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Hi, and welcome to my MEGA
 post about the first Symbian^3 phone ± the
Nokia N8!

You may
remember my hands-on preview post about this fine device. This time, I¶ll take an in-depth look
at software capabilities, and how to use them properly. This post is an extensive list of How Tos ,
and I hope you¶ll find them useful! Sit back, take your N8 (or any other mobile phone from the
new Symbian family ± E7, C7 and C6-01), one cup of your favorite drink, and enjoy! Actually,
one cup won¶t do the job, but hey, you can come back anytime

Tips are organized into 4 groups: Home screen (1-18), Menu (19-26), Settings (27-51) and
Miscellaneous (52-67). Feel free to use search in your PC browser (Ctrl + F), it¶ll help you get
the answers you need.



   . The N8 has three, fully customizable,
active home screens. You can switch between them by swiping left or right, or by pressing the
button with 3 dots, in the bottom-center of the screen.
There are two ways to change the content of your home screen: you can simply
the screen for a couple of seconds, OR you can press µOptions¶ and then µ 
   µ, as
shown below.

In both cases, you¶ll be at the screen that is similar to the one below:

Now, you can add new shortcuts by pressing the µplus¶ sign and selecting the desired
widget/shortcut from the given list (officially called ³Widget catalogue´).


. When you turn on your N8 for the first time,
you¶ll see a few things on the home screens you may not like. The easiest way to remove them is
to do a similar procedure as shown in the tip number 1. Once you get to the screen for editing
home screens, just tap the undesired shortcut once, and you¶ll see a ³ ´ message that
pops-up. Click on it, and the shortcut is gone!


. If you¶re a neat person, you¶re going to want to tweak
each home screen ¶till it¶s perfect! Rearranging the stuff that is on the home screen is super-easy
± as you¶ve seen above, click µOptions¶, then µEdit Home screen¶, and then just    
the shortcut you want to move to the desired position.

   . One of the great features of the new Symbian (other
than 3 home screens) is the ability to have  
    . Repeat
the steps from the first tip (³Options -> Edit home screen´), and then click ³Options ->  
³. You will be given a choice: ³Default´ and ³Image´. Select ³Default´ if you want to
keep the picture that is set as wallpaper by the current theme of your phone, or !", if you
want to select your own. Select the image you like from your phone¶s gallery, and you¶ll see a
new wallpaper picture. Y  

The transition between screens won¶t be slower because of this, 

   . It¶s easier to tell them apart this way«


   . Having most-frequently-used
apps on the home screen is very useful, so enter the home screen editing mode, and add the

´ widget from the Widget catalogue.
You will see the shortcuts bar, with 4 apps, on the screen. Tap on it, and click ³Settings´, in
order to  !
" .

Once there, select the app you want for each field.

   . You can add your loved ones and colleagues to
your home screen in a pictured, contacts bar. To do so, you need to repeat the steps from tip no.1,
and click the µplus¶ sign. You will see a widget catalogue, and you need to select a widget called

When you do so, you should notice a new widget on the home screen. Click ³Add´ (in the
widget), and select 

! You do that by marking the desired contacts and pressing
³OK´. The widget displays 4 contacts at a time, so scroll left-right to see other people, or to add
more people.# 


      %  $



   . If you add a contact by accident, or
you¶re just not fond of that person anymore, you can remove his/hers shortcut by pressing the
³ ´ button, in the Contacts bar, followed by marking the person you want to expel from
your Favorites. If you cannot see the ³Remove´ button, scroll left-right through the Contacts bar
until you locate it.


. Contacts bar looks much better if you add pictures to
your favorite contacts. By doing so, you¶ll also see a picture of a contact during a call, so this is
another good reason to assign pics to several contacts. Assigning a picture that is located on your
phone is a breeze ± get to the contact card by pressing the icon of the desired contact in the
Favorites widget, or locate the contact in your contact list. When you do so, simply click on the
green statue icon, and you¶ll see the
" pop-up.
All you need to do now, is to select the pic you want from your local gallery.

 $' c

. In order to do this, you need to have a
Facebook or Twitter account, and you need to log in to at least one of those services on your N8
(in the app called Social Networks, naturally). As in the previous step, open the contact card, and
now click on the # 
  "button. You will be taken to the mentioned app, and asked
to link the online contact with the ³real´ contact in your phone. #
% $


  . When you locate
the contact you need, click ³More´, and then ³´ 

Great little tool if you ask me.

