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Mercury (Hg) Concentration in Samples

The samples were collected on July 1, 2018. Before collecting the samples, the

geographical coordiantes of the sampling sites were determined as well as the flow of it

current. Table 1 below shows the geographical coordinates and the flow of the water of

all the three sampling sites. The table shows that the flow of the current of Naburos

Island and Punta MIray goes to the southwest while for Punta Sulong it goes Northeast.

Table 1. Geographical Coordinates and Flow of Water of the Sampling Sites

Sampling Sites Geographical Flow of Water
Naburos Island 08.63168° N Southwest
123.57161° E
Punta Miray 08.65456°N Southwest
Punta Sulong 08.63973° N Northeast
123.58749° E

After collecting the samples, the size of a horse mussel was determined, since it

can be used to determine if it is mature. Size can be considered as one of the factors that

could determine how long the horse mussels’ exposure to the water. The larger the Horse

Mussels the longer it has been exposed to the water. Horse Mussels (Modiolus

philippinarum Hanley) can grow up to 7.7cm long and 4.6cm wide (Garcia, 1986). It is

safe to say that the samples taken from all the three sampling sites are in the mature stage.

Table 2 below shows the length and width of the Horse Mussels (Modiolus

philippinarum Hanley) on all of the three sampling sites.


The table shows that the Horse Mussels (Modiolus philippinarium Hanley) from

Naburos Island, Punta Miray and Punta Sulong have an average length of 6.64cm,6.9 and

6.9 respectively and an average width of 3.8cm, 3.84cm and 3.9cm respectively. Based

on the results, it is safe to conclude that the samples collected were of mature age which

means that the samples were exposed to the water for a standard amount of time.

Table 2. The length and width of the Horse Mussels (Modiolus philippinarum
Hanley) from the three sampling sites

Sampling Sample Width (cm) Length Average Average

Sites Number (cm) Width (cm) Length
Naburos 1 3.9 6.3
Island 2 3.7 6.7 3.8 6.64
3 3.8 6.9
Punta 1 4.2 6.8
Miray 2 3.6 7.1 3.84 6.9
3 3.7 7
Punta 1 3.7 6.9
Sulong 2 4.1 7.1 3.9 6.9
3 3.9 6.8

The samples were brought to the Water Laboratory of University of San Carlos

(USC), Talamban, Cebu City for the sample preparation and analysis. They would be

responsible for digesting the samples for the determination of Mercury (Hg). After the

samples were prepared, the Mercury (Hg) concentration present in the Horse Mussels

(Modiolus philippinarum Hanley) and sediments were taken using the Atomic Absorption

Spectrophotometer (AA-6300) – Cold Vapor Method. After the analysis, the samples

were left in the laboratory for the proper handling and disposal. Table 3 below presents

the Mercury (Hg) concentration in the sediments collected from all the three sampling


The table shows that the sediments from Naburos Island, Punta Miray and Punta

Sulong have a mercury concentration of less than 9.8μg Hg/kg for all the three sampling

sites. According to Randall (2006), the standard tolerable amount of mercury in

sedimentsis 180 ppb or 180 μg Hg/kg, and based on the results of the analysis, the

presence of mercury in the sediments are very far from the limit. Therefore, it is safe to

say that the sediments from Naburos Island, Punta Miray and Punta Sulong are safe from

mercury. This means that the sediments from all the three sampling sites are safe to be

exposed to since there are very little amounts of mercury.

Table 3. Mercury (Hg) concentration in the sediments collected from the three
sampling sites (Naburos Island, Punta Miray, Punta Sulong)
MERCURY (μg Hg/kg)
Naburos Island less than 9.8 less than 9.8 less than 9.8 less than 9.8 Safe

Punta Miray less than 9.8 less than 9.8 less than 9.8 less than 9.8 Safe

Punta Sulong less than 9.8 less than 9.8 less than 9.8 less than 9.8 Safe

Standard tolerable level of Mercury (Hg) in sediments: 180 μg Hg/kg (Management of Mercury Pollution
in Sediments: Research, Observations, and Lessons Learned, Paul M. Randall Task Order Project Officer,

The table above reveals that the sediments from all the three sampling sites

(Naburos Island, Punta Miray, Punta Sulong) have an average concentration of less than

9.8 μg Hg/kg which is less than the standard tolerable level of Mercury (Hg) in sediments

of 180 μg Hg/kg. The sediments are safe and it is safe for exposure to wildlife and

humans. This could mean that also the Horse Mussels have little amounts of mercury.

Table 4 below presents the Mercury (Hg) concentration present in the Horse Mussels

(Modiolus philippinarum Hanley) from all the three sampling sites.


A low amount of mercury in sediments attached to the Horse Mussels could also

mean that there is little amounts of mercury in the Horse Mussels. The table shows that

the Horse Mussels (Modiolus philippinarium Hanley) from Naburos Island, Punta Miray

and Punta Sulong have an average mercury concentration of less than 9.8 ppb or 9.8 μg

Hg/kg for all the three sampling sites. The European Commission set a standard tolerable

amount of mercury in Horse Mussels (2006), which is 500 μg Hg/kg. Based on the results

of the study, the amount of mercury in the Horse Mussels is less than the tolerable limit

of mercury, thus the Horse Mussels are safe for consumption, since it is also one of the

many delicacies of the Philippines.

