you”
would be replaced by another (John 20:21 RSV). “Centrifu-
Prince of Peace (Isa 9:6-7), and gal” mission would require that
Yahweh’s centripetal mission Jesus’ disciples be at peace
through the royal line of David with one another. It would be
and Solomon would continue based on the sending of Jesus
until all nations flowed to Zion to the world and would involve
(Isa 2:2-5). a mandate to chase after those
who were “fleeing the center,”
Centripetal and Centrifugal and invite them to get into orbit
Themes in the Mission around God. New Testament
of Jesus mission includes both centrifu-
Jesus was aware as “son gal and centripetal dimensions:
of David” (Matt 1:1) that there missionaries going and search-
were similarities between Solo- ing for the lost, and missionaries
mon’s mission and his own. attracting them to Christ once
“The Queen of the South will they find them by using the
rise at the judgment with this centripetal missionary methods
generation and condemn it; for of Solomon and Jesus.
she came from the ends of the When I compare the centrip-
earth to listen to Solomon’s wis- etal mission history of Solomon
dom, and now one greater than and Jesus, I find remarkable
Solomon is here” (Matt 12:42). similarities. First, at Jesus’ birth
Jesus compared himself to the magi were attracted by “his
Solomon here, but calls himself star” and came from the east to
“greater than Solomon.” Jesus worship him. They gave the baby
is greater than Solomon first Jesus the same gifts that the
because he never apostatized, Queen of Sheba gave Solomon—
and second because he rati- gold and precious spices. Sec-
fied the covenant and fulfilled ond, at Jesus’ baptism and at
the temple sacrifices by a self- Solomon’s birth God announced
sacrificing death that contrasts his special love for each by call-
with Solomon’s self-indulgent ing him “beloved” (Matt 3:17;
later life. Third, Jesus added a 2 Sam 12:25). A third line of
new dimension by his followers magnetism that attracted people
out to the nations on a “cen- to Jesus was his healing minis-
38 Journal of Adventist Mission Studies
Matacio: Centripetal and “Centrifugal” Mission: Solomon and Jesus
try (Matt 15:30-31). Although Yet there is a connection
not mentioned in the time of between this centripetal theme
Solomon, God had intended to of “drawing” people to Jesus
attract the nations to his people and the centrifugal theme. In
Israel because they had “none physics, entities go their own
of these diseases” (Exod 15:25). way when the centripetal force
Fourth, like Solomon’s attrac- is removed. People choosing to
tion of royalty, Jesus attracted remove God from their lives are
people by his wise teaching. He “center fleeing,” going their own
was “filled with wisdom” (Luke way of selfishness rather than
2:40), and he “grew in wisdom acknowledging God. We can call
and stature and in favor with this “center fleeing” the “cen-
God and men” (Luke 2:52). trifugal force” of sin. When men
After Jesus’ triumphal entry and women flee from God, he
the Pharisees commented, “You lovingly seeks them out. Francis
see we are not succeeding at all! Thompson described both “cen-
Look, the whole world is follow- trifugal” sin and “centrifugal”
ing him” (John 12:19; TEV)! This mission in the first fifteen lines of
evidence of success in Jesus’ a poem, “The Hound of Heaven”
centripetal mission was imme- (1979:1732). The poem speaks of

God had intended to attract the na-

tions to his people Israel because they
had “none of these diseases.”