The only thing

that I don¶t like is that these images are downloaded in very low quality.

' (

   . This is one of the features I just adore ± you can see
multiple mailboxes at a glance! As usually, go to the home screen editing mode, click µ+¶ sign,
and select ³)´ from the widget list.

Now, you can add the email account that you¶ve already made (simply by clicking on it), or
create a new one. If you choose the create a new mailbox, click ³Create new mailbox´, and
follow the creation process. More about creating a new mailbox later.
11. „      
. If you need more widgets, you can very
easily download them from the OVI Store. When in Widget catalogue, click the '   
' that has written ³OVI´ all over it, and download or buy the stuff you want. As the time
goes, there will be more great widgets, so be patient.

12. ) 
      . Some widgets require network connection in
order to display news, updates, etc« This is very handy, but sometimes (when abroad, for
example), you will need to put them offline. This is done very simply: press ³Options ->

   ³, and they will remain offline until you click ³Widgets to online
mode´. This affects all 3 home screens!


   . Press the right-top corner of any home
screen (near the battery life indicator), and you¶ll see a useful pop-up window with several
Depending on your active connections, this window can be different, but there will always be 3
shortcuts: Connectivity, Clock and Battery. Additionally, you can access various options, as
shown on the pic above. More on these options later, this is only a preview

14. #
 . It is very easy to set up an alarm from the home screen. Just tap the clock,
and you¶ll see the new screen with the ³New alarm´ button. Press it, and set the time you need to
get up. (More on clock and alarms later.)
15. #

 . If you need to change the way your N8 reacts to incoming calls
and messages, click on the ³General´ button on the Home screen (this button shows the name of
the active profile, it will not always show General). When you do so, you¶ll be able to select the
profile you want from the scrollable list. Detailed tips about profiles later.

16. *  . You can open the inbuilt calendar by pressing the date on the home screen.

17. „
   . If you, for some reason, think that three home screens is too much,
you can delete one (or two) in just a few clicks. On the unwanted screen, click ³Options´, and
then ³„
   ³. Click ³Yes´, and you¶ll be down to two homescreens.
    . If you have less than 3 home screens, you can add new one (or
two) by doing this: click ³Options ->    ³. The new screen is added

   , so keep that in mind when adding a new screen.
OK, we¶re covered the tips regarding the home screens, now to the Menu customization

When you press

the button located under the 3,5Ǝ capacitive touch screen, you will launch the  - ) .

19.     . In order to maximize your productivity, it¶s good to put
every icon in the place you like. All you need to do is: press ³Options´ and then ³*  ³.

When you do so, you¶ll see the menu in editing mode:

Now, just     any icon to the position you want. Once finished, press ³Done´.

20. )   

  . I really think this is one of the most neglected functions
of Symbian operating system (not just the new version). You can really put some order in your
menu by moving and categorizing the icons. As in the previous tip, click ³Options -> Organise´,
and then
 you want to move. You¶ll see a following pop-up:
Tap ³) 
  ´ , navigate to the destination folder, and click on it. Voila! The never-used
icon is out of the way and buried deep in some folder. You can also drag and drop the icon the
the desired folder.


 .Similar to the tip no. 13, you can get to some
useful places by a single press! If the phone is oriented horizontally, click on the middle-bottom
part of the screen ± it¶s the position of the clock, in case you haven¶t noticed.

If the screen is
vertical, this tip is the same as no. 13.
As before, there are 3 permanent shortcuts: Connectivity, Clock and Battery, and some
additional, depending on your active connections.


. If you prefer a ³
´ menu layout over the ³grid´, you can switch
to it very fast. When in menu, press ³Options´ and then ³/
³. You¶ll see a list of your
icons ± not easy to navigate if you ask me. If you wish to switch back, do the same for the ³Grid
23. ) 0   . As you know, Symbian is the king of multitasking, so make sure
you exploit this absolutely great option. All you need to do, in order to send any currently open
app to the background, is to 
) '. Now, you can open some other apps,
get the data you need, and return to the minimized application. More in the following tip.

