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Answer: A, B, & C.

1. A client informs the nurse during the hospital

The nurse should document the client’s
admission assessment that the client does not
statement in the client’s own words. The
have an advance directive, but designates the
nurse should provide the client with
daughter to make health care decisions in the
information on advance directives and
event that the client becomes incapacitated or
reassurance that there are hospital personnel
unable to make informed decisions. Which
to assist with completing the advance
nursing actions are appropriate for this client?
directive. The nurse who avoids inquiry about
Select all that apply.
a client’s advance directive is not serving the
client’s best interests. The nurse should
ENVIRONMENT A. Document the client’s statement in the
explain to the client that the law requires all
✚ Management of care client’s own words.
clients to be asked about the existence of an
B. Provide information on advance directives
advance directive at the time of hospital
to the client.
admission. Inquiring about a client’s advance
C. Inform the client that personnel are
directive does not indicate that the client’s
available to assist with completing an
health status is deteriorating or is expected to
advance directive if the client wishes to do
deteriorate. Preparing an advance directive
ensures that the client’s wishes will be
D. The nurse inquiring about a client’s advance
followed in the event that the client is unable
directive could cause the client anxiety and
to make health care decisions.
concern, and should be avoided.
3. A client with a Do Not Resuscitate/Do Not
2. A Durable Power of Attorney for Health Answer: A, C, & D.
Intubate order in the medical record becomes
Care is an example of (select all that A Health Care Durable Power of Attorney is
unresponsive and a code blue is called. The
one example of an advance directive. Advance
apply): code team arrives and the physician is
directives are documents signed by a
preparing to intubate the client. What action
competent person giving direction to health
A. An advance directive. should the nurse take regarding the DNR/DNI
care providers about treatment choices in
B. A legal document that identifies a order?
certain circumstances. A Durable Power of
surrogate decision-maker for the client’s Attorney for Health Care is a legal document
A. Prepare the client for immediate
financial matters in the event that the that identifies a surrogate decision-maker in
intubation. Assist the physician with the
client becomes incapacitated. the event the client becomes incapacitated or
intubation procedure as needed.
C. A legal document that identifies a unable to make informed health care
B. Immediately inform the physician and code
surrogate decision-maker in the event decisions. The document becomes a
team of the client’s DNR/DNI order in the
the client becomes incapacitated or permanent part of the client’s medical record.
medical record. C. Assist the code team
unable to make informed health care A legal document that identifies a client’s
with the code blue per Advance Care Life
surrogate for financial matters is incorrect
decisions. Support protocol.
because a Durable Power of Attorney for
D. A legal document that becomes a D. Notify the physician and code team of the
Health Care identifies a surrogate decision-
permanent part of the client’s medical client’s DNR/DNI order in the medical
maker for health care decisions only; this
record. record, but the physician responding to the
document does not designate a surrogate for
code blue will make the decision whether
financial matters.
or not to intubate the client.
4. A disoriented client is admitted to the med-surg
unit with a diagnosis of acute renal failure. The
physician orders a hemodialysis line to be placed to
Answer: A.
facilitate acute hemodialysis. The client’s spouse The physician should be informed
Answer: B.
presents the nurse with an advance directive that immediately if orders conflict with the
It is the nurse’s responsibility to know the gives instructions that no hemodialysis treatment be client’s wishes for treatment. A copy of
client’s code status and the treatment provided if the client becomes incapacitated and
unable to make informed health care decisions. What
the advance directive should always be
wishes of the client when a DNR order is in
is the appropriate immediate action for the nurse to placed in the client’s medical record.
effect. The nurse must communicate this take at this time? Obtaining consent from the client’s
information to the other health care
spouse for insertion of a hemodialysis line
providers. A DNR order indicates that a A. Inform the physician immediately of the advance
directive and the client’s wishes regarding no and acute hemodialysis is incorrect
client does not want treatment in the
hemodialysis treatment. Place a copy of the because these orders conflict with the
event of respiratory or cardiac arrest. advance directive in the client’s medical record. client’s treatment wishes. Providing
Providing treatment to a client who desires B. Obtain consent from the client’s spouse for treatment to a client against the client’s
no treatment is considered battery. The placement of the hemodialysis line and for acute
hemodialysis. documented wishes is considered battery.
nurse and health care personnel providing
C. Inform the physician immediately of the advance The advance directive is a legally binding
treatment without the client’s consent are directive and the client’s wishes regarding no document outlining the client’s wishes for
liable for the treatment provided. hemodialysis treatment.
treatment should the client become
D. D. Tell the client’s spouse to speak with the
physician in order to make an informed decision
incapacitated and unable to make
on whether or not to proceed with hemodialysis. informed health care decisions.

