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Inventar* 2013
L. Scott Hansen
A u to d e s k
201 3

L. Scott Hansen
So u the rn Utah U n iv e rsity


The M c G r a w - H ill Companies


Published by M cGraw-Hill, a business unit o f The M cGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 1221 Avenue o f the
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ISBN 978-0-07-3522708
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Libra ry of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Hansen, L. Scott.
Autodesk Inventor 2013 / L. Scott Hansen. — 1st ed.
p. cm.
ISBN 9 7 8 -0 -0 7 -3 5 2 2 7 0 -8 (alk. paper)
1. Autodesk Inventor (Electronic resource) 2. Engineering graphics. 3. Engineering models— Data
processing. I. Title.

T353.H2454 2013
L. Scott H ansen received his A.A.S degree in Electro-Mechanical CAD from Pima C om m unity College
in Tucson, Arizona. H e received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in Vocational Education from N orthern
Arizona University and also received a Ph.D. in A pplied Science and Technology from the University
of Wyoming. He is currently the D epartm ent Chair of Engineering Technology and Construction
M anagement and Associate Professor of Engineering Technology a t Southern Utah University. He
teaches freshman through senior-level courses in the C A D /CA M Engineering Technology program.
H ansen's software application experience includes IBM Fastdraft, VersaCAD, AutoCAD, Inventor,
SolidWorks, Solid Edge, CATLA V5, and Mastercam. In his spare time, he has perform ed extensive
design and fabrication w ork to build and m odify automobiles, d u n e buggies, boats and motorcycles
along w ith residential construction projects.
vi Table of Contents


P r e f a c e .......................................................................................................................................................................vii

C h a p te r 1
G e ttin g S t a r t e d .....................................................................................................................................................1
C reate a S im p le S ketch U sin g th e S k etch P a n e l .....................................................................................7
D im en sio n a S ketch U sin g th e D im e n sio n C o m m a n d ..................................................................... 12
E x tru d e a S ketch in th e P a rt F e a tu re s P a n e l U sin g th e E x tru d e C o m m a n d ............................25
C reate a Fillet in th e P a rt F e a tu re s P a n e l U sin g th e F illet C o m m a n d ......................................... 26
C reate a H o le in th e P a rt F e a tu re s P a n e l U sin g th e E x tru d e C o m m a n d ...................................31
C reate a C o u n te r Bore in th e P a rt F eatu res P an el U sin g th e H o le C o m m a n d ....................... 34
C h a p te r P r o b le m s ........................................................................................................................................... 44

C h a p te r 2
L e a rn in g M o re B asics .....................................................................................................................................53
R evolve a S k etch in th e P a rt F e a tu re s P a n e l U sin g th e R ev o lv e C o m m a n d ............................56
U se the R ev o lv e C u t C o m m a n d to C re ate a G r o o v e ......................................................................... 63
C reate a H o le in th e P a rt F eatu res P an el U sin g th e E x tru d e C o m m a n d ...................................73
C reate a Series o f H oles U sing th e C irc u la r P a tte rn C o m m a n d ...................................................91
C h a p te r P r o b le m s ............................................................................................................................................94

C h a p te r 3
L e a rn in g To C re ate a D e tail D ra w in g ................................................................................................... 101
C reate a n O rth o g rap h ic V iew U sin g th e D ra w in g V iew s P a n e l .................................................107
C reate a Solid M o d el U sing th e E d it V iew s C o m m a n d .................................................................114
C h a p te r P r o b le m s ..........................................................................................................................................121

C h a p te r 4
A d v a n ce d D e tail D ra w in g P ro c e d u re s .................................................................................................125
C reate a n A u x iliary V iew U sin g th e D ra w in g V iew s P a n e l ..........................................................130
C reate a S ection V iew U sin g th e D ra w in g V iew s P a n e l ................................................................ 134
C reate a B roken V iew U sin g th e B reak C o m m a n d ..........................................................................140
D im en sio n V iew s U sin g th e D ra w in g A n n o ta tio n P a n e l .............................................................. 144
C reate Text U sin g th e D ra w in g A n n o ta tio n P an el ..........................................................................146
C h a p te r P r o b le m s ..........................................................................................................................................151