24. #   

 . In order to return to the app you¶ve just minimized, you can do
one of the following things: (where ever you are in the menu or home screen), press ³Options´,
followed by ³#   
 ³, or with more style,   
Either way, Task manager will pop up, and you will see a scrollable list of thumbnails of your
running applications, as pictured below. Navigate to the app you want to bring to front (a.k.a.
maximize), and click on it.

25. U    . I would recommend to close an app as soon as you¶ve finished
using it. This way, you¶ll save the battery life and you¶ll have more RAM memory to work with.
Instead of bringing that application to the front (as described in the previous tip) and then
clicking ³Options -> Exit´, you can simply press the ³Close´ button ( 
  1") in
the Task manager, as shown in the picture above.

 . If you have several apps running, and you don¶t need them
anymore, you can close them all with a single click. Just launch the Task manager by holding the
Menu key, and then    any displayed thumbnail. You¶ll see a following screen:
Just tap ³ ³, and all running applications will be closed. Great time saver. I would like to
have another option in this list: ³ (

  ³, so Nokia if you¶re listening, please
add this in future firmware update.

Now you know some practical stuff about the Symbian^3 menu and home screens. It is time to
go through settings that will help you personalize and tweak the N8 the way you want.

27. ´ 2  . Your mobile phone comes with 6 fully modifiable profiles, and it is very wise
to use them. Profile is a group of various settings, that include the ringtone selection, vibration
options, etc.. Instead of turning the phone off during the meeting or while sleeping, you can
simply put it in the corresponding profile. Open the Menu, go to ³Settings´ and open ³2  ³.
You will see a list of phone¶s profiles. If you¶re going to bed, select the ³Silent´ profile, and your
phone will not make a sound! In the ³Meeting´ profile, your N8 will beep once when there¶s an
incoming call, etc« Profile named ³Offline´ is a bit different than the rest ±  
 . This profile is meant to be used in planes, and
other places that forbid the use of GSM communication. To activate a profile, simply click on it,
and select ³Activate´.

 . Symbian^3 profiles have a great level of customization. You can change
almost anything you like, so let¶s begin. Go to Profiles, as described in the previous tip, tap on
the profile you want to modify, and then press ³2  ³. You will see a huge list of
changeable fields. All fields are pretty much self-explanatory, so you shouldn¶t have problems
29. /
 . This is an extremely useful option. You can set the exact time
you want the profile to expire. For example, I like to switch from ³Silent´ to ³General´ when I
get up. This is done by opening profiles as we did in the tip 26, clicking on the desired profile,
and then pressing ³c ³. You will see the following screen, so set the preferred time and click
³OK´. Y 
  ( %  $    $


. As you already know, Symbian is absolutely great for customization, so
you can change the entire look and feel of the phone. I like elegant, black themes with simple
icons, as the one you see in the screenshots above. These themes are easy to use, and they also
save battery life, when compared to white (bright) themes! Go to ³Settings´, and then ³c ³,
and you¶ll be at the following screen.
Select ³— ³, and choose the theme you like. Here¶s a different theme, for your reference.
You can download more themes from OVI Store.

31.    . To be honest, I don¶t use screen savers, but the one on the N8 might
change that. Go to ³Settings -> Themes -> #  ³, and you¶ll see a list of installed screen

Try all of them to find the one you prefer. My friendly advice is to select the one named ³4
 ³. It¶s very simple and elegant, and it gives you the info you need« Y    
 $  % 



  . Relative to your culture and geographical location,

you will want to change the time and date format. Simply navigate to ³Settings -> Phone ->
c „
Click on it, and you¶ll have a wide variety of options.

Make sure that the correct time and time zone are set (this will change when you travel to a
different time zone), as well time and date formats. My advice is to change the clock type to
³, because it takes less time to acknowledge the precise time (Get it? Never mind«
). You can also
set your the default snooze time, if you want to sleep longer in the morning.

33. ) 

  . N8 has a motion sensor for display rotation, and for some

other cool options. We¶re still at ³Settings -> Phone´. Go to ³#  

  ³, make sure that

³Sensors´ field displays ³On´, click on the ³c  
 ³, and you¶ll see this screen:

First option is very handy, for example: you¶re in a meeting, and you¶ve forgotten to put your
cell into the Meeting profile. The phone rings, and instead of rejecting the call, you can simply
flip the phone screen-down, and it will stop producing sound. I like to have all 3 fields marked,
but if you, for some reason, don¶t want to have screen rotation, uncheck that.
34. #
   . This options is very useful (use it carefully ± make sure you don¶t
forget this code!!!) in case you want to protect your N8. Go to ³Settings -> Phone -> Phone
management´, then to ³#

  ³, and then to ³2  #!) ³. Find the ³/ 

 ´ field, and type in a numerical password (and verify it).

