Yad Atra Skhalita Kiñcid - Krama Sandarbha Introduction, Jiva Goswami

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yad atra skhalitaṁ kiñcid                 vidvāṁsaḥ pūrayantu tat

yad atra sauṣṭhavaṁ kiñcid                         tad guror eva me na hi

yad — that which; atra — here; skhalitaṁ — is faulty; kiñcid — whatever; vidvāṁsaḥ — the learned
souls; pūrayantu — may kindly correct; tat — that; yad — that which; atra — here; sauṣṭhavam — is
beautifully done; kiñcid — whatever; tad — that; guror — belongs to my guru; eva — certainly; me —
mine; na — it is not; hi — certainly
“Whatever errors are present in this commentary, may the learned souls correct it; and whatever good is
found here, it is due to my guru, not me.” (Krama Sandarbha introduction, Jiva Goswami)

Read more https://www.thespiritualscientist.com/2017/08/gratitude-originality-spiritual-creativity/

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