Kelompok 1 Bahasa Inggris

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Pengertian Asking and Offering Help
Apa yang dimaksud dengan Asking and Offering Help?

 Asking Help adalah ungkapan dalam Bahasa Inggris yang digunakan untuk meminta

bantuan kepada orang lain.
 Offering Help adalah ungkapan yang digunakan untuk menawarkan bantuan kepada
orang lain dengan menggunakan kalimat Bahasa Inggris.

Penggunaan Asking and Offering Help

Jadi kapan kita akan mengunakan Asking and Offering Help dalam kehidupan sehari-hari?

Berdasarkan pengertian di atas tentang Asking and Offering Help, maka dapat disimpulkan

kapan kita harus menggunakan ungkapan ini. Jawabnya adalah ketika kita ingin meminta bantuan
kepada orang lain dan ketika kita ingin menawarkan bantuan kepada orang lain.
Penggunaan Ungkapan Asking and Offering Help dalam situasi Formal dan Informal

Asking help Formal

 Could you possibly help me?

 Could I possibly ask you to help me?
 Would you be willing to help me?
 Could you do me a favour, please?
 Could you help me for a second?
 I wonder if you could help me with this?
 I could do with some help, please.
 Could you spare a moment?
 I need some help, please.
 Could you give me a hand?
 Would you mind helping me out?
 Could you help me, please?
 I need some assistance, please.
 Would you help me?

Asking help Informal

 Can you help me, please?

 I can’t manage. Can you help?
 Give me a hand with this, will you?
 Lend me a hand with this, will you?
 Let me give you my hand.
 Can you give me a hand with this?
 Can I ask a favour?
 Can you help me?
 Help me, please.
 I really need you to help
 Do me a favour, please

Offering help Formal

 Would you like some help?

 May I help you?
 May I offer my assistance?
 Could I help you?
 What can I do for you?
 What shall I do for you?
 I’ll be glad to help?

Offering help Informal

 Can I help you?

 Need any help?
 Do you need a hand?
 Can I give you a hand?
 Do you need any help?
 Can I do anything to help?
 Do you need any help?

Giving help Formal

 I’d like to help you.

 I’d be happy to help you.
 Sure. what can I do for you?
 Sure. I would be glad to help you

Giving help Informal

 I will do it for you.

 Let me help you.
 Yes, I can help you
 Yes, no problem.
 Yes. How can I help you?

Jenis Ungkapan Asking and Offering Help

1. Menggunakan modal Can

Asking for Help

 Can you help me?

Dapatkah kamu membantu saya?
 Can I use your dictionary?
Dapatkah saya menggunakan kamus kamu?
 Can I borrow your ruler?
Dapatkah saya meminjam penggaris kamu?
 Can you open the window?
Dapatkah kamu membuka jendela itu?
 Can you take a book for me?
Dapatkah kamu mengambilkanku sebuah buku untukku?

Offering Help

 Can I do for you?

Dapatkah saya melakukan sesuatu untukmu?
 Can I help you?
Dapatkah saya membantu kamu?
 Can I get you something to drink?
Dapatkah saya mengambilkanmu sesuatu untuk diminum?
 What can I do for you?
Apa yang bisa saya lakukan untuk Anda?
 How can I do for you?
Bagaimana saya bisa membantu Anda?

Penggunaan W/H Question dapat diikutsertakan untuk membuat ungkapan Offering Help

2. Menggunakan modal May

Asking for Help

 May I ask something for you?

Bolehkah saya bertanya sesuatu kepadamu? 
 May I go home early?
Bolehkah saya pulang lebih awal?
 May I borrow your bicycle?
Bolehkah saya meminjam sepeda kamu?
 May I go to the movie?
Bolehkah saya pergi ke bioskop?
 May I call you?
Boleh aku menelponmu?

Offering Help

 May I help you?

Bolehkah saya membantu kamu?
 How may I help you?
Apa yang bisa saya bantu?