You can lock your phone, by pressing the Power button, and then ³Lock phone´.

If you now try to unlock the N8, you will see the lock screen, followed by the screen that
requires you to enter the lock code.
   ! One of the best additions to the new Symbian is the ability to
lock a lost phone by a single SMS! In case you lose your precious phone, this option is a phone-
saver! You need to enable this, by going to ´Settings -> Phone -> Phone management´, then to

  ³, and then to ³2  #!) ³. Now, locate the ³

  ´ field, and enable it.
You will be prompted to enter the remote locking message (the password). Now you can lock
your phone, even if you¶re not near the device, by sending an SMS (from any other phone) that



36. ) 

'  . Another handy tip ± the N8ƍs menu key can blink for
selected amount of time if there¶s an event (missed call and/or new message). To change the
duration of the blinking and the events notified, go to ´Settings -> Phone -> Notification lights´
and select ³


Now, select how long you want this button to blink, and the events that trigger this blinking. I
think 30 minutes is just fine, and that both the missed call and new message should be notified.
Great, we¶ve finished with the ³Phone´ section of the Settings.

37. ´ 
. If you¶ve installed an application that you do not fancy any
more, you can uninstall it by going to the

 )  (open Settings -> Application
Manager). You will be at the following screen, so tap the ³!
  ´ field:

The list of all installed applications will be shown, so you need to locate the unwanted

, and click the ³´ 
´ button in the pop-up
window. Now click ³Yes´, and the app is no more!
Your N8 is a multimedia beast, but it is a phone, after all. We¶re now going to change some
settings regarding the phone calls.


 . This option is superb for conference calls, so make sure you enable it.
You¶ll be able to talk to several persons at once, if you go to ³Settings -> Calling -> Call´, and
click on the ³
 ´ field.

Just tap ³

³, and you¶re good to go!

39. # 

. If you want to track the duration of your calls while
talking, this option will come practical. Go to ³Settings -> Calling -> Call´, and enable ³# 
 ´ field.
40. „   
  . I like this feature, because it   

     . Go to ³Settings -> Calling -> Call´, and enable
´ field.

Now, off to connectivity!


 . When you connect your N8 to the PC, it will
automatically use ³Nokia OVI Suite´ mode. This mode comes handy for synchronization, but
sometimes you just want to transfer files to/from PC. In order to change this mode, go to
³Settings -> Connectivity´ and select ³´#4³. You will see 4 available USB modes:
You can change the default type of connection simply by clicking on it, and you can also change
the type while you¶re connected!

42. # 
. If you have a limited dataplan you can save some KB¶s by
setting the phone to automatically switch from GPRS/3G to WiFi connection, when available.
Go to ´Settings -> Connectivity´, and then choose ³#

  ³. In the first field select ³5  

  ³, as pictured.


. When there are several WiFi networks
available, the best way to choose the one you want is to prioritize. Visit ´Settings ->
Connectivity -> Settings´, and click ³„
Select ³!
³, and you will see a list of saved APs. c   the access point you want
to move up/down, and you¶ll see the following screen:

Simply tap ³  

³, and then tap on the position you want to place that AP.

 . There will be situations when you need to fill in some
advanced data for certain WLAN networks (hidden and proxy-based networks come to my
mind). In order to achieve this, go to ´Settings -> Connectivity -> Settings -> Destinations´, and
click on the ³
´ field. You will be asked if you would like to search for available
WiFi hotspots. This won¶t work for hidden networks, so click ³No´ in that case. Otherwise, click
³Yes´ and select desired WiFi network. If you choose to manually add all data, you will need to
choose the type of new access point (WLAN or Packet data). After that, just follow the creation
process, and fill in the data needed.
45. ) 
 . If you want to have full control of active data or WiFi
connections, go to ³Settings -> Connectivity´ and then open ³ 
  ³. If there
are zero active connections, you¶ll see a ³no active connections´ message, and if you¶re, for
example, connected to WiFi, you¶ll see the name of access point that connects your Symbian^3
phone to network, as well the duration of that connection:

If you tap on that AP, you will be given detailed info about that network connection. If you

   AP, you will be able to disconnect that AP. Very useful in some cases!

