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“Bits and Pieces of Info to Make Life on the Ranch Easier to Manage”

What’s Happening Around Town Answers to Questions on the Ranch

Lamentations 3:22-23 says, “Because of the

Lord’s great mercies, we are not consumed. For
His compassions fail not. They are new every A: I spoke with the activity director, Deb, at
morning. Great is thy faithfulness!” This week SunnyView yesterday, and she said they are
has been a tremendous reminder of God’s ten- looking forward to our visit on Monday, Febru-
der mercies! Though we are working on getting ary 7th at 10:00 a.m. We are going to share
back into the swing of things, I am thankful for some Valentine songs and verses we’ve been
the opportunity to be back with ALL 15 stu- learning, but then, we are also going to get to
dents here at the end of the week! decorate cookies with the residents! Diane
We are excited about the month of February said the nursing home will provide heart-
and the variety of new activities it will bring for shaped sugar cookies as well as plates and nap-
us! I have finally solidified our new reading kins, but she asked if we would be willing to
groups and am happy to report we are getting provide frosting and sprinkles. If you would be
close to having all the students in each reading interested in providing some frosting or sprin-
group caught up after so many absences due to kles, could you please contact me? Also, I am
illness! The students are working very diligently still in need of several drivers to help transport
on forming numbers in math, identifying number kids and would love to hear from you if you
families, and solving addition problems in fact would be willing to help! I am THRILLED
families one through five. We have also learned about our opportunity to serve again at
to tell time to the half hour this week as well! SunnyView and trust God will work through us
As the month of February begins, we will focus to bless the residents and staff at the care
on Peru as we continue our countries study and center! Thanks for your help!
will also move forward in our transportation unit
in Science. There is so much to learn!
During the month of February, we will partici-
pate in our school-wide penny drive, which is an A: Yes, we will do a Valentine exchange on Mon-
opportunity to give so other children can come day, February 14th, in the afternoon. If you
and be a part of our ACA family! Please dig out would like your son or daughter to have prac-
your spare pennies and loose change and send tice writing “to” and “from” as well as students’
the coins to school! We would love to have your names, I have included a list of our 15 friends!
help! In closing, please take a few minutes to -Tucker, Hannah, Noah, Marcos, Verity, Ley-
read all the information in your child’s HORSE ton, Zjahna, Brady, Carson, Nathaniel, Curtis,
folder today! There is lots of important stuff! Amari, Isabel, Cassie, and Delainey
Spotlighting Students and Volunteers A Bible Course Map for the Upcoming Week

The Rojas Family was ever SO generous in Monday: (Matthew 4:1-11; Luke 4:1-13 - The
providing snacks this week! There were so Temptation of Jesus) Satan tempted Jesus in
many healthy snacks and a wide variety of op- three ways: to satisfy His need of food Himself
tions to meet different needs! We greatly ap- by turning stones into bread, to take a shortcut
preciate their willingness to provide snacks! to get all the world’s kingdoms without going to
I wish to extend a heartfelt thanks for the Cross, and to test God the Father’s faithful-
your prayers, encouragement, and support in ness by being foolish. Jesus did not sin in any
my illness this week! I praise God that there is way and proved He is God. We, too, can say no
nothing seriously wrong with my heart, and I to temptation by knowing and quoting Scripture!
am thankful for the kind words of concern so Tuesday: Review
many of you offered! Thank you for your will- Wednesday: Chapel review and extension.
ingness to help in any way! I greatly appreciate Thursday: (John 1:35-51 - The First Disciples) Dis-
you! ciples are learners, and Jesus, the Master Teach-
er, selected twelve special men to work for Him
and live a life of service unto Him. Andrew,
John, Simon, Philip, and Nathanael were the
first five men to be called by Jesus. They spent
the rest of their lives teaching other people
about Jesus and encouraging others to become
followers of Him! Likewise, we can spend our
lives doing the same.
Friday: Review of previous lesson.

Psalm 52:8b
“I trust in the mercy of God for ever and ever...”

Quick Glimpse Calendar

Monday, Jan. 31 - Friday, Feb. 1 - Bible verse L

Wednesday, Feb. 2 - Chapel; Field trip permission slip due
Friday, Feb. 4 - Quiz over Bible verse L;
Monday, Feb. 7 - Friday, Feb. 11 - ITBS testing
Monday, Feb. 7 - Field Trip to SunnyView Care Center - 9:45 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.

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