6. A nurse is taking a client’s medical history in

5. A client presents a Durable Power of the emergency room. The nurse asks if the
client has an advance directive. The client
Attorney for Health Care designating the responds by saying,” I have heard of advance
client’s niece as the person to make health Answer: B. directives, but I do not have one. What is an
care decisions for the client should the A Durable Power of Attorney for Health advance directive?” What is the nurse’s best
client become incapacitated and unable to Care is an advance directive prepared by a response to the client’s question?
make informed health care decisions. The competent individual designating a proxy, A. An advance directive is a document that
Durable Power of Attorney identifies the or surrogate decision-maker should the specifies your wishes regarding your personal
niece as the: client become incapacitated. This effects and finances should you become
unable to make decisions.
document does not address a client’s legal B. An advance directive is a document that
A. Legal next of kin. next of kin and identifies a surrogate specifies your wishes regarding health care
B. Health care proxy or surrogate decision- decision-maker for health care issues only. and your finances should you become
maker for health care issues only. Designating a health care proxy or incapacitated.
C. Health care proxy or surrogate decision- surrogate decision-maker does not make C. An advance directive is a document similar to
maker for health care and financial the surrogate responsible for the client’s a will, and specifies your wishes for burial
should you die during hospitalization.
issues. health care costs.
D. An advance directive is a form of a living will.
D. Person responsible for the client’s
It specifies your wishes regarding health care
hospital bill. and treatment options should you become
Answer: A & B.
Answer: D. Both the Durable Power of Attorney for Health
Care and Living Will are examples of advance
An advance directive is a legal document
directives. Advance directives are documents
prepared by a competent individual that
7. Which documents are correctly prepared by a competent individual that
specifies what treatments, if any, the client specify the client’s wishes regarding health
desires should the client become identified as advance directives? care treatments, resuscitation and life support
incapacitated or unable to make informed Select all that apply. measures, end-of-life care, and other specific
health care decisions in the future. The wishes of the client should the client become
document includes wishes regarding A. Durable Power of Attorney for incapacitated in the future. The Durable
resuscitation measures, withdrawing Health Care. Power of Attorney for Health Care identifies a
treatment and life support, and end-of-life B. Living Will. health care proxy or surrogate decision-
care. An advance directive does not maker for the client should the client be
C. Last Will and Testament. unable to make informed health care
address client personal effects, finances, or
burial wishes. These might be included in a D. Client’s Bill of Rights.
decisions. A Last Will and Testament goes
into effect after the client is deceased. The
last will and testament, but are not part of client’s Bill of Rights outlines the rights of a
an advance directive. client receiving medical treatment and is not
an advance directive.

9. It is the nurse’s responsibility to act as

client advocate. What is the definition of
8. Which statements are true regarding client advocacy?
advance directives? Select all that apply. Answer: B, C, & D. A. Advocacy is to inform the client to
Advance directives are legally accept medical treatments that conflict
A. Advance directives are used as binding documents, which should be with the client’s beliefs or health care
guidelines for client treatment should wishes because the health care team
placed in the client’s medical record. knows what is best for the client.
the client’s family deem them
The document is prepared by the B. Advocacy is the act of arguing or
client detailing wishes for treatment negotiating on behalf of a particular
B. Advance directives are legally binding
documents. should the client become unable to issue, idea, or person.
make informed health care C. Advocacy is providing assurance to the
C. Advance directives should be placed client that a surgical procedure will be
in the client’s medical record. decisions. The family’s wishes for successful and will achieve the desired
D. Advance directives specify a client’s treatment of the client do not take outcome.
wishes for health care treatment the place of or negate the client’s D. Advocacy is informing the client that the
should the client become advance directive. client does not have the right to refuse
incapacitated. medical treatment in certain
circumstances where doing so is
detrimental to the client’s health.
Answer: B.
Advocacy is the act of arguing or 10.An intubated client admitted to the
negotiating on behalf of a particular intensive care unit appears anxious and
fearful of the equipment in the room. The Answer: A.
issue, idea, or person. The nurse plays
an important role as the client’s
nurse observes this and takes the time to The nurse acts as a client advocate
explain each piece of equipment and its by providing information to the
advocate. Informing a client that they
role in providing care to the client. This is
client to alleviate fear of the
should accept treatment conflicting with
an example of the nurse acting as a client
the client’s beliefs or health care wishes advocate by:
unfamiliar equipment and to foster
demonstrates lack of advocacy. a sense of security. This question
Assurance about the outcome of a A. Providing information to the client and addressing client advocacy is not
pending surgical procedure makes a false fostering a sense of security. related to client privacy, safety, or
claim to the client; the outcome is not B. Promoting client privacy. the client’s health care treatment
guaranteed. Clients have the right to C. Assuring client safety.
refuse proposed medical treatment, and
D. Ensuring the client’s wishes for
to be informed of the medical treatment are followed.
consequences of their decisions.

