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Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 101 (2012) 602–608

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Gamma butyrolactone (GBL) and gamma valerolactone (GVL): Similarities and

differences in their effects on the acoustic startle reflex and the conditioned
enhancement of startle in the rat
Laureen J. Marinetti, Bonita J. Leavell, Calleen M. Jones, Bradford R. Hepler,
Daniel S. Isenschmid, Randall L. Commissaris ⁎
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI 48202, United States
Wayne County Medical Examiner's Office, 1300 East Warren, Detroit, MI 48207, United States
Montgomery County Coroner's Office and Miami Valley Regional Crime Laboratory, 361 West Third Street, Dayton, OH 45402, United States

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Gamma butyrolactone (GBL) is metabolized to gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB) in the body. GHB is a DEA
Received 29 June 2011 Schedule 1 compound; GBL is a DEA List 1 chemical. Gamma valerolactone (GVL) is the 4-methyl analog of
Received in revised form 24 January 2012 GBL; GVL is metabolized to 4-methyl-GHB; GVL is NOT metabolized to GBL or GHB. The effects of GBL
Accepted 28 January 2012
(18.75–150 mg/kg), GVL (200–1600 mg/kg) or vehicle on the acoustic startle reflex (ASR), and the
Available online 12 February 2012
classically-conditioned enhancement of startle, the Startle Anticipated Potentiation of Startle (SAPS) re-
sponse were studied in male rats. Both compounds produced a dose-dependent reduction of ASR, with GBL
Acoustic startle 5–7 times more potent than GVL. In contrast, GBL treatment significantly reduced SAPS at doses that exerted
Potentiated startle response only moderate effects on ASR, whereas GVL exerted little or no effect on the SAPS, except at doses that pro-
Gamma hydroxybutyrate duced pronounced reductions in Noise Alone ASR. In a second experiment, rats were tested for Noise Alone
4-Methyl-gamma hydroxybutyrate ASR behavior following treatment with a single mid-range dose of GBL (75 mg/kg), GVL (400 mg/kg) or ve-
Gamma valerolactone hicle; immediately following startle testing the animals were sacrificed and their brains and blood were col-
Gamma butyrolactone lected for determination of GHB, 4-methyl-GHB, GBL and GVL. GHB was found in measurable concentrations
Gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA)
in all of the blood specimens and 6 (of 8) of the brain specimens from the GBL-treated subjects. 4-Methyl-
GHB was found in measurable concentrations in all of the blood and brain specimens of the GVL-treated sub-
jects; the change in startle amplitude was inversely correlated to the brain concentrations of these com-
pounds. These findings confirm the differences in the metabolic fate of GBL and GVL as pro-drugs for the
formation of GHB and 4-methyl-GHB, respectively. Moreover, the dissimilarity in effect profile for GBL and
GVL on ASR versus SAPS behaviors suggests that different receptor(s) may be involved in mediating these be-
havioral effects.
© 2012 Published by Elsevier Inc.

1. Introduction drug, GBL has therefore been identified by the DEA as List 1 chemical
(United States Drug Enforcement Agency, 2000b).
1.1. GBL and GHB effects and pharmacology Studies on the receptor mechanism(s) for the effects of GHB have
focused primarily on two receptors: the GHB receptor and the GABAB
After gaining notoriety in some high-profile ‘date rape’ cases in the receptor. GHB binds to both receptors and they are functionally inde-
1990s, the drug gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB) was made a Schedule pendent (Kaupmann et al., 2003; Wu et al., 2004). GHB binds with
1 drug in federal legislation in the form of the Hillory J. Farias and high affinity to the GHB receptor; this binding is displaced by the pu-
Samantha Reid Date-Rape Drug Prohibition Act of 2000 to control tative GHB receptor antagonist NCS-382. GHB also binds to the
and penalize use and distribution of GHB, gamma butyrolactone GABAB receptor, although with somewhat lower affinity than at the
(GBL) and 1,4 butanediol (1,4 BD) (United States Drug Enforcement GHB receptor.
Agency, 2000a). GBL is metabolized to GHB in the body following sys- Many of the behavioral and physiological effects of administered
temic administration (Roth and Giarman, 1965, 1966); as a GHB pro- GHB appear to relate to actions at the low-affinity sites, i.e., GABAB re-
ceptors, rather than the higher affinity GHB receptor sites. GHB-
induced hypothermia in mice is reversed by treatment with the
⁎ Corresponding author at: 3126 Applebaum, Department of Pharmaceutical Sci-
ences, College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI
GABAB antagonist SCH 5091, but not by the GHB antagonist NCS-382
48202, United States. Tel.: + 1 313 577 0813; fax: + 1 313 577 2033. (Carai et al., 2005). Similarly, GHB-induced hypothermia is prevented
E-mail address: (R.L. Commissaris). in GABAB1 knockout mice (Queva et al., 2003). In Drosophila, GHB-

0091-3057/$ – see front matter © 2012 Published by Elsevier Inc.