  . I was really pleased when I saw this option. It allows you
to skip unwelcome WLAN hotspots during your WiFi scanning process ± very convenient in
places with many WLANs! As in several previous tips, go to ³Settings -> Connectivity´, but
now tap ³,/
³. When you do that, you will see a list of all available WiFi networks in your
surroundings. In order to display only the one(s) you use/like, do the following: click ³Options´,
and then ³Filter WLANs´.


, and click ³OK´. (I had to blur the first
WLAN, it¶s name was obscene)« That¶s it, you will only see the WLANs you want in the future

47. # 4

. This feature is also new, and I find it quite nifty! When
pairing with a new Bluetooth device, you need to scan nearby devices. In order to be more
productive, the N8 can search devices by their type (audio devices, phones, PCs and input
devices). Simply visit ³Settings -> Connectivity -> 4

³, and select the second tab,
³2   ³.
Now just tap ³Options´, and then ³  ³. You will be given a choice:

Choose the category you need, and pair your device!

48. c  

     . You¶ve bought the shiny new N8, but you
need all your contacts, bookmarks and calendar entries from your previous Nokia. No need to
worry, this is super-simple, just follow my lead. Open ³Settings -> Connectivity´, and then

 ³. Select ³2  
´ and then read one of my previous tutorials: How to
transfer contacts to your new Nokia? .

49. ´ ´#4 
 ! This is one of my favorite Symbian^3 features, because it allows me to
transfer files from USB stick to my mobile phone (and vice versa) without the use of PC! The N8
comes with the micro USB to USB cable that you use for this type of connection (unfortunately,
C7 doesn¶t) . Simply plug the USB memory (or even external hard disk!) to the cable, and then
plug the other end of the cable to micro USB port on the phone. File Manager will be launched
automatically, and you will see your flash memory in the list:

If you tap and hold the name of your USB device, you¶ll have some quite handy options
available. Among others, you will be able to format the drive and to rename it.

If you just click on your USB in the list, you will see a list of files and folders that are currently
on it. c   any file to copy it to phone¶s memory, to rename it or delete it. It¶s the same
for other direction (if you want to copy something from the phone to the USB) ± locate the
desired file/folder using File Manager, tap and hold it, and after pressing ³ 
select the destination.
 . This is not a must, but it is advisable. In order to prevent
data loss, do the following: tap on the 
   if in the home screen (or in the Menu,
holding the phone vertically), or the bottom-center key, if in Menu, holding the phone
horizontally. You will see a pop-up, and just press ³ ´#4 ³.


 . This feature is great, not only for showing off, but for
productivity, too!
Simply, plug in
the mouse via mentioned USB cable, and you¶re good to go. The mouse pointer (arrow) will be
shown on the phone¶s display. Check out the pic below. Cool, right?
Instead of touching the screen, press


, and the tap will be simulated! Press

 to minimize an app, or to open the menu. 2    


  . You can even use the scroll wheel to navigate through gallery with more speed!
Truly, an amazing feature!

Great, we¶ve finished Connectivity. This pretty much covers the settings you will need, so now,

short tricks.


  . This fundamental option is disabled by default, and
I really don¶t know why. To correct this mistake, go to ³Messaging´, and then Options ->
Settings -> Text message´. Find the field called ³ 
³, and select ³Yes´.
53. $ 
/  . At first, I almost though Symbian^3 ditched the log of all your
communication data. Yes, it was THAT hard to find. The Log is well hidden in ³

6c  ´ ± not that deep down in the menu, but it was the last place I looked. That¶s why I
moved it to the main (Root) folder of the Menu.

54. # #)# 
 . This is another handy time saver. For example, imagine you
have one missed call, and you want to send a text to the person who tried to reach you. Instead of
opening the Messaging app, just
   that entry in the call log (this also works for
dialed and received calls), and you¶ll see a pop up window, that will allow you to quickly send
the message (among other things). Click ³
 ³, and start typing! Hat tip to Darko

for this one!