11.The nurse sees that the new medication

noted in a recent medication order is on 12. An elderly client from a long-term care
the client’s list of allergies. In the role of facility arrives in the emergency department
patient advocate, what actions should the by ambulance with altered level of
nurse take to ensure client safety? Select
Answer: B, C, & D. consciousness. The physician instructs the
Administration of a medication that the respiratory therapist to prepare for
all that apply.
client is allergic to could result in harm to intubation. The nurse discovers a Do Not
the client. The physician should be notified Resuscitate (DNR) bracelet on the client’s
A. Document the medication with times
immediately of a medication order that wrist during the initial assessment. Which
and doses to be given, then administer
conflicts with the client’s list of medication immediate action should the nurse take to
the medication as ordered.
allergies. The medication should be appropriately advocate for this client?
B. Notify the physician immediately that
discontinued on the medication
the medication ordered is on the client’s A. Assist the respiratory therapist to prepare
administration record, and the client’s
list of medication allergies. the client for immediate intubation.
allergy band checked against the list of
C. C. Discontinue the medication on the B. Attempt to contact the client’s family.
allergies documented in the medication
client’s medication administration C. Notify the physician immediately of the
record for accuracy client’s DNR bracelet.
D. Check the client’s allergy band against D. Notify the dietician immediately of the
the list of client allergies documented in client’s DNR bracelet.
the medical record.
Answer: C. 13. The client’s physician orders a blood
The nurse should immediately notify the transfusion for a client whose hemoglobin level is
physician upon discovering the client’s 5.0 mg/dL. The nurse informs the client that Answer: B.
DNR bracelet. The DNR bracelet is an blood will be drawn for a type and cross-match The nurse as client advocate supports the
indicator that the client or their health care prior to the blood transfusion. The client avoids client’s beliefs and treatment wishes.
surrogate decision maker desire the eye contact with the nurse, then states,” I am a Reaffirming that the client’s beliefs and
Jehovah’s Witness. I thought that was on my
client’s wishes be known regarding health chart.” The nurse demonstrates the role of client
treatment wishes are important to the
care treatment and resuscitation. Ignoring advocate by which response to the client? health care team promotes a sense of
the DNR bracelet and assisting the A. Your hemoglobin is very low. I can notify security and respect for the individual.
respiratory therapist to prepare for your physician to discuss with you how The information that the client is
immediate intubation is incorrect because important it is for you to receive the blood. Jehovah’s Witness who refuses blood
the client has a DNR notification on their B. I will place that information in your medical products should be placed prominently in
person and should not be intubated. record. You have the right to refuse the medical record per the facility’s policy
treatment which conflicts with your beliefs.
Reaching the client’s family allows the Would you like to speak with your physician
to avoid further confusion. Providing
family to be with the client and to provide about other treatment options? reasonable health care treatment choices
additional health history, but this should C. Your physician ordered this blood transfusion that do not conflict with the client’s beliefs
be done after notifying the physician. because your hemoglobin is low. You should is the responsibility of the
Notifying the dietician of the client’s DNR do as your physician recommends. multidisciplinary health care team.
bracelet is not appropriate and delays D. Why do Jehovah’s Witnesses choose not to
receive blood transfusions?
addressing the immediate problem.
15.A client is scheduled for open heart surgery. The
Answer: A, B, & C. nurse enters the client’s room to perform preoperative
teaching and finds the client crying. The client states,” I
The role of client advocate is a nurse’s
14. The nurse has a duty to act as responsibility. Failure to act as a client
really do not want to go through open heartsurgery.I
have told my children this,but they still want me to go
client advocate. Failure to do so advocate could result in a range of through with the surgery. I don’t know what to do.
”What is the best response for the nurse as client
could result in possible (select all complications for the client, including life- advocate?
that apply): threatening or life ending complications.
Failure to act as client advocate exposes A. Your children are correct. The open heart surgery is
the best thing for your health.
A. Life-threatening complications for the nurse to liability, potential legal action B. From what you are telling me, you have some
against the nurse and/or health care genuine concerns about the open heart surgery, and
the client. facility, and potential suspension or loss of you feel as if your children are not addressing your
B. Legal action against the nurse license to practice nursing. Practicing
concerns. You and your family will need to resolve
this before you go to surgery.
and/or health care facility. medicine outside the scope of nursing C. I can contact your physician so that you can discuss
C. Suspension of license or loss of could also result in potentially life- your concerns regarding open heart surgery.
D. From what you are telling me, you have some