3. Menggunakan Would/ Could

Asking for Help

 Could you help me?

Dapatkah kamu memnatuku?
 Could you show the best way?
Dapatkah kamu menunjukkan jalan terbaik untukku?
 Would you mind bring my bag?
Keberatankah kamu membawakan tas saya?
 Would you mind help my home work?
Keberatankah kamu untuk membantu pekerjaan rumah saya?

4. Menggunakan Let
Offering Help

 Let me help you?

Biar aku bantu?
 Let me open the door?
 Biar aku yang buka pintu?

Responses/ Tanggapan

Accepting/ Menerima (Asking for help)

A: Would you like to open the door, please?
B: Certainly.
 Ok
 Sure
 Certainly
 No problem
 My pleasure
 It’s not a big deal
 Absolutely

Accepting/ Menerima (Offering help)

A: Can I help you?
B: Yes, please.

 Yes, please
 Ok
 Certainly
 Thanks
 Thank you
 How kind of you! Thank you very much.
 That’s very good of you!
 That’s terribly kind, Thank you very much.
 Yes, please do.
 What a good idea!
 Yes, please.
 Thanks. That would be excellent.
 Yes.

Declining/ Menolak (Asking for help)

A: Can you help me to give this present for, James?
B: I’m afraid I can’t do it.

 Absolutely not
 Sorry, I can’t
 Sorry, I’m busy
 I’m afraid I can’t do it
 I am sorry, I can’t help you now
 Sorry, I am busy right now
 I wish I could help you but I have to do some important tasks.
Declining/ Menolak (Offering help)
A: Can I help you with those boxes?
B: No, Thanks. I can do it by my self.

 No, Thanks
 No, Thank you
 No, you don’t need to.
 Don’t bother yourself, thanks.
 No, thank you.
 That’s very kind, but I can manage myself.
 That’s very kind of you, but I don’t think it’s necessary.Read More

Dialog Asking and Offering Help

Dialog Bahasa Inggris 2 Orang tentang Asking and Offering Help
Situation: Mrs Laura will prepare for dinner in the kitchen and her son “Jimmy” will help her to
do something. Let’s find out!
Situasi: Nyonya Laura akan menyiapkan makan malam di dapur dan putranya “Jimmy” akan
membantunya melakukan sesuatu. Ayo cari tahu!

Jimmy: Hi mom…
Jimmy: Hai bu …

Mrs Laura: Hi, sweety… have you finished your school homework?
Nyonya Laura: Hai, Sayang … sudah selesaikah PR sekolahmu?

Jimmy: Yes, mom. I’ve already done it.

Jimmy: Ya, ibu. Saya sudah melakukannya.

Mrs Laura: Good boy… There is your milk in the refrigerator.

Nyonya Laura: Anak baik … Ada susu kamu di lemari es.

Jimmy: Okay, mom. I’ll take it. Mom…??

Jimmy: Oke, bu. Aku akan mengambilnya. Bu … ??

Mrs Laura: Yes, sweety. What’s going on?

Nyonya Laura: Ya, sayang. Apa yang sedang terjadi?

Jimmy: What will you cook for our dinner?

Jimmy: Apa yang akan ibu masak untuk makan malam kita?

Mrs Laura: I’ll cook your favourite food and some vegetables.
Nyonya Laura: Ibu akan memasak makanan favorit mu dan beberapa sayuran.

Jimmy: Do you need chilli and pepper?

Jimmy: Apakah ibu perlu cabai dan lada?

Mrs Laura: Yes, of course. Thank you.

Nyonya Laura: Ya, tentu saja. Terimakasih.
Jimmy: Let me take them for you.
Jimmy: Biarkan saya mengambilnya untuk mu.

Mrs Laura: Thanks, but pepper is here. Just give me chilli, please.

Nyonya Laura: Terima kasih, tetapi lada ada di sini. Tolong beri saya cabai.

Jimmy: Okay. Here it is. Anything else, mom?

