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Senior High School Department

Balatas, Naga City

Advertising creates demand

Advertising makes people realistic
Problems on Advertising

Presented to:
Mrs. Teresita S. Arlante
Business Ethics Teacher

Presented by:
Quimco, Ceasar Jay A.
Vidal, Nicolle Hazzel N.

September 26, 2017

1.Advertising creates demand
Advertising can have a range of impacts on consumer demand for a product or service. A
particular advertisement can both create and not create demand for a specific group of persons.
Advertising can create demand if it is done right. If the advertisement of a particular company or business
establishments has featured their own goals, purpose, and objective, then probably it has a higher chance
of getting the attention of the customers that may result to an increase in demand. According to Small
Business Chron, if the business have a broad product line and usually advertise their business, rather than
specific goods or services, their business can increase the demand for a particular item with advertising. On
the other hand, an advertisement may not create a demand but rather just an awareness. Some
advertisements tend to give only an awareness rather than persuading its viewer. In some situations, it
only portrays the existence and availability of a particular product rather than giving its importance and
benefits to the people which can help to convince them in buying it. An example of this is the Automotive
Industry. Car advertisement often tell people about the need of car as a mode of transportation. Often
today cars sales are generated on the basis of necessity. But we all know that most car buyers don’t go out
and purchase cars based on the advertisements most of them look upon the specification, design and
performance of the vehicle on the actual appearance of it.
2.Advertising makes people realistic
In today’s generation, advertisement often portrays real life scenarios wherein it shows a
reflection of a today’s reality of what is happening in our society today. Real life is full of tension and
conflict and these are the very elements that make consumers want to follow a story and see how it
unfolds.  It catches the attention of the viewer that probably will influence his perceptions and interests in
his life. A good example of this is the advertisement of Jollibee and McDonalds wherein they show real
life scenario and include people who can act and show the emotions of what they feel and think that
makes the scene more realistic and appealing to its audiences. Through advertisement is does not only
persuade or catch the interest of the people but rather, it make them realize and reflect on what they see
and apply it on real life.
3.Problems on Advertising
Advertising is a form of communication intended to persuade an audience to purchase products,
ideals or services. While advertising can be seen as necessary for economic growth, it is may also have its
social costs. In today’s generation, advertising increasingly invades public spaces, such as schools, which
some critics argue is a form of child exploitation. According to LegalMatch, here are some of the
common violations in advertising. First, Copyright Infringement it is when using another company’s
copyrighted material in an ad without their permission may result in a legal violation. Next, False
Advertising wherein it involves advertised claims that are not true in connection with the product or
service. In addition, it usually must be shown that the company or business intended to mislead the
public with their advertising. Another, Deceptive Advertisement which involves statements that are not
necessarily untrue, but are meant to deceive or mislead the consumer. Lastly, Trademark Counterfeiting,
It is using or reproducing another company’s trademark or logo without their permission in an
advertisement can lead to a civil lawsuit. Some advertising violations can result in criminal penalties.
These generally result in misdemeanor penalties, including criminal fees and/or time in jail for up to one
year. In more serious violations, felony charges can be involved, which can result in higher penalties and
jail time of greater than one year.
It is truly indeed that advertisement is a very important mode of communication with people
nowadays. Because of advertisements, it has influenced the perception of people and attract them on a
particular topic or subject being advertised. However, advertisements has also problems and negative
sides. One of it is when it comes to the visualization of the idea or concept of an advertisement. We all
know that humans are visual learners, we learn from what we see and experience. The overall appearance
of the advertisement must have a connection with one another. Any objects are things that are not related
to the purpose of an advertisement may mislead the information and cause confusion to the audience that
may result to an unsuccessful advertising. Another, an advertisement may also have a weak marketing
message. It is because some ads often focuses only on attracting the customers rather than influencing
them on the benefit, advantages and message that would get. Lastly…….

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