diately demonstrated by some human beings fleeing the center

Greeks, who came to Philip in the phrase, “I fled Him.” This
and said, ”We would like to see fleeing is the “centrifugal force”
Jesus” (John 12:21b). In this of sin. However, the poem also
context Jesus made the state- speaks of “centrifugal” mission
ment that I would suggest is the in the “strong Feet that followed
key to understanding centripetal after,” the Feet of Jesus, the
mission in the New Testament. “Hound of Heaven.”
“But I, when I am lifted up from Jesus came to this world to
the earth, will draw all men to seek and save the lost (Luke
myself. He said this to show 19:10), and his church is sent
the kind of death he was going out for the same purpose. “Cen-
to die” (John 12:32-33). Jesus trifugal” mission is a radical
is speaking of the new era of and risky response to the “cen-
centrifugal mission because he trifugal” force of sin, but Jesus
mentions all human beings, not opened the way for it by his incar-
just the Jews. nation, death, resurrection, and
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Journal of Adventist Mission Studies, Vol. 4 [2008], No. 1, Art. 4
promise of the indwelling Spirit. Contemporary Practical
How then do the two dimensions Applications
(centrifugal and centripetal) fit I would like to encourage
together? Jesus sometimes re- some mission trends that natu-
ferred to both dimensions in one rally accompany the insights of
passage: “No one can come to this article. Let me suggest four
me unless the Father who sent applications; the first three focus
me draws him” (John 6:44). F. on centripetal mission and the
L. Godet comments, “The God last one on centrifugal efforts.
who sends Jesus for souls, on First, since people are attracted
the other hand, draws souls to to the presence of God, we need
Jesus” (1886:590). So, both di- to focus on God-derived spiritu-
mensions are vital. ality in the life of the missionary.
Like Solomon, Jesus relied Biblical spirituality is based on
on the covenant and the temple the idea of dying to self with
as sources for mission accom- Jesus on his cross, being filled
plishment. In the upper room with the Spirit, and living un-
Jesus took the cup and said, selfishly for others. Post-modern
“Drink from it, all of you. This is secular people are especially
my blood of the [new] covenant, interested in seeing evidence
which is poured out for many of God’s presence in the life. It
for the forgiveness of sins” (Matt means that spiritual formation
26:27b-28). This new covenant will loom large not only in mis-
experience based on the cleans- sionary training programs, but in
ing blood of Christ is the source the church’s entire educational
of a magnetic force in the life of endeavor. A good resource is
the believer, drawing the unsaved “Prayer, Study, and the Practice
to God’s kingdom. As for the tem- of Faith,” chapter 9 in Jon Pau-
ple, when Jesus was asked about lien’s book, Everlasting gospel
driving out the money changers, ever-changing world (2008).
he replied, “Destroy this temple, Second, Solomon teaches
and I will raise it again in three us that people are attracted to
days” (John 2:19). The presence excellence. Whether it is excel-
of God in the temple of Christ’s lence in art, music, literature,
resurrected body was to attract architecture, archaeology, busi-
both Jew and Gentile. Jesus was ness management, house con-
to replace the Shekinah glory struction, culinary achievement,
as the dwelling place of God on congregational worship services,
earth (John 1:14). But, when Je- or healthy longevity—people are
sus ascended, Spirit-filled Chris- attracted to it. Another form of
tian witnesses replaced him. The excellence, the really well-lived
church becomes the new temple, life, is a centripetal mission tip
the new “body of Christ” (Eph mentioned by Peter: “Live such
1:22-23) attracting the nations to good lives among the pagans
this powerful presence of God. that, though they accuse you
40 Journal of Adventist Mission Studies
Matacio: Centripetal and “Centrifugal” Mission: Solomon and Jesus
of doing wrong, they may see need to set up a process of ac-
your good deeds and glorify God countability even as the Holy
on the day he visits us” (1 Pet Spirit guides.
2:12). (Warning: this one, like My fourth suggestion deals
all centripetal methods, requires with centrifugal mission and
interaction and friendship with focuses on excellence in going.
non-Christians.) The church needs to be continu-
Third, people are attracted to ally focused on how to improve
a message that is presented in a its “going.” Essential questions
way that is similar to their way include: where and how far to
of thinking and doing, and that go, when to go, whom to send,
resonates with the core values who to do the sending, how to
of their culture. Solomon used get there, what kind of trans-
wisdom literature and Jesus portation to use, how to finance
used stories from everyday life. the trip, how long to stay, how
Here of course I am calling for to finance the stay, and how to
continuing efforts to contextu- prepare the field for the reception
alize the gospel message. For of missionaries. If the church

Though Solomon began to accom-

plish Israel’s centripetal mission, Jesus
chose self-denial over self-indulgence,
the point of Solomon’s downfall.

example, Jon Paulien counsels “goes” well, that too may attract
us to “begin with personal experi- the nations!
ence” when presenting the gospel
to postmoderns. “If the truths Conclusion
that you are seeking to express Though Solomon began to
have not changed your life, don’t accomplish Israel’s centripetal
expect postmoderns to be excited mission, Jesus chose self-denial
about them,” he says (2008:62). over self-indulgence, the point of
Contextualization means we Solomon’s downfall. He in whom
are open to incorporating new are hidden all the treasures of
methods such as “talk show wisdom and knowledge (Col 2:3)
evangelism” (Paulien 2008:145). “humbled himself and became
But there is a gap between writ- obedient to the point of death,
ing about it and actually doing even death on a cross” (Phil 2:8
it that needs to be bridged. The NRSV). So, self-denial is com-
church is called to decide how bined with excellence in service
contextualization is going to be and proclamation of the gospel;
implemented. Administrators witness is magnetized by daily
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Journal of Adventist Mission Studies, Vol. 4 [2008], No. 1, Art. 4
communion with God. The “cen- Centripetal force—the real force.
trifugal” force of going—without 2008. http://www.regent-
the centripetal force of God’s sprep.org/Regents/physics/
indwelling—will be as futile as phys06/bcentrif/default.htm
Cottrell, Raymond R. 1955. The
the proselytizing efforts of the
role of Israel in Old Testament
Pharisees (Matt 23:15). Ever Prophecy. In Seventh-day
since the thief beside Jesus and Adventist Bible Commentary,
the Roman centurion below him Vol. 4:25-38. Washington,
proclaimed their faith, the cen- DC: Review and Herald.
tripetal force of that cross in the Godet, F. L. 1886. Commentary on
lives and redemptive message of John’s gospel. Translated by
“centrifugal” missionaries con- Timothy Dwight. Reprinted,
tinue to draw many a Jew and 1978. Grand Rapids: Kregel.
Kaiser, Walter C. Jr. 2000. Mission
Gentile into orbit around God.
in the Old Testament: Israel as
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within their own ethnic group, or gospel ever-changing world:
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42 Journal of Adventist Mission Studies

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