L.J. Marinetti et al. / Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 101 (2012) 602–608 603

induced motor impairment in flying behavior is reduced by GABAB an- 1.3. The acoustic startle reflex and the potentiated startle response
tagonist treatment (CGP54626; the putative GHB receptor antagonist
NCS-382 was not evaluated) or by RNA interference (RNAi)-induced The acoustic startle reflex in the rat has been used extensively as a
knockdown of GABAB(1) receptors (Dimitrijevic et al., 2005). Finally, model for studying central nervous system (CNS) depressant com-
in drug discrimination studies, the effects of GHB generalize to the pounds (Helton et al., 1998; Davis, 1980; Pohorecky et al., 1976). In ad-
baclofen cue in both rats and pigeons (Carter et al., 2005). dition, the startle reflex can be augmented (‘potentiated’) by classical
There is, however, evidence that actions other than GABAB recep- conditioning. The potentiated startle response most commonly studied
tor actions may be involved in some of the behavioral effects of GHB. is the ‘fear-potentiated startle’ response. In this classically-conditioned
For example, although treatment with the GABAB antagonist fear behavioral procedure, the subject is ‘taught’ to anticipate an aver-
CGP35348 effectively, and in a dose-dependent manner, antagonized sive stimulus (electric shock) through multiple light + shock pairings
the discriminative stimulus and rate-decreasing effects of baclofen during training, and during testing, the magnitude of the startle re-
and the GABAB agonist SKF97541, this same CGP35348 treatment sponse is greater in the presence of the stimulus (light) that was previ-
was far less effective antagonist against the discriminative stimulus ously paired with the delivery of the aversive stimulus. (Brown et al.,
and rate-decreasing effects of GHB (Carter et al., 2006). 1951; Davis, 1991; Davis et al., 1993; Helton et al., 1998).
A similar conditioned enhancement of startle can be observed
1.2. GVL and 4-methyl-GHB effects and pharmacology when the subject is trained to anticipate the startle noise burst itself
(Winston et al., 2001; McQueen et al., 2001). This startle anticipated
The compound gamma valerolactone (GVL) is the 4-methyl analog potentiated startle (SAPS) effect is based upon a report by Leaton
of GBL that, until recently, was legally available via the internet as and Cranney (1990), who demonstrated that anticipation of the star-
‘Tranquili-G’. GVL has been touted on line as ‘an excellent Valium al- tle stimulus increased the response to the noise burst. In the SAPS test-
ternative’ and also as a GHB alternative. GVL is converted to 4- ing procedure, rats are tested repeatedly, with each startle session
methyl-GHB in the body after administration and is not further me- consisting of 10 Noise Alone trials and 10 Light + Noise trials
tabolized to GHB (Fishbein and Bessman, 1966). Fig. 1 depicts the (McQueen et al., 2001; Winston et al., 2001). Initially there is no differ-
structures and metabolic relationships among the compounds GBL, ence in startle amplitude for the two trial types. Within the course of
GHB, GVL and 4-methyl-GHB. a single 20-trial test session, however, and continuing throughout
Compared to GHB, 4-methyl-GHB has been far less extensively many weeks of repeated startle test sessions, startle amplitude on
studied, but it, too binds to the GHB receptor with relatively high af- the Light + Noise trials is consistently higher than on the Noise
finity; 4-methyl GHB also binds to GABAB receptors, but with a lower Alone trials.
affinity than GHB (Carter et al., 2005). Behaviorally, GHB and 4-
methyl GHB have both similarities and differences, depending upon 1.4. Purpose of the present studies
the behavioral measure being evaluated. Carter et al. (2005) have
reported that GHB and 4-methyl-GHB reduce locomotor activity, pro- Both GHB-type and 4-methyl-GHB type compounds have been
duce ataxia and catalepsy in a dose-dependent manner, but only GHB found to reduce the Noise Alone acoustic startle response (Marinetti,
produces a significant reduction in the righting reflex. Moreover, al- 2003). The comparative effects of these compounds on the conditioned
though both GHB and 4-methyl-GHB treatment reduce overall oper- enhancement of the startle response have not been determined. Thus,
ant response rates in the drug discrimination paradigm, 4-methyl- the present studies evaluated the effects of the GHB pro-drug GBL and
GHB produces at best only weak generalization to the GHB ‘cue’ in 4-methyl-GHB pro-drug GVL on ASR and also the SAPS procedure. In
rats or pigeons trained to discriminate GHB (100 mg/kg in pigeons; addition, a second experiment was conducted to determine the meta-
200 mg/kg in rats) from vehicle (Carter et al., 2005). These investiga- bolic fate of GBL versus GVL as pro-drugs for GHB and 4-methyl-GHB,
tors also demonstrated that behaviorally active doses (i.e., doses that respectively, and the possible relationship between their blood or
reduce overall operant responding rates) of GHB, but not 4-methyl brain concentrations and the magnitude of the startle response.
GHB, generalized to the baclofen cue in rats trained to discriminate
3.2 mg/kg baclofen versus saline (Carter et al., 2004, 2005). Whether 2. Methods
these similarities and differences in GHB versus 4-methyl-GHB effects
relate to differences in GHB versus GABAB receptor binding has not 2.1. Subjects
been determined.
Male Sprague–Dawley rats (Charles River Laboratories, Wilmington,
MA) were used in all experiments. The rats weighed approximately 200
to 250 g upon arrival at the Department of Laboratory Animal Research
facilities in the Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sci-
ences at Wayne State University. The rats were housed in groups of two
to four in a climate controlled room maintained on a 12 h light:12 h
dark cycle (lights on 0700 to 1900 h), with free access to food and
water, except during behavioral testing. All rats were allowed a one-
week acclimation time prior to any testing procedure. All procedures in-
volving experimental animals were reviewed and approved by the WSU
Animal Investigation Committee and followed all applicable NIH and
USDA guidelines.

