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Jesus fulfill the
prophecy from Summarize the Savior’s message in
Nazareth that day? Focus
Isaiah that He
on verse 18 and verse 21.) Jesus as Messiah:
quoted from Matt.
 What do you think is the Isaiah 53:5
significance of the phrases “he hath
Matthew 16:15-16
anointed me” and “this day is this
Acts 5:42
scripture fulfilled in your ears”?
Rev. 20:6
(that Messiah and Christ both
Acts 26:22-23
mean “the Anointed One,”  read Acts 5:42
the entry for “Messiah” in the Guide
to the Scriptures
 How did Jesus fulfill the
prophecy from Isaiah that He quoted
from (see verses 18–19)?
Matthew 21:1–11
Jesus Christ came as the Messiah

What is the significance to you personally

Jesus’s coming as a Messiah?

Write in your journal your reflections.

Submit it to your team leader.

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