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Computers Today Subscription

What you will do: enter text and format it

insert an image from a file and resize it
prepare for print & print

Start with: a blank Word document

a. Type in all the words and blank lines as shown in the (white) picture above. (To see the symbols in each

paragraph, click the symbol) Type in the words and blank lines as shown above.

b. Format Line 1 with Font = Britannic Bold; Size = 36; Color = White. Center. (It disappears! Don't worry. It's
not really gone. You'll find it again in a few steps.)

c. Line 2 - Font = Britannic Bold; Size = 20; Font Style = Bold Italic, Color = White. Center

d. Line 7 – Font = Times New Roman; Size = 16; Bold

e. Lines 8 - 11 - Font = Times New Roman; Size = 14; Bold

f. Line 14 - Font= Georgia; Size = 16; Bold; Center

g. Lines 16 - Font= Georgia Size= 22; Bold; Center

h. Lines 18,19, & 20 –Font = Georgia; Size = 12; Bold;Center

i. Select lines 1 & 2 and apply a shading of Purple.

j. Make lines 8 - 11 a bulleted list using the Bullets button.

k. Indent the list twice with the Indent button.

l. Insert an image on line 4. (Use Insert | Picture | ) Center the image. (You can download any picture online to
use or you can use the Insert | Clipart option and search “computer”)

m. Create a header (Use Insert | Header |) with your name, tab, type the date, tab, type “Word Exercise 2”.

n. Spell check. Note that the names of places, people and things (Corrientes, Buenos Aires, WinXP) aren't in the
dictionary. So look at the spelling very carefully. Do not add these names to the dictionary. (Use Review | Spelling
and Grammar | ) and Ignore Once/Ignore All (for green/blue wavy lines), select Correct Spelling and Change (for
red wavy lines)
o. Make any necessary changes to keep the document as 1 page. You may need to resize the image smaller.

p. Save as “Computers Today.doc” in your computer and send it via attachment.

q. See the picture below as your reference.

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