Jimmy: Oke. Ini dia. Ada lagi, bu?

Mrs Laura: Can you help me to take some eggs? 

Nyonya Laura: Bisakah kamu membantu ibu mengambil telur?

Jimmy: That’s no problem. How many eggs do you need, mom?

Jimmy: Itu tidak masalah. Berapa banyak telur yang kamu butuhkan, bu?

Mrs Laura: Two eggs, please. They are in the cabinet.

Nyonya Laura: Tolong, dua telur. Mereka ada di kabinet.

Jimmy: I see. Here you are.

Jimmy: Begitu. Ini dia.

Mrs Laura: Thank you, sweety.

Nyonya Laura: Terima kasih, Sayang.

Jimmy: You are welcome, mom. Anything else?

Jimmy: Sama-sama, ibu. Ada yang lain?

Mrs Laura: Wait a minute. Can you come here?

Nyonya Laura: Tunggu sebentar. Bisakah kamu datang kesini?

Jimmy: Yes, mom.
Jimmy: Ya, ibu.

Mrs Laura: Please make up these vegetables.

Nyonya Laura: Tolong susun sayuran ini.

Jimmy: I like it. Someday I wanna be a chef like you do.

Jimmy: Aku suka itu. Suatu hari aku ingin menjadi koki seperti ibu.

Read More
Notice adalah – Pengertian, Tujuan, Contoh, dan Latihan Soal
Mrs Laura: That’s a good idea. But, how about your father’s idea, because he wants you to be an
Nyonya Laura: Itu ide yang bagus. Tapi, bagaimana dengan ide ayahmu, karena dia ingin kamu
menjadi tentara.

Jimmy: I can be an army, but not on the battlefield.

Jimmy: Aku bisa menjadi tentara, tetapi tidak di medan perang.
Mrs Laura: What do you mean?
Nyonya Laura: Apa maksudmu?

Jimmy: I will join the forces but my position will be in the kitchen. I’ll cook for them.
Jimmy: Aku akan bergabung dengan pasukan tetapi posisi ku di dapur. Aku akan memasak untuk

Mrs Laura: Hahahaha… That’s so funny.

Nyonya Laura: Hahahaha … Lucu sekali.

Jimmy: It’s done for the vegetables.

Jimmy: Sudah selesai untuk sayurannya.

Mrs Laura: Wow…Nice.

Nyonya Laura: Wow … Bagus.

Jimmy: See… I’m able to be a chef someday.

Jimmy: Lihat … Aku bisa menjadi koki suatu hari nanti.

Mrs Laura: I’m sure about it, sweety.

Nyonya Laura: Ibu yakin, Sayang.

Jimmy: Let me clean the dining table, mom.

Jimmy: Biarkan aku membersihkan meja makan, ibu.

Mrs Laura: How kind of you. Thanks a lot.

Nyonya Laura: Anda baik sekali. Terima kasih banyak.

Jimmy: No problem mom.

Jimmy: Tidak masalah, ibu.

Mrs Laura: The doorbell is ringing. That must be your father. Please open the door.
Nyonya Laura: Bel pintu berdering. Itu pasti ayahmu. Tolong bukakan pintunya.

Jimmy: I’m on my way.
Jimmy: Aku sedang dalam perjalanan.

Pembahasan Materi

Offering Help

 Jimmy: Let me take them for you.

 Jimmy: Let me clean the dining table, mom.

Asking for Help

 Mrs Laura: … Just give me chilli, please.

 Mrs Laura: Can you help me to take some eggs?
 Mrs Laura: Please make up these vegetables.
 Mrs Laura: … Please open the door.
Accepting Offers

 Jimmy: Okay. Here it is.

 Jimmy: That’s no problem.
 Jimmy: I like it.
 Mrs Laura: How kind of you. Thanks a lot.
 Jimmy: I’m on my way.

Refusing Offers

 Mrs Laura: Thanks, but pepper is here.

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