Table 4. Mercury (Hg) concentration in the Horse Mussels (Modiolus philippinarum

Hanley) collected from all the three sampling sites (Naburos Island, Punta Miray,
Punta Sulong)
(Modiolus TRIAL 1 TRIAL 2 TRIAL 3 AVERAGE Interpretation
Naburos less than less than less than less than Safe
Island 9.8 9.8 9.8 9.8
Punta Miray less than less than less than less than Safe
9.8 9.8 9.8 9.8
Punta Sulong less than less than less than less than Safe
9.8 9.8 9.8 9.8
Standard tolerable level of Mercury (Hg) in sediments: 500 μg Hg/kg (European Commision, 2006)

In relation with the results of the study, a similar study was also conducted in

2008 (10 years ago) with similar sampling sites and samples. The past study became the

basis to determine the percentage decrease when comparing the results. The results of

both the past study and this study were compared and discussed. Table 5 below shows the

Percentage decrease of the Mercury (Hg) concentration found in the the Horse Mussels

(Modiolus philippinarum Hanley) collected from all the three sampling sites (Naburos

Island, Punta Miray, Punta Sulong) from a study conducted on 2008 (10 years ago) and

recent study.

The 2008 study revealed that the Horse Mussels from Naburos Island, Punta

Miray and Punta Sulong had a concentration of mercury of 37.6 μg Hg/kg, 61.4 μg Hg/kg

and 41.2 μg Hg/kg respectively. While the 2018 study showed that the presence of

mercury on the Horse Mussels from Naburos Island, Punta Miray and Punta Sulong were

all 9.8 μg Hg/kg. When comparing the results of both studies, the Horse Mussels of the

2018 study from Naburos Island, Punta Miray and Punta Sulong were smaller by more

than 73.94%, more than 84.04% and more than 76.21% respectively. This reveals that

through the 10 years period, the presence of mercury in the Horse Mussels has greatly

decreased. The results of this study tell us that the Horse Mussels in the areas which are

not in direct contact or are near to the mining sites have very little mercury content. One

reason for this is the hindrance of mining operations.

According to past studies, such as studies by Solon et al. (2008), Yabo et al.

(2009), Reyes et al. (2010) and Miranda (2011), places which were nearer and closer to

mining sites had a higher concentration of mercury than areas which were farther from

the mining sites. One of the reasons that they have concluded was the abundance of

mercury-dependent miners in the area and its improper disposal of it. According to Dr.

Esdaile and Dr. Chalker (2018), mercury-dependent miners are the largest source of

mercury contamination in the environment and is also the largest source of mercury

contamination in Earth. Past studies conducted in Murciellagos Bay have concluded that

mining has contributed to the presence of mercury in the environment, especially areas

closer to the mine sites, due to the higher presence of mercury in areas nearer to the

mining site than areas farther away from the mining sites.

Ever since the shutdown of mining operations of Philex Mining Corporation, the

presence of mercury in Murcielagos Bay has dropped. Based on the results below, the

difference of the presence of mercury is big. The difference is due to the shutdown of

mining operations of Philex Mining Corporation and the forced decrease of mining

activities of the artisanal and small-scale miners in the environment. Therefore, it is safe

to say that mining has contributed to the presence of mercury in Murcielagos Bay and

that areas that are not in direct contact or near to the mining sites now have less mercury

content in the area.

Table 5. Percentage decrease of the Mercury (Hg) concentration found in the the
Horse Mussels (Modiolus philippinarum Hanley) collected from all the three
sampling sites (Naburos Island, Punta Miray, Punta Sulong) from a study
conducted on 2008 (10 years ago) and recent study
(Modiolus μg Hg/kg) μg Hg/kg) DECREASE
Naburos Island 37.6 less than 9.8 more than
Punta Miray 61.4 less than 9.8 more than
Punta Sulong 41.2 less than 9.8 more than

The past study also determined the mercury content of the sediments in

Murcielagos Bay. The areas in which they collected the sediments were also similar with

the recent study. Table 6 below shows the Percentage decrease of the Mercury (Hg)

concentration found in the sediments collected from all the three sampling sites (Naburos

Island, Punta Miray, Punta Sulong) from a study conducted on 2008 (10 years ago) and

recent study.

The table shows that the sediments from Naburos Island, Punta Miray and Punta

Sulong of the past study had a mercury content of 21.98 μg Hg/kg, 34.35 μg Hg/kg and

18.00 μg Hg/kg, respectively, while the sediments from Naburos Island, Punta Miray and

Punta Sulong of the recent study had a mercury content of less than 9.8 μg Hg/kg for

each site. When the results of both studies are compared, it shows that the mercury

content of the sediments have greatly decreased through the 10 years period. The

sediments from Naburos Island, Punta Miray and Punta Sulong have decreased more than

55.41%, more than 71.47% and more than 45.56%, respectively. The results show us that

the sediments from the areas farther from the mining sites now have less mercury

content. Just as the Horse Mussels, one reason for this is the slowing down and hindrance

of mining operations.

Similar to the results and reason with the Horse Mussels, past studies have also

shown that the sediments much closer to the mining sites had higher mercury content

than the ones away from the site. Studies have shown that the nearer the area is to the

mining site the higher the mercury content, while the farther away it is the lower the

mercury content is. Because of these studies have concluded that one reason for this are

the mercury-dependent miners in the area.

Ever since Departments have forced to hinder and slowed down the mining

activities in the area, the mercury content in Murcielagos Bay has dropped. Based on the

results of this study, it shows that it now has lesser mercury content than it used to.

Therefore, it is safe to say that mining did contribute to the presence of mercury in the

area and that the sediments in areas that were farther away from the mine site now have

less mercury content than it used to.

Table 6. Percentage decrease of the Mercury (Hg) concentration found in the

sediments collected from all the three sampling sites (Naburos Island, Punta Miray,
Punta Sulong) from a study conducted on 2008 (10 years ago) and recent study
μg Hg/kg) μg Hg/kg)
Naburos Island 21.98 less than 9.8 More than
Punta Miray 34.35 less than 9.8 More than
Punta Sulong 18.00 less than 9.8 More than

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