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Celeste, Merson L.

Grade 11 Pre-Bacc Maritime


Lesson 2: Elements of Communication

Activity 1:

Using any information you know, map out possible factors that may affect efficiency
of the sender or the receiver.

Factors affecting
sender/receiver’s efficiency
Activity 2:

Create a short essay on the advantages and disadvantages of direct personal

communication and device-mediated communication.

Activity 3:

Classify the following terms found in the box to be either a physical noise,
psychological noise, or semantic noise. Place them in the right column.

honking of cars difficulty in words hunger

stage fright mispronunciation child’s
erroneous grammar speaker’s messy hair biases

Physical Noise Psychological Noise Semantic Noise

Activity 3:

Identify the basic elements of the communication process by reading the following
situation and considering the questions.

A Chemistry teacher giving a practical test on glass bubbles said, “I have repeatedly given
the step-by-step procedure on how to do this! How musch time do you think I could waste
just waiting for you to do this correctly?” The embarassed student cried and left laboratory
without saying a word.

Answer each questions below.

1. Who is the sender?


2. Who is the receiver?


3. What is the message?


4. What medium was used to convey the message?


5. What was the feedback?

6. Was noise present to interfere with the communication process? In what way did
noise affect the reception of the message? Besides noise, what are the other causes of
communication breakdown?


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