2.2. Drugs

GVL was obtained from Fluka Chemical; GBL and GHB were
Fig. 1. Chemical structures and metabolic relationships between gamma butyrolactone obtained from Sigma Chemical Company, St. Louis, MO. GVL was di-
(GBL), gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB), gamma valerolactone (GVL) and 4 methyl
gamma hydroxy butyrate (4-methyl GHB). GBL is known to be metabolized to GHB
luted to 10% by volume with de-ionized water for intraperitoneal
and GVL is known to be metabolized to 4-methyl GHB; there is no evidence for conver- (IP) injections. GBL was diluted to 5% by volume with de-ionized
sion of GVL to GBL, nor from 4-methyl GHB to GHB. water for IP injections. Due to the chemical instability of GBL and
604 L.J. Marinetti et al. / Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 101 (2012) 602–608

the possible chemical instability of GVL, these aqueous solutions were 2.5. Drug treatments and ASR and SAPS startle behavior—procedure
prepared fresh daily.
4-Methyl-GHB was synthesized for use in the analysis of 4-methyl- All subjects were tested Noise Alone ASR and for the Startle-
GHB concentrations following GBL or GVL treatment. The synthesis of Anticipated Potentiated Startle (SAPS) effect on 14 occasions over the
4-methyl-GHB was undertaken utilizing the reaction scheme described course of 7 weeks. These test sessions were approximately 15 min in
by Bourguignon et al. (1988). This reaction scheme involves the hydroly- duration. Two test sessions were conducted each week, typically on
sis of gamma valerolactone with sodium hydroxide and ethanol, which Monday and Thursday; these test sessions were separated by a period
was then washed with 2-propanol to remove excess base and dried of 2–4 days. For the first four sessions (SAPS acquisition and baseline
with ethyl ether to yield the sodium salt of gamma methyl gamma ASR determinations), no drug or vehicle treatments were administered.
hydroxybutyric acid. The Na-methyl-GHB was then stored under dessi- For the last 10 sessions, i.e., over the course of the last 5 weeks of testing
cation. This product was verified by nuclear magnetic resonance spec- (one treatment per week), the effects of acute challenges with GBL, GVL
troscopy (NMR) and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). or distilled water (DW) vehicle were determined. The effects of GBL
versus GVL were determined in a different group of subjects; GBL-
2.3. Apparatus—acoustic startle training and testing treated subjects received DW vehicle and a log-related range of GBL
doses (18.75, 37.5, 75, 150 mg/kg) over the course of 5 weeks; similarly,
The apparatus used for startle and potentiated startle testing and GVL-treated subjects received DW vehicle and a log-related range of
training was the SR-LAB Startle Response System-R, purchased from GVL doses (200, 400, 800, 1600 mg/kg) over a similar time. All treat-
San Diego Instruments Inc. (San Diego, CA). The test chambers were ments were administered intraperitoneally (IP), 10 min prior to the
clear PlexiglasR cylinders, 15 cm long and 9 cm inside diameter, each start of the startle test session. Allowing for the 5-min pre-test accom-
resting on a solid PlexiglasR base. An accelerometer was attached to modation period in the startle chamber, the effects of the drugs were
the base of the startle test cage cylinder and served as the transducer. determined during the interval 15–25 min following IP injection. The
Cage movement resulted in a change in voltage output from the acceler- drug doses and the pretreatment interval were selected because they
ometer; the resultant voltage change was converted to a startle ampli- produced mild to moderate sedation and ataxia at the indicated dose
tude value. The test cage and PlexiglasR support were enclosed in a ranges (Marinetti, 2003; Carter et al., 2005; Deichmann et al., 1945).
sound-attenuating cubicle. This cubicle was equipped with (1) a 15- For each subject, the order of the five treatments received was random-
watt lamp which was used for potentiated startle training and testing ized across the 5 weeks of SPS testing. In addition to the drug treatment
and (2) a speaker (Radio Shack Super TweeterR) for background noise sessions, subjects were tested in one additional control (i.e., non-drug)
and for presentation of the acoustic startle stimuli. All parameters of SAPS sessions each week.
the acoustic startle test sessions (acoustic stimulus intensity, inter-
stimulus interval [ISI], presence or absence of the conditioned stimuli, 2.6. GBL and GVL dispositional study
