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New Inside Out Intermediate Review D Test

Name _______________________ Score ______/50

Part A
1 Choose the correct word to complete each sentence.

a) When you were young did your mother ever worry _____ you?
(1) about (2) after (3) at

b) How long does it take you to _____ your make up on?

(1) do (2) get (3) put

c) I wish she’d stop telling me _____ all the time.

(1) about (2) off (3) up

d) I’m in a bit of a rush. Can you _____ the washing-up for me?
(1) do (2) put (3) make

e) Remember to tidy _____ when you’ve finished.

(1) about (2) off (3) up

f) I always _____ my exercises straight after I get up in the morning.

(1) do (2) have (3) make

(6 points)

2 Match the words (1-6) with the correct definitions (a-f).

a) A light brown colour 1 baggy

b) Attractive and beautiful in a simple way 2 beige
c) Clothes that are loose fitting 3 bald
d) Small brown spots on your skin 4 elegant
e) Strong and well-built, but not tall 5 freckles
f) With little or no hair 6 stocky

(6 points)

New Inside Out Intermediate Review D Test 1

© Macmillan Publishers Limited 2009
3 Underline the correct words.

a) You look very scruffy / smart today. Have you got an interview?
b) That photo of you is very unflattering / overwhelming.
c) We left an hour late so hopefully / obviously we won’t get there on time.
d) My job is great as I work flexible / unsociable hours which means I can take time off when I
need it.
e) I don’t really believe in love at first look / sight.
f) Actually / Apparently, I think the amount of money some people spend on clothes is stupid.

(6 points)

4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word in brackets.

a) I wish you ________ (not, say) anything to him.

b) What would you ________ (do), if you had lots of money?
c) If you want to see the latest film, I ________ (come) with you.
d) If only I ________ (be, good) at cooking. I can’t even make an omelette!
e) I had my photo ________ (take) yesterday.

(5 points)

5 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. There are three extra words.

hadn’t if only unless that who would wouldn’t

a) I wish you ________ keep on doing that.

b) ________ it stops raining I’m not going out.
c) Where’s the key ________ opens this door?
d) I’d talk to her ________ I thought it would do any good.
e) If ________ I had more time.

(5 points)

New Inside Out Intermediate Review D Test 2

© Macmillan Publishers Limited 2009
6 Spot the mistakes. Cross out the incorrect sentence, a or b.

1 a) I’m not going out with you unless you take that silly hat off.
b) I’m not going out with you unless you took that silly hat off.

2 a) It’s a red silk elegant dress with a low neckline.

b) It’s an elegant red silk dress with a low neckline.

3 a) That’s one of the badest films I’ve ever seen.

b) That’s one of the worst films I’ve ever seen.

4 a) I’m sure this is a book who will interest you.

b) I’m sure this is a book which will interest you.

5. a) You don’t have to agree with me if you don’t want to.

b) You can’t agree with me if you don’t want to.

6 a) If I’d known the answer I would have told you.

b) If I’d known the answer I would tell you.

7 a) I’ve been waiting for you since several hours.

b) I’ve been waiting for you for several hours.

(7 points)

New Inside Out Intermediate Review D Test 3

© Macmillan Publishers Limited 2009
Part B
Word stress

[Track 31]

7 Listen and underline the stressed syllable in each word.

a) comfortable
b) talented
c) ridiculous
d) vegetable
e) adventurous

(5 points)

[Track 32]

8 Listen to the conversation between Angie and Susie. Are these sentences true
(T) or false (F)?

a) Susie has had her hair dyed, but she doesn’t like it.
b) Susie’s boss asked her to go to a meeting in Paris.
c) Angie encourages Susie to feel more positive about her life.
d) Susie has a lot of new clothes, but they’re all boring.
e) Angie and Susie decide to plan a fun day out.

(5 points)

New Inside Out Intermediate Review D Test 4

© Macmillan Publishers Limited 2009
9 Read the text. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)?

a) The writer thinks it’s sensible that we keep all sorts of things. T/F
b) It was a mistake to dye her hair. T/F
c) She thinks her family would have enjoyed the same concerts as she did. T/F
d) The earrings remind her of a time of her life she always thinks about T/F
e) She wishes she hadn’t found the box. T/F

Recently I was going through some things in my attic and came across a box of stuff from my childhood. It’s
amazing the kinds of things we keep. There are the usual photo albums with pictures we’d rather forget. You
know, the ones that show us dressed in the most awful clothes imaginable. I’ve got a few photos of me wearing
jeans that look big enough to get an elephant in! And I can’t believe that my mother ever let me dye my hair.
Those blond streaks really didn’t suit me at all. Then there were things like my first baby tooth and a ballet shoe
that I must have worn when I was about three. There was a pack of cards with a few missing – now why would
anyone want to keep that? Ticket stubs for concerts I can’t even remember going to and certainly wouldn’t want
either my husband or children to find out about. And, at the bottom of the box, there was a pair of earrings that my
first boyfriend had given to me. Now, those brought back memories. That’s an episode of my life that I hadn’t
thought about for years and didn’t really want to. If only I hadn’t found that box, but of course I had. And, even
though I’d put everything back in and pushed the box into the corner of the room, I couldn’t stop thinking about
what might have been if I’d stayed with Luke rather than marrying Barry.

(5 points)

New Inside Out Intermediate Review D Test 5

© Macmillan Publishers Limited 2009

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