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Unit 6 test

Listening 5 Complete the senten ces with the

words. (5 marks)
1  Listen to the conversation. What are Holly bury protect red uce reuse throw away
and Jack going to work on together? (2 marks) 1 Every year UK hou seholds
millions of tonnes o f expired food.
2 Companies dangerous waste
underg ound.
2  Listen again. Who says these lines? 3 I always my plastic bags.
Write H for Holly and J for Jack. (8 marks)
4 It is important to endangered
1 It’s a list of the most useful inventions in the species.
world. 5 Many local councils are trying to
2 It’s the top ten. p ollution by promoting
3 Social networking must be number one. public transport, cycling a nd car sharing.
4 The internet must be on the list.
5 The light bulb must be on there.
6 Why don’t we finish this after school?
7 That sounds like a good plan.
6 Choose the correct o ption. (10 marks)
8 OK, come on, let’s go or we’ll be late.
1 English speaks / is spoken here.
2 Every year, people are shared / share billions of
Vocabulary photos on social m edia.
3 What is your dress make / made from?
3 Put these words related to the environment in
the correct category. (10 marks) 4 Dinner is / be served at 8 p.m.
5 Students aren’t given / gave much homework at
destroy dump poison pollute preserve
that school.
protect recycle reduce reuse save
6 I use / is used my t ablet for reading books
Positive Negative and magazines.
7 We aren’t / don’t r ecycle enough in our town.
8 What materials are used / use o make
9 Thousands of hect ares of rainforest destroyed /
are destroyed eve ry day.
10 How much food is wasted / waste each year?
4 Choose the correct option. (5 marks) 7 Write the words in th e correct order. (10 marks)
1 I think having the internet on my mobile phone is
1 the telephone / inve nted / Alexander Graham
very convenient / inconvenient.
Bell / was / by
2 This computer is unreliable / practical; it often
crashes while I am using it.
3 You can’t see what is happening because it’s a
2 weren’t / properly / built / those houses
high-quality / low-quality image.
4 The wheel was a very useless / useful 3 discovered / who / was / gravity / by / ?
5 My tablet has a very efficient / time-saving 4 the Eiffel Tower / S auvestre / was / by / designed
battery; it lasts for hours and hours.

5 sent / a helicopter / to rescue / was / the climbers

8 Complete the sentences with the present simple
passive or the past simple passive form of the
verbs in brackets. (10 marks)
10 Read the text. How m uch food and drink do
1 The Hunger Games trilogy by people in the UK wastte every year? (3 marks)
Suzanne Collins. (write)
2 Computers by a lot of people
in the past. (not use)
3 The Pacific Ocean by millions g UK family throws away about 24 m
The average meals
of tonnes of rubbish every year. (pollute) a month. This amounts to about 4.2 n
2 million tonnes
4 More films on computers and of food and d
d drink a year. Almost half of this food
tablets now than at the cinema. (watch) goes directly
t from fridg es or cupboards into the bin.
5 These walls a long time ago The top three foods thaat end up in tthe bin are bread,
but they are already dirty. (not paint) potatoes and milk.
In order to solve this p roblem, theUUK government
Practical English has started a campaignn to reduce food waste. FFood
producers, shops, restaurants
a and consumers aare
9 Choose the correct option. (15 marks) being encouraged to work together to stop food
Veronica: What’s your favourite type of food? m r s
waste. Some superma rkets and restaurants give
Tom: I like Greek food. Stuffed peppers are any unsol food to cha rities. Some local councils
a s
favourites of mine. are using food waste fr om nd busines es to
homes n e
Veronica: What are they (1) cooked / made from? b o o a
produce energy and h eat. Food waste companies
u y
Tom: Sweet peppers, rice, tomatoes, work with businesses to reduce fo d wastage nd
cinnamon and mint. maximize use from an y food waste.
Veronica: I don’t like the (2) look / taste of mint. It e
o waste undderground increases the
Burying food
smells nice but I can’t stand it in food.
amount of greenhouse gases in the e atmosphere
Tom: You can make it without mint. n
and, as a result, global warming. Byy converting food
Veronica: How is the dish (3) cook / cooked? waste into energy, we ccan protect the planet a d
Tom: The rice and tomatoes are cooked save billions of pounds .
(4) on / in a pan. Then the mixture is put
inside the peppers and they’re put in the
oven for an hour. 11 Read the text again a nd complete the
Veronica: That (5) smells / sounds delicious. I’d sentences. (12 marks)
like to try that! 1 About % of food waste isn’t opened
before it is thrown away.
2 People in Britain thr ow away ,
a nd most
3 The UK governme nt is trying to
f ood waste by working
with shops, restaurants and consumers.
4 Food that isn’t sold is given to charities by
and .
5 Burying food waste increases
and .
6 Food waste can be converted into
t o protect the
a nd money.
Writing Paragraph 1 Introductio n
Say what your report i s about.
12 Write a report about the positive and negative
effects of using different types of transport. The aim of this report i s to look at the effects
Think about cost, the environment and health of using … .
issues. Use the information below or your own
ideas. Remember to use phrases for reports. Paragraph 2 The positive effects
Write about 100 words. (10 marks)
Talk about the positive effects.
Cars: In general, … cause le ss … . As a result, … .

• Cause a lot of pollution and contribute to the Paragraph 3 The negati ve effects
greenhouse effect. Talk about the negativ e effects.
• Cars that run on electricity don’t cause as much Generally, … cause a lot of … . This means … .
pollution. 75% of materials from old cars can be
Paragraph 4 Conclusio n
Say what the situation is and make
Trains: recommendations.
• Trains generally cause less pollution than cars. To sum up, … . We sh ould / shouldn’t … .

• Electric trains cause less pollution than diesel trains,

but it is expensive to change a diesel train system to

• Don’t cause direct pollution and they are a good
way to exercise.

Listening / 10 Reading / 15
Vocabulary /2
20 Writing / 10
Grammar / 30
Practical English / 15 TOTAL / 100

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