sampling interval, etc.) were controlled by a microprocessor using
‘PSR2’ software purchased from San Diego Instruments (SDI). The sensi- In a second experiment, groups of rats were pre-tested for their
tivity of each startle test chamber was standardized at the beginning of Noise Alone ASR (average over 20 Noise Alone trials); they were
each test day using the SR-LAB Standardization Unit purchased from SDI. then treated with vehicle or a mid-range dose of GBL (75 mg/kg) or
GVL (400 mg/kg), and 10 min later Noise Alone ASR was re-assessed
2.4. Behavior procedure—ASR and SAPS training and testing for 20 trials. Immediately after testing, the subjects were sacrificed
by decapitation and trunk blood and brain tissue were collected on
The procedure for ASR and SAPS training and testing was a modi- ice for analysis of GHB, 4-methyl-GHB, GBL and GVL concentrations.
fication of that described previously (Winston et al., 2001; McQueen Both blood and brain samples were preserved with sodium fluoride,
et al., 2001). For each startle test session, subjects were placed indi- 2 to 3% by weight. Brain specimens were weighed and homogenized
vidually in the Plexiglas R test cylinder. All test sessions were preceded with 3 mL of de-ionized water. After collection the blood and homog-
by a 5-minute acclimation period (background noise only = 70 dB). enized brain specimens were frozen until analysis.
Each startle test session consisted of twenty (20) startle stimuli
(115 dB noise bursts; 40 ms in duration). Half of these startle stimuli 2.7. GHB and 4-methyl-GHB quantitation
(Noise Alone) were presented in darkness and half (Light + Noise)
were presented during the final 40 ms of a 3540 ms presentation of The method used for gas chromatography/mass spectrometry
a 15-watt incandescent light. The order of presentation of the two (GC/MS) quantitation of GHB and 4-methyl-GHB in blood and brain
trial types was constant across all startle test sessions and was homogenates was a solid phase method adapted from Crifasi and
based on a randomization scheme determined in earlier experiments Telepchak (2000). 200 μL of rat blood or brain homogenate was
(Winston et al., 2001). The startle test chamber was dark during the placed in small plastic test tubes containing 100 μL of deuterated
inter-trial interval (ITI). ITI values over the course of the 20 stimulus GHB (D6GHB) internal standard. 1.0 mL of acetone was added to
presentations ranged from 26 to 34 s in 2-second increments. As each tube to precipitate proteins and the tubes were vortexed for
noted above, half of the trials in each session were of the ‘Light 15 s, then centrifuged. The acetone layer was removed and placed in
+ Noise’ type and half of the trials were of the ‘Noise Alone’ type. a clean glass test tube, then evaporated to dryness under nitrogen at
These daily startle sessions served two purposes. First, for the exper- 70 °C. The extract was reconstituted with 250 μL of 100 mM phos-
imental subjects, these test sessions established and maintained the phate buffer, pH = 6.0, then vortexed for 15 s. The clean screen®
conditioned association between the light and the startle stimulus. GHB solid phase extraction (SPE) column was conditioned as follows:
At the same time, these test sessions provided information regarding (1) pass 3 mL methanol through the column, then 3 mL de-ionized
the effects of prior conditioning (i.e., startle amplitude on the Noise water and finally 3 mL phosphate buffer from above. Low pressure
Alone versus Light + Noise trials) in the absence of extinction trials. (b1 mm Hg) or no aspiration pressure was applied so as not to dry
Thus, as with the Estes–Skinner fear-conditioned emotional response the SPE columns. Each sample was applied to a conditioned SPE col-
(CER) operant conflict paradigm (Estes and Skinner, 1941), subjects umn; columns were not re-used. The solution was aspirated at
in these studies were tested repeatedly for baseline startle (Noise 1 mm Hg or less. Clean glass test tubes were placed in the collection
Alone ASR) and for the effects of classical conditioning on the startle rack under each SPE column. 1 mL methanol:ammonium hydroxide
response (SAPS), but they were never tested under conditions of ex- (99:1) was added to each SPE column and the effluent was collected.
tinction, i.e., presenting the light without the noise burst. The contents of the collection tubes were transferred to individual
L.J. Marinetti et al. / Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 101 (2012) 602–608 605

