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The simplest definition of midwifery is “with woman”, but truly, midwifery means different things to
different people. For many, the midwifery model is an attitude about woman and how pregnancy and
birth occur, and view that pregnancy and birth are normal events until proven otherwise. It is an attitude
of giving and sharing information, of empowerment, and of respecting the right of a woman and her
family to determine their own care.

The attitude of midwifery, or the midwifery model can be contrasted with the medical model. In general,
Medical Model is an attitude that there is potential pathology in any given situation, and that medicine
can assist to improve the situation. Medicine is also about teaching, informing, and prevention, but the
power seems to be more with the provider rather than with the woman.

Historically, midwifes have always been around to help woman give birth. Before physicians, midwifes
were the primary healers in their communities. They were the medicine women of their own cultures,
and assisted families and woman throughout their lives. In the old testament they were described as
examples of the strength and faith in God.

Midwifes were once the nutritionists, herbalists, doctors, ministers, counselors, all rolled in to one
‘profession. Many feel they were the first holistic practitioners. Midwifes were always available to help
the poor, the woman without medical care or the woman who were the outcasts of their culture.
Today, midwives take care of anyone who wishes to see them, but practice within the constraints of
their medical and legal systems.

Today midwives are as diverse as the populations they serve. Midwives are willing to take care of
anyone who wishes to see them. Over 70% of birth in the world are attended by midwives. In the
Netherlands, midwives deliver a majority of the babies. Other countries do not utilize midwives to their
fullest potential. Each country worldwide has a slightly different view of midwifery, and of how midwives
work within their communities. In, midwives will speak from these various
perspectives and cultures. Midwives are encouraged to share their statistics and work situations within
this newsgroup.

The World Health Organization (WHO) presents us with the following definition of the midwife:
A midwife is a person who having been regularly admitted to a midwifery educational program, duly
recognized in the country in which it is located, has successfully completed the pescribed course of
studies in midwifery and has acquired the requisite qualifications to be registered and/or legally licensed
to practice midwifery.

(WHO, FIGO, ICM statement)

Midwives teach, educate and empower woman to take control of their own health care. In most
communities, they provide prenatal care, or supervision of the pregnancy, and then assist the mother to
give birth. They manage the birth, and guard the woman and her newborn in the postpartum period.

Most midwives encourage and monitor women throughout their labor with techniques to improve the
labor and birth. Reassurance, positive imaging and suggestions to change position and walk helps labors
progress. Many midwives provide family planning services and routine women’s health examinations
such as pap smears and physical examinations.

They teach women about sexually transmitted infections, and focus on prevention of the spread of
infections. What specifically midwifes do will depend on: her training, her licensure, and what is allowed
in the state, province, or country in which she practices.

For example, in the united states some midwives can prescribe medications, provide women’s health
care throughout the menopause years. Midwives worldwide births in the home, hospital or birthing
center, depending upon their education and licensure, and the rules governing their practices.

Midwives believe it is especially important to provide time for questions, teaching, and time to listen to
the concerns and needs of the women they care for. The WHO definition of the midwife gives us the
following guidelines about what midwives do:

She must be able to give the necessary supervision, care, and advice to women during pregnancy, labour
and the postpartum period, to conduct deliveries on her own responsibility and to care for the newborn
and the infant. This care includes preventative measures, the detection of abnormal conditions in
mother and child, the procurement of medical assistance and the execution of emergency measures in
the absence of medical help. She has an important task in health counseling and education, not only for
the woman, but also within the family and the community. The work should involve antenatal education
and preparation for parenthood and extends to certain areas of g ynecology, family planning and child
care. She may practice in the hospitals, clinics, health units, domiciliary conditions of in any other
services. (WHO,FIGO, ICM Statement).

Answer the questions!

1. What is midwife?

2. What do midwives do?

3. What is midwifery according to the text?

4. What is midwife according to your opinion?

The questions for discussion.

1. What is difference between midwife and obstetrician, explain briefly!

2. Why do you want to be midwife?

3. Is midwifery care safe?

Find the meaning of these words!

– attitude

– care

– birth

– pathology

– prenatal care

– prescribe

Kata pengantar untuk MIDWIFERY definisi paling sederhana dari MIDWIFERY adalah "dengan wanita",
tetapi sebenarnya, MIDWIFERY memiliki arti yang berbeda bagi orang yang berbeda. Bagi banyak orang,
model midwifery adalah sikap terhadap wanita dan bagaimana kehamilan serta kelahiran terjadi, dan
memandang bahwa kehamilan dan kelahiran adalah peristiwa normal sampai terbukti sebaliknya. Itu
adalah sikap memberikan dan membagikan informasi, pemberdayaan, dan menghormati hak seorang
wanita dan keluarganya untuk menentukan perawatan mereka sendiri. Sikap kebidanan, atau model
kebidanan dapat dikontraskan dengan model medis. Secara umum, Model medis adalah sikap bahwa
ada kemungkinan penyakit dalam situasi apa pun, dan bahwa obat-obatan dapat membantu
memperbaiki situasi tersebut. Ilmu kedokteran juga mengenai mengajar, memberikan informasi, dan
pencegahan, namun kekuatan tampaknya lebih banyak diberikan kepada sang penyedia dan bukannya
kepada sang wanita. Menurut sejarah, tokoh tengah baya selalu ada untuk membantu wanita
melahirkan. Sebelum menjadi dokter, midwifes adalah penyembuh utama di lingkungan mereka.
Mereka adalah dukun wanita dari budaya mereka sendiri, dan membantu keluarga dan wanita selama
hidup mereka. Dalam perjanjian lama mereka digambarkan sebagai teladan dari kekuatan dan iman
kepada allah. Midwifes pernah menjadi ahli gizi, ahli tanaman obat, dokter, pendeta, penasihat,
semuanya memperebutkan satu profesi. Banyak yang merasa diri sebagai praktisi holistik yang pertama.
Midwifes selalu tersedia untuk membantu orang miskin, wanita tanpa perawatan medis atau wanita
yang adalah orang buangan dari budaya mereka. Apa yang kau lakukan?

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