C h a p te r 5
L e a rn in g To E d it E x istin g S o lid M o d e l s .............................................................................................. 157
E d it the P a rt U sing th e Sketch P a n e l ..................................................................................................... 162
E d it th e P a rt U sing th e E x tru d e C o m m a n d ........................................................................................169
E d it th e P a rt U sin g th e C irc u la r P a tte rn C o m m a n d ....................................................................... 178
E d it th e P a rt U sin g th e Fillet C o m m a n d ...............................................................................................181
C h ap ter P r o b le m s ..........................................................................................................................................186

C h a p te r 6
D e sig n in g P a rt M o d e ls fo r A s s e m b l y ................................................................................................... 191
U se the X, Y, a n d Z P l a n e s ..........................................................................................................................194
U se the W irefram e V iew ing C o m m a n d ...............................................................................................196
Project G e o m etry to a N e w S ketch ........................................................................................................198
U se the Shell C o m m a n d ............................................................................................................................203
Table of Contents v ii

C h a p te r 7
In tr o d u c tio n To A ss e m b ly V ie w P ro c e d u re s ...................................................................................... 227
Im p o rt E xisting Solid M o d els in to th e A sse m b ly P a n e l ..................................................................229
C o n strain All P a rts in th e A sse m b ly P a n e l ...........................................................................................238
E d it/M o d ify P a rts W hile in th e A ss e m b ly P a n e l .............................................................................263
A ssig n C o lo rs to D ifferen t P a rts in th e A ss e m b ly P an el ............................................................... 275
D riv e C o n strain ts to S im u late M o tio n ..................................................................................................279
C reate an .avi o r .w m v File w h ile in th e A sse m b ly P an el .............................................................283
C h a p te r P ro b lem s .........................................................................................................................................286

C h a p te r 8
In tr o d u c tio n To T h e P r e s e n ta tio n P a n e l ............................................................................................... 289
Im p o rt E xisting A ssem b ly M o d els in to th e P re se n ta tio n P an el ................................................. 297
D esign P arts Trails in th e P re se n ta tio n P a n e l .......................................................................................301
C h a p te r P r o b le m s ........................................................................................................................................... 306

C h a p te r 9
In tro d u c tio n to A d v a n c e d C o m m a n d s .................................................................................................... 311
C reate a S w eep U sin g th e S w eep C o m m a n d ...................................................................................... 312
Use the R ec ta n g u la r P a tte rn C o m m a n d ............................................................................................... 319
C reate a L oft U sin g th e Loft C o m m a n d ................................................................................................321
C reate a C oil U sin g th e C oil C o m m a n d ................................................................................................331
C h ap ter P r o b le m s ........................................................................................................................................... 333

C h ap ter 10
In tro d u c tio n to C re a tin g T h r e a d s ............................................................................................................. 335
C reate a P o ly g o n ............................................................................................................................................. 336
C reate T h rea d s ................................................................................................................................................339

C h a p te r 11
A d v an ced W o rk P la n e P ro c e d u re s ........................................................................................................... 343
C reate P o in ts o n M u ltip le S k e t c h e s .........................................................................................................348
U se T hese P o in ts to C re ate a n O ffset W ork P l a n e .............................................................................351
C h a p te r P r o b le m s ...........................................................................................................................................356

C h a p te r 12
In tro d u c tio n to S tress A n a l y s i s ..................................................................................................................357
C reate a Sim p le P a r t ...................................................................................................................................... 358
A p p ly M aterial to a S im p le P a r t ............................................................................................................... 359
A p p ly a Fixture to a S im p le P a rt .............................................................................................................362
A p p ly Force to a S im p le P a rt ....................................................................................................................364
Perform a S tress A n a ly sis o n a S im p le P a rt ........................................................................................ 366
In te rp ret R esu lts of a S tress A n a ly sis ....................................................................................................367
C h a p te r P r o b le m s ...........................................................................................................................................368

C h a p te r 13
In tro d u c tio n to th e D e sig n A c c e l e r a t o r ..................................................................................................371
C reate a D isc C a m .........................................................................................................................................381
E dit a Disc C am ............................................................................................................................................. 384
A n im ate th e A s s e m b ly ..................................................................................................................................394
C h ap ter P r o b le m s ...........................................................................................................................................400

I n d e x ...........................................................................................................................................................................403

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