screw cap centrifuge tubes. The contents of the tubes were dried In Experiment 2, the change in Noise Alone ASR (Pre-Treatment
under nitrogen at 70 °C. 100 μL BSTFA with 1% TMS was added to minus Post-Treatment) following Vehicle, 75 mg/kg GBL or 400 mg/
the tube and it was placed in a heating block at 55 °C for 30 min. kg GVL were compared using one-way ANOVA followed by post hoc
Then 100 μL of chloroform was added to each tube and vortexed. Student Newman Keuls (SNK) comparisons. In this Experiment, the
The tubes were then centrifuged for 10 min and the contents were measured concentrations of GBL, GVL, GHB and 4-methyl GHB in
transferred from the centrifuge tubes to auto sampler vials and the blood and brain were additional dependent variables. These drug
cap was crimped. 1.0 μL was injected onto the GC/MS and the follow- and metabolite concentrations in blood and brain tissue were com-
ing ions were monitored: GHB-diTMS—233, 234 and 235, 4-Me-GHB- pared using ANOVA, followed by post hoc SNK comparisons. Finally,
diTMS—247, 248 and 231 and GHBd6-diTMS—239, 240 and 241. correlations between the concentration of metabolite measured
The assay was performed in conjunction with GHB and 4-Me-GHB (GHB following GBL treatment; 4-methyl-GHB following GVL treat-
calibrators (10, 50 and 100 mcg/mL), blanks (aqueous and biological) ment) and the change in Noise Alone ASR behavior (post-drug
and a 4-Me-GHB and GHB positive control. The limit of detection minus pre-drug) were evaluated using Pearson's correlation coeffi-
(LOD) for this assay was 5 μg/mL and the limit of quantitation cient. In all statistical comparisons, p b 0.05 was used as the criterion
(LOQ) was 5 μg/mL for 4-methyl-GHB and 10 μg/mL for GHB. for statistical significance (Steele and Torrie, 1985).