license to practice nursing. threatening complications for the client, genuine concerns about the open heart surgery, and
D. Suspension of license or loss of legal action against the nurse and/or you feel as if your children are not addressing your
health care facility, and potential concerns. It is important to me and to the health
license to practice medicine. suspension or loss of license to practice
care team that we follow your wishes regarding
surgery and treatment. Would you feel comfortable
nursing. telling me more about your concerns and your
children’s attitudes toward the surgery?
Answer: D.
The nurse has a duty to advocate for the client if 16.A client seen in the emergency department
there is a discrepancy between the care or for a femur fracture is receiving discharge
proposed care and the client’s wishes regarding instructions for cast care, use of crutches, and Answer: B & C.
treatment. It is important to acknowledge the
follow-up care. The client complains of chest The nurse failed to act as a client
client’s feelings, and to demonstrate compassion
heaviness to the nurse. The nurse assures the advocate by neglecting to take
and a willingness to understand. This presents an
opportunity for additional communication to help client that the chest heaviness is probably appropriate action regarding the client’s
answer some of the client’s questions, or set up a caused by sore chest muscles from using the symptoms, neglecting to document the
client-family conference with the client, the client’s crutches, and instructs the client to sign the symptoms, and failing to report the
family, and the physician. When the nurse agrees discharge instructions. The nurse neglects to
client’s complaints of chest heaviness to
with the client’s children, the nurse ignores the document the complaints of chest heaviness
client’s feelings and does not address the issue of nor does the nurse notify the physician. The
the physician for further evaluation. The
the client’s treatment wishes. When the nurse nurse failed to implement which measure to client’s privacy is not an issue in this
restates the client’s comment without investigating intervene on the client’s behalf? Select all that question. Diagnosing the cause of the
the client’s concerns, the issue goes unresolved. chest heaviness is not in the nurse’s
Offering only to contact the physician is an
scope of practice, but notifying the
incomplete solution and hints of the nurse not
taking responsibility to investigate the client’s A. Failure to preserve client privacy. physician of the client’s complaints and
concerns. The client may be uncomfortable B. Failure to act as a client advocate. symptoms is the nurse’s responsibility.
addressing concerns with the physician before C. Failure to take appropriate action.
resolving the issue of treatment wishes with family D. Failure to appropriately diagnose.
17. The nurse knows that case management
Answer: D.
A. The process of managing the outcomes of Case management is the process of
18. The nurse case manager knows case
client care by quality improvement overseeing and organizing client care in
measures and involvement of the management is an example of which
collaboration with the client’s primary care
interdisciplinary team. client care model?
physician or health care provider,
B. The process of client assessment and direct consulting physicians, and ancillary care
client care by the primary nurse, utilizing A. The outcomes evaluation model of
providers. The process of managing client
the nursing process and nursing diagnoses care.
care outcomes by quality improvement
to guide delivery of care. B. The protocol management model of
C. The process used by the health care measures is a description of outcomes
facility’s legal or risk management management. Client assessment and direct
C. The interdisciplinary care management
department to evaluate legal claims filed client care by the primary nurse is a
against the facility or employees of the description of bedside primary nursing.
D. The risk assessment care
facility The process used to evaluate legal claims
management model.
D. The process of overseeing and organizing against the facility or its employees is a
client care in collaboration with the client’s description of risk management.
primary health care provider and consulting
Answer: C.
Case management is an example of the 19. The case management nurse Answer: A, B, & C.
interdisciplinary care management model. focuses on overseeing and organizing The primary goals of the case
Case management is the process of client care. Goals of the case management model of interdisciplinary
overseeing and organizing client care in management model of client care client care are to provide high-quality,
collaboration with the client’s primary care include (select all that apply): appropriate, and cost-effective care to
physician or health care provider, each client in a timely manner.
consulting physicians, and ancillary care
A. Providing cost-effective care to the Providing health care services to the
providers. The outcomes evaluation model
client. client at no cost is not a case
of care, the protocol management model
of care, and the risk assessment care B. Providing appropriate care to the management function. The
management model are fictitious client client in a timely manner. constitution guarantees every citizen
care models. Outcomes evaluation and risk C. Providing high-quality care to the equal access to health care services; it
management are two separate methods of client. does not guarantee free health care,
evaluating and ensuring safe delivery of D. Providing health care services to although this is a common
client care, but are not care management the client at no cost. misunderstanding.

