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Name: Alre Carro (Goes by Almar Cantor)

Weakness: When people talk highly of his father

Need: To help those in need

Desire: To kill father.

Enemy: Father (King of the Isle of Carro)

Age: 70

Alignment: Neutral Good

Personality traits: I always have a plan for what to do when things go wrong.

Alre Started off living an easy life, being born into the royal family of the Ilse of Carro, living in the lap
of luxury, being taught by the best tutors. Occasionally, Alre would wonder why he was never let
outside. Every time he asked his parents why, they would always give a half-assed answer like “Its for
your own good” or “We will let you go outside one day,” when in reality, it was to protect his older
sisters claim to the crown. His parents feared that if news of a male heir got out, other royal families
would pressure them into making Alre next in line for the throne, making all the time and money they
spent getting his sister ready for the crown mean noting. So instead, they planned on keeping Alre’s
existence a secret, and turning him into their own private assassin. They slowly started brainwashing
Alre into being complaint by feeding him propaganda during his schooling. Alre then started training to
be an assassin, believing that he was serving his city and that it would make his father proud. Alre
then started taking on missions, assassinating his fathers enemies. His missions always followed a
pattern, he would be taken near the location of the mission in a carriage that had no windows and
doors that were locked from the outside, he would be briefed on the mission during the carriage ride.
This particular mission was no different, followed the pattern down to a T. Knowing the formula by
now, Alre snuck into the building, turned a corner and then everything went black. Alre then woke up
tied to a chair, surrounded by unfamiliar faces. The one in front of him starts talking. “Welcome Alre,
we have been watching you for some time. We are an origination called the Breakers of Chains, we
are a group that has been around for centuries, lurking in the shadows and pulling strings, trying to
right some of the injustices of the world. We have a very special job for you, you have every right to
deny us and continue in your blind devotion. Contrary to what you have been taught, your father, King
Alok Carro is extremely corrupt. The isle of Carro has been facing an intense poverty problem, with
most people working has glorified slaves farming chickpeas just to survive, while the royal family lives
in luxury. What we want you to do is to kill your father. I know this is unrealistic, but we will show you
some things that might convince you.” Alres vision goes black again. This time he wakes up in an
unfamiliar city with his hands still tied. The man he was talking to now walking beside him. All around
him, Alre sees people in extreme poverty, and people dying with corpses spread across the ground.
The main explains: “This is the city of Carro, the city that you were born in and hold so dear to you
heart. How does this sound, we pay you to assassinate the king and we handle the rest. We will give
you a new identity and a new place to live and you will forget that any of this happen.” Upon seeing
this atrocious site, Alre agrees. Alre then sneaks back into the castle, making sure he is not seen.
While he is waiting for nightfall, he overheard his parents talking about how Alre is most likely dead,
and how he was a failure. As soon as he thought his father was asleep, Alre sneaked into his parents’
room to see both of them sleeping. Alre then got his knife out and held it to his father’s throat, but he
hesitated at the thought of killing his father actually crossed his mind. Feeling something touch his
throat, his father woke up with a look of shock. Upon seeing his father wake up, he jumped out of the
window and ran as far away as he could. He ran to the nearest port and got and the first boat he
could. When then captain asked for his name, he thought for a bit and said “Almar Cantor,” which was
the name of the servant assigned to him. 30 years have passed since then, now Almar goes around
from island to island, helping anyone he can and taking the odd assassination job here and there. His
constant wandering and “running” of sorts led him to a tavern on the island of “insert island name here
“. Little did he know that his life would change course in the little tavern.

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