55. #   

 . This is truly a time saver, so pay attention. Tap the
Photos icon, and choose, for example, ³All´. Now, click on the
(check mark) icon, and
you¶ll be in the mode for multiple selection. Check the pics you want to send, then click
³Options -> # ´ and select the desired method.

56. „    
. Your N8 comes with preinstalled OVI Store
client, so getting new apps is effortless. The number of Symbian^3 apps is still not massive, but
we won¶t have to wait too long for more great content.

57. ´ ,$  '. WiFi connection has several advantages over data connection: it¶s
free, it¶s (usually) faster and it consumes less battery, so you should have this tip on mind all the

'  . This may seem as a nuisance at first, but you need to think
ahead, because it will make your browsing easier. When you land on a certain (frequently used)
page, adding a bookmark can¶t be easier. Click on the bidirectional arrow in the right-bottom of
the screen to show the hidden buttons, and then click on the 3 horizontal stripes (more options).
You will see a pop-up window with several icons.

Tap ³#' ´ icon, name the bookmark, and it¶s done!

59. „     
  7 8 
 . When you launch the inbuilt
³Dictionary´ app (located in Applications -> Office), you will be prompted to download another
language (English is preinstalled). Do that, and you¶ll have a decent, offline, bilingual
translations! Works very well with Serbian-English translations.

60. #


.The N8 has a fine preinstalled audio recording
software called Recorder (located in Applications -> Office). You can run the app during the
phone call and record it, and in order to get the best quality of sound, you need to take the
following action. Launch the Recorder, tap ³Options -> Settings´, and select ³³, in the
³recording quality´ field.

61. #
. Creating a new mailbox couldn¶t be more convenient. Just launch
the app called Mail (located in the Applications folder), and tap on the ³New´ icon. If you¶re
using one of the popular email providers (Yahoo!, Google, Hotmail, OVI), all you need to fill in
is your email address, and the corresponding password. Everything else takes place

62. ´ 
. Nokia will publish various firmware updates for your
phone, so make sure you always have the newest version. Because all Symbian^3 phones support
OTA (Over The Air) updates, you can easily update software without the PC. Just type in
*#0000# (these are zeros), and you¶ll see firmware details.
Tap ³Options ->   
 ³, and see if there¶s an update from Nokia!

63. / 


: Please don¶t go through the menu and

search for the camera icon, this is WAY faster.

64. #

(. In order to have full screen images, the default
resolution on my N8 was set to 9MP. If you want to have the best quality, launch the camera, and
tap ³Options ± > #

  ³. Change the the first field (Image quality) to the greatest value.

65.  '  
 . The N8 can record great 720p video, and this tip will make your
video creation a little less shaky. Open the camera, switch to video mode by pressing the
camcorder icon, and then tap ´Options ± > Settings´. Find the field called ³+  
and click on it to display ³On´.


     ". When the battery is down to one (or two) bar(s), it¶s
very smart to activate this mode ± it will dim the display, disconnect Bluetooth, disable the
screensaver and switch to GSM from 3G network (that means: no fast data traffic and no video
calls)«, and by doing so, you¶ll will significantly prolong the operating time of the phone. Just
press the  '

, and scroll down till you see ³

   ³. Click on it, and
the economic mode is on. #


  . You can hot-swap memory cards
quite easily. As in the previous tip, push the Power button, and then tap ³ $; ³.
This will close all running apps that are installed on this memory, and you will be able to safely
remove the memory card. Y *   $ "
$%$  $
$  "

Bonus tip:  ',$

    . Sharing your GPRS/3G connection with other
devices via WiFi is absolutely a must! This tip actually requires you to download a free,
extremely practical, app called JoikuSpot Light. It¶s very easy to use, and you can read about it
in one of my previous posts.

Congratulations, if you¶ve made it this far!!!

Now, it would be a good time to share this on Twitter, by pressing the button below

Did I miss some tips and tricks? Leave a comment below.

Here¶s few handy shortcuts as well.