21.The role of a case manager in client care

is multifaceted and includes coordination of
20. The nurse knows that the case Answer: A. care among all health care personnel
management model of client care is: Case management is implemented involved in the care of a client during an
throughout a client’s entire hospital stay or episode of illness, from admission to
episode of illness, and focuses on the recovery. Responsibilities of the case
A. Implemented throughout a client’s manager include (select all that apply):
entire hospital stay or episode of collaboration of all health care personnel
illness. involved in the care of the client. Case
A. Facilitating referrals for client care to
management implemented only during a
B. Implemented only during a client’s members of the multidisciplinary health
client’s acute phase of illness and only if a
acute phase of illness. client is unable to recover from an episode
care team.
C. Implemented if a client is unable to B. Supervising the client’s discharge
of illness in a timely manner are both planning process.
recover from an episode of illness incorrect because case management is an C. Providing direct nursing care to the
within the expected time frame of ongoing process from a client’s admission client by the case management team
the client’s specific disease process. throughout the entire episode of illness D. Providing the client and the client’s
D. Focused on the cost of care and into recovery. Cost-effective care is family and caregivers with the
delivered to a client. only one goal of case management. appropriate information and resources
to meet the client’s needs after
discharge from the health care facility.
22.A client’s primary physician writes an order to
Answer: A, B, & D. prepare the client for discharge from the hospital Answer: B.
the next day. The client expresses concern to the The client’s case manager should be
Case management roles include nurse about the ability to provide self-care and contacted regarding the order for pending
facilitating referrals to members of the perform daily activities of living after arriving home
discharge from the health care facility. The
multidisciplinary health care team, from the hospital. Which member of the health care
case manager coordinates care and provides
team should the nurse contact to provide
supervising the discharge planning information and assist the client with resources for the client with information and resources for
process, and providing information and an effective discharge plan? an individualized discharge plan. The primary
resources to the client and the client’s A. The client’s primary care physician, who will care physician does not assume the case
coordinate care and resources for an effective management role in the acute care facility
family and caregivers to meet the
discharge plan individualized to the client’s setting, and generally does not coordinate the
client’s needs after discharge from the needs. discharge planning process. The physical and
health care facility. Direct nursing care B. The client’s case manager, who will coordinate occupational therapists are members of the
to the client by the case management care and provide information and resources for multidisciplinary team, but do not coordinate
an effective discharge plan individualized to the
team is incorrect because case discharge planning. They might assist in
client’s needs.
managers play a coordination role in C. The client’s physical therapist, who will instruct
evaluation of the client as part of the
discharge plan, but they are not responsible
client care, but generally do not engage the client to safely navigate the home
for case management and coordination of
environment after discharge.
in direct hands-on, day-to-day care of D. The client’s occupational therapist, who will overall client care for discharge from the
the client. evaluate the client’s ability to perform selfcare facility.
and activities of daily living.

