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Four Daughters of Prophet ‫ﷺ‬

There were four daughters of the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬.

1. Ruqayyah
2. Fatimah
3. Zainab
4. Umm Kulthum

I will bring proofs of this from Shia sources.

Shia Sources
1. In Milaadh al-Akhyaar, vol 5, page 116 : Hasan(good) as per al-Majlisi
Sending Salawat on Ruqaiya and Zainab the daughters of Prophet(saw)

2. We read in the Shia book “Hayat ul Quloob” that Khadija (ra) bore
Four daughters. It is given in detail as you can see.
There is a narration of Imam Jafar Saddiq given after it as well where he
tells the name of Prophet(saw)

3.Nahjul Balagha is the most revered book by shias to the extent that all the
content present in it is “mutawatir”. The sermon 163 in it confirms that
Prophet(saw) married his daughter to the third caliph Uthman(ra).
4. And al-Kulayni said: He married Khadeejah when he was twenty and some years old. From
Khadeejha, before receiving the Divine commands, of his children born were al-Qasim,
Ruqiyya, Zaynab and ’Umm Kulthum. Of his children born after he received Divine commands
were al-Tayyib, al-Tahir and Fatimah, recipient of divine supreme covenant. It is also narrated
that after he received Divine commands no other children besides Fatimah, recipient of divine
supreme covenant, were born and that al-Tayyib and al-Tahir were born before he received
divine commands. [Al-Kulayni, Al-Kaafi, vol. 1, pg. 439]
5. Sadooq with his chain from Abu Abdullah [as] stated: ‘The Prophet [s] had
the following progeny from Khadija: Qasim, Tahir, Umm Kulthum, Ruqiyyah,
Zainab and Fatima. Fatima was married to Ali bin Abi Talib, Zainab was
married to a Ummawi man Abul Aas bin al-Rabi and Umm Kulthoom was
married to Uthman but she died before consummation, when they marched
to the battle of Badr, Allah’s messenger married him (Uthman) to Ruqiyyah.
The prophet had Ibrahim from Maria the Coptic, who was a slave girl.

[al-Khisal by Sheikh Seduq, page 404] [Al-Sadooq, Al-KhiSaal, vol. 2, section # 7, pg. 404,
hadeeth # 115]
6. In Tareekh Yaqubi, it is written that Khadija(ra) was 23 or 25 years of age
when she married Prophet(saw) and she had Qasim, Ruqiyyah, Zainab and
Umm e Kalthum from Prophet(saw) before he became Prophet. After he
declared Prophethood, Khadija(ra) bore Tahir and Fatimah.
7. In Anwar ul Naumania: Khadija(ra)
had four daughters from Prophet(saw),
Ruqiiya, Zainab, Fatimah and Umm

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