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ad Republic of the Philippines ‘ Region Vill, Eastern Visayas REGIONAL INTER-AGENCY TASK FORCE ON EMERGING INFECTIOUS DISEASES (RIATF8) And REGIONAL TASK FORCE ON COVID-19 (RTF8) JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 23 August 25, 2020 A RESOLUTION CALLING ON ALL LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNITS TO IMMEDIATELY AND FULLY COMPLY WITH DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT'S CIRCULAR LETTER NO. 2020-10 DATED JULY 10, 2020 ENTITLED REMINDER TO THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNITS REGARDING THE UTILIZATION OF THEIR RESPECTIVE ALLOCATIONS FROM THE BAYANIHAN GRANT AND SUBMISSION AND POSTING OF THE REQUIRED REPORTS WHEREAS, Section 4 of Republic Act (RA) No. 11469 (the Bayanihan to Heal as One Act) granted the President the power to adopt various temporary emergency measures to respond to crisis brought about by the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic; WHEREAS, under Section 4 (g) thereof, the President is empowered to ensure that all Local Government Units (LGUs) are acting within the letter and spirit of all the rules, regulations and directives issued by the National Government pursuant to the said law, and are implementing standards of community quarantine consistent with what the National Government has laid down for the subject area, while allowing the LGUs to continue exercising their autonomy on matters undefined by the National Government or are within the parameters it has set, and are fully cooperating towards a unified, cohesive and orderly implementation of the national policy to address COVID-19; WHEREAS, Section 4 (v) of the same law provides, among others, that the following items in the budget shall be prioritized for augmentation: Xxx (9) Under allocations to local government units; XXX WHEREAS, by virtue of the afore-cited provisions of RA No. 11469, the Department of Budget and Management (DBM), upon approval by the Office of the President, released the Bayanihan Grant to Cities and Municipalities (BGCM) and the Bayanihan Grant to Provinces (BGP). The guidelines on the release and utilization of the BGCM and BGP are provided under Local Budget Circular (LBC) No. 125 dated April 7, 2020 and LBC No. 126 dated April 13, 2020, respectively; WHEREAS, upon the motion of the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) to pass a Resolution after presenting the financial status of the BGCM and BGP during the Joint RTF8-COVID-19 and RIATF8-EID meeting on August 25, 2020, this Joint Task Force finds it necessary and crucial to call the attention of all local chief executives in Region 8 on the full compliance of CL No. 2020-10, particularly, the full utilization of the funds, as well as, posting and reportorial requirements; WHEREFORE, be it RESOLVED, AS IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, to enjoin the immediate and full compliance of all local government units to DBM CL No. 2020-10 by; 1. Expediting the utilization of their respective allocations from the Bayanihan grant; and 2. Strictly comply with the monthly posting and reportorial requirements (annexes and forms attached). RESOLVED FURTHER, that a copy of this resolution be furnished to all LGUs and concemed offices for their information and appropriate action. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY during the Joint RIATF8-EID and RTF8 meeting held on August 25, 2020 at the DILG Training Center, DILG Regional Office 8, Kanhuraw Hill, Tacloban City. | hereby CERTIFY to the correctness of the foregoing resolution. APRIL DILG 8, D 8 Secretariat Approved: MINER MOLON, MD, CESO III Regional Director, DOH Vill Co-Chair, RIATF-EID 8 LORD BYRGN P. TORRECARION KARL CAESAR R. RIMANDO, CESO IV Regional Director, OCD VIII Regional Director, DILG VIII ne Chairperson,RTF8 ON COVID-19 Chairperson, RIATF-EID 8

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