24.Case managers use clinical pathways in

the process of evaluating and coordinating
client care with the multidisciplinary team. A
clinical pathway is:
23.The responsibilities of a case A. A decision-making flowchart that uses the
Answer: A, B, & D.
manager are often performed by a “if, then” method to address client
nurse. A case manager may also be A client’s case manager can be a responses to treatment.
a(n) (select all that apply): nurse, allied health care B. A set of practice guidelines developed by
a professional medical organization such
professional, social worker, or the as the American Nurses Association or the
A. Allied health care provider. client’s primary care provider. The American College of Surgeons.
B. Social worker or patient-family primary care physician generally C. A standardized set of preprinted physician
services care provider. orders for client care, which expedite the
does not assume the role of the order process and can be customized to
C. Primary care physician.
D. Primary care provider. client’s case manager. individual clients.
D. A set of practice guidelines based on a
specific client diagnosis, which provides
an overview of the multidisciplinary plan
of care.
25.The nurse performs an admission assessment on a
client who is directly admitted to the hospital from the
Answer: D. physician’s office. The client is worried and distracted,
Answer: A.
A clinical pathway is a set of and explains to the nurse that because of the direct
admission from the physician’s office there was no The case manager should be involved in
multidisciplinary client care guidelines preparation to be away from home. The client is coordinating the client’s care from the date of
for a specific diagnosis or condition. It concerned about the length of stay, pets that need care, admission in order to help the client navigate
can be used to guide the plan of care and bills that require payment. Which response from the unexpected situations like a last-minute
nurse would be most helpful to this client?
and to identify deviations from the plan A. An unexpected hospital admission can be very stressful. hospital admission. The ability to make
of care. A decision-making flowchart I will notify the case manager who specializes in helping telephone calls to notify family and friends
clients with situations like yours. There is a telephone will help to decrease the client’s sudden sense
that uses the “if, then” method is the here beside your bed so that you can contact your
of isolation from normal daily life, loss of
family and friends. Is there anything that I can do for
definition of an algorithm. A set of you right now to help you? control, and anxiety. Although sleeping
practice guidelines developed by B. I know how you feel. I will be sure to tell your night medication may be warranted for this client,
nurse in shift report that you will probably need
professional medical organizations is something to help you sleep tonight.
the nurse neglects to offer a viable solution to
the definition of a practice guideline. A C. An unexpected hospital admission can be very stressful. the client’s problem. Calling the physician is
Is there anyone who I can call for you? You also have a inappropriate, as the client requires
standardized set of preprinted telephone here at your bedside so that you can contact hospitalization due to the swift nature of the
physician orders is the definition of a your family and friends.
A. D. I can call your physician for you and ask if you could
physician preprinted order set. go home today, then schedule another date for your
hospital admission.

27.A client asks to view the client’s

medical records. Which response made by
26.Two health care personnel are the nurse is most appropriate?
talking about a client by name in the
facility elevator. The conversation is A. You will need to retain an attorney, and
overheard by visitors in the same Answer: B. then have the attorney contact the
elevator. Which client right is violated? Health care information is privileged. medical records department in order to
The conversation between the health view your medical records.
B. You may only view your medical
A. The client’s right to review their care personnel in the elevator
records after you have been discharged
medical records. violates the client’s right to privacy from the health care facility.
B. The client’s right to privacy. and could subject the personnel to C. You have the right to view the medical
C. The client’s right to have an liability. records that pertain to your care, and
advance directive. to have those records explained or
D. The client’s right to refuse interpreted for you if necessary.
treatment. D. D. Why do you want to view your
medical records? Are you planning to
file a lawsuit?
28.A client’s surgeon discusses the option of
surgery and related benefits and risks with the
Answer: C. client and the client’s family. Which statement
by the client demonstrates the client
According to the Patient’s Bill of Rights, the
understands the right to make decisions
client has the right to view medical records regarding treatment and the proposed plan of
pertaining to the client’s care and to have care?
those records explained if necessary. The A. The surgeon says that I need this
client does not need to retain an attorney operation, so I guess I had better go ahead
in order to view the medical records unless and have it.
there is some circumstance where viewing B. B.I am not so sure that I want to have
the records is prohibited by law. The client major surgery, but my family will not even
does not need to wait until after discharge talk about other options.
from the facility to view the medical C. I am afraid to tell my surgeon about my
hesitation to have this operation. The
records. Challenging the client’s desire to
surgeon will think I am being foolish, so I
view the medical records is an
didn’t mention it.
argumentative, antagonistic, and D. The surgeon explained the risks and
unprofessional response from the nurse. benefits of the operation to me, but the
decision to have the surgery or to explore
other treatment options is mine.

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