Keypad shortcuts (Select ³Call´ from homescreen)

- Bluetooth ON/OFF: longpress on µ*¶-key
- Call log: press call key
- Contacts: press on contacts icon
- Open browser: longpress on ¶0ƍ-key
- Silent profile: longpress on µ#¶-key

Keypad codes (Select ³Call´ from homescreen and type«)

- *#7370# does hard reset
- *#7780# does soft reset
- *#06# shows your IMEI
- *#0000# shows info about phone software
- *#92702689# (*#war anty#) shows lifetimer
- *#2820# (*#BTA0#) displays the Bluetooth device address of your phone
- *#62209526# (*#MAC0WLAN) displays the MAC address of the WLAN adapter

Clock and Profile -widget

- Active and edit profile: press on profile name on the widget
- Calendar: press on date on the widget
- Clock: press on clock on widget
Notifications popup (press on battery icon)
- Clock: press on time on the popup
- Connectivity settings: press on connectivity icon on the popup
- Powersave mode ON/OFF: press on battery icon on the popup
- USB mode: press on USB icon on the popup (when connected) to switch USB mode without
- WLAN-manager: press on WLAN connection on the popup (when connected)

- Alarm Enable/Disable: Set alarm to repeat, then you can disable and enable it
- Animated Themes: Nokia default themes (not Midnight pack) have animated backgrounds, just
active it from theme settings
- Data Counter: Open call log and tap on right tab to view data transfer log.
- Disconnect all networks: longpress with red call key
- Edit Homescreen: longpress on anywhere on the homscreen changes to edit mode
- Faster Homescreen: turn of theme effects from Themes settings to make switching between
homescreens instant
- Favorites Widget: you can scroll the favorites widget horisontally and add more than four
contacts, unlike in N97 homescreen
- Forced Reboot: press power key for eight seconds simulating ³battery removal´
- ³Full´ Reset: hold ³Volume Down + Camera Key + Menu Key´ and press power button until
your phone shake (Warning! Will remove some apps permanently like Ovi Store and Qt!)
- Predictive QWERTY: predictive text and word auto-completion are also supported on
QWERTY, not only in keypad
- Screen Saver Notification: Use µMusic Player¶ screen saver to show new sms and missed calls
icon on screen. Time, Date, Profile and Music being played will also be shown if enabled.
- Silence Calls/Snooze Alarms: turn around your phone upside down to silence calls or snooze
alarms (set it on from Settings > Sensor settings)
- Special Characters: longpress on ¶1*¶-character on QWERTY keyboard to input special
characters like õ, ü, etc.
- Torch (n/a in N8): hold down keylock to use LED flash as a torch
- Two way Charge: Both USB and regular thin-pin adapters can be used for charging
- Two way Keylock: open keylock by sliding keylock button on side OR by pressing menu key
and then press on the screen where it says ³Unlock´
- Two way TV-OUT: use HDMI cable to get digital TV Out (only N8/E7) with HD resolution or
use 3.5mm cable for composite TV out
- Voice Command: hold Call button in homescreen (setup voice command first)
- USB OTG: you can directly connect almost any USB device to the phone (including USB
mouse, -keyboard, -pendrive and -external HDD)
- Widget settings: in homescreen edit mode, press on widget (Notifications, Mail, Search and
- Widgets Online/Offline: select Options > ³Widget to Offline mode´ from homescreen

- Calendar: browse through days by swiping through screen from left to right or vice versa to
browse back
- Camera: use Pinch zoom to switch between 4:3 and 16:9 aspect ratios (9Mpix vs 12Mpix on
- Camera: double press on screen to zoom (like with browser)
- Camera: you can also zoom by using volume keys
- Clock: switch between analog and digital clock by tapping the big clock shown on screen
- File Manager: connect to a network drive by choosing the setting from options menu (instead of
- File Manager: jump down on folder tree by pressing on one of the folder icons on top of the
- File Manager: open search bar by lightly pressing on camera key
- Gallery: Three ways to zoom pictures; by making a double press, a pinch zoom or by using
volume keys
- Mail: Collapse and expand all days by doing longpress on a day
- Menu (App. Grid): instead of leaving it to background, choose Options > Exit
- Profiles: set profile (except general and offline) to change based on time of the day from profile
- Ovi Maps: share current (or favorite) location via MMS or E-Mail to any other Nokia device
with Maps
- Task Manager: open Task Manager by doing longpress on (physical) menukey on the phone
- Task Manager: longpress on any of the apps to bring out option to close invidual or all running
- Lost Application (general): in case you accidently delete some of Nokia applications, like
Communities or Midnight theme pack, use Software Update re-install it

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