2.8. GBL and GVL quantitation 3. Results

The method used to quantitate GBL and GVL was a one step liquid: 3.1. Non-drug noise alone ASR and SAPS behavior
liquid extraction. 200 μL of the blood or brain homogenate was com-
bined with 4 mL of chloroform and a final concentration of 50 mcg/ There was no difference between startle amplitude on Noise Alone
mL internal standard (GBL for GVL quantitation and GVL for GBL versus Light + Noise trials on Test Day 1 (Noise Alone ASR: 292 ± 55
quantitation) in a 15 mL screw top test tube and placed on a rotator [Mean ± SEM]; Light + Noise ASR: 308 ± 66; t = 1.12, df = 14, n.s.).
for 10 min. The tubes were then centrifuged for 10 min and the Consistent with previous reports (Winston et al., 2001; McQueen et
upper aqueous layer was aspirated to waste. The chloroform layer al., 2001), over the course of 4 days of control (i.e.. non-drug) SAPS
was evaporated very carefully to approximately 1 mL. The remaining startle test sessions, startle amplitude on Light + Noise trials grew to
chloroform layer was placed in a GC/MS auto-sampler vial and sealed be significantly greater than on Noise Alone trials. After these initial
with a crimp cap. 1.0 μL was injected onto the GC/MS and the follow- sessions of SAPS testing, the magnitude of the SAPS response was rel-
ing ions were monitored: GBL—86, 42 and 56 and GVL—85, 41 and 56. atively stable for the remainder of the study (Noise Alone: 268 ± 45
The assay was performed in conjunction with the GBL and GVL cali- [Mean ± SEM], Light + Noise: 339 ± 42; F[1,14] = 3.43, p b 0.05). The
brators (10, 50 and 100 mcg/mL), blanks (aqueous and biological) magnitude of the SAPS enhancement (Light + Noise trials versus
and a GBL and GVL positive control in each matrix. The limit of detec- Noise Alone trials) across non-drug sessions was approximately
tion (LOD) for this assay was 1.25 μg/mL and the limit of quantitation 25%. Overall, there was no difference in non-drug baselines for
(LOQ) was 1.25 μg/mL. The internal standard for this method was GBL Noise Alone ASR responses (F[1,14] = 1.61, n.s.) or for the magnitude
for the GVL analysis and GVL for the GBL analysis. This results in each of the SAPS response (F[1,14] = 1.22, n.s.) in the two groups of rats
specimen being analyzed two times, once for GBL and again for GVL. (GBL Study versus GVL Study).

2.9. Dependent variables and statistical analyses 3.2. GBL and GVL effects on noise alone ASR and SAPS behavior

The primary dependent variable in this experiment was the max- Fig. 2 depicts the effects of GBL or GVL challenges on ASR and SAPS
imum startle response and was measured as the maximum change behaviors. As can be seen, both drugs reduced Noise Alone ASR in a
in velocity of cage movement as measured by the accelerometer dose-related manner. In addition, it can be seen that GBL treatment
during the 100 ms interval beginning at the onset of the 40 ms reduced the SAPS response across a range of doses, whereas GVL
noise burst. Noise Alone ASR was defined as the average startle am- treatment failed to reduce the SAPS response, even at the doses that
plitude on the last nine Noise Alone trials for a given test session. dramatically reduced Noise Alone Startle. Statistically, 3-way Factori-
Similarly, startle amplitude across Light + Noise trials was defined al ANOVA revealed a significant Main Effect for Trial Type (F[1,14] =
as the average startle amplitude across the last nine Light + Noise 33.80, p b 0.05), as well as a significant Main Effect for Drug Dose
trials for a given test session. Trial #1 (Light + Noise) and Trial #2 (F[4,56] = 17.03, p b 0.05); the Main Effect for Drug was not statisti-
(Noise Alone) were excluded to minimize the effects of within- cally significant (F[1,14] = 2.89, n.s.). The Drug × Dose interaction
session habituation responses in these measures. The magnitude of (F[4,56] b 1.0), the Trial Type× Drug interaction (F[1,14] = 3.63)
the SAPS Startle effect was calculated for each subject and each ses- and the Dose × Trial Type interaction (F[4,56] = 2.11) were not statisti-
sion and was defined as the difference between startle amplitude on cally significant. Finally, the 3-way interaction of Drug× Dose × Trial
the Light + Noise trials minus startle amplitude on the Noise Alone Type (F[4,45] = 2.11, p b 0.05) was statistically significant. A second sta-
trials for that rat. tistical analysis was conducted excluding the Vehicle treatment data,
Statistically, the data from Experiment 1 were analyzed using a since those data would tend to ‘wash out’ potential Drug treatment ef-
3-way Factorial ANOVA, with Main Effects of Trial Type (two fect differences. This 3-way Factorial ANOVA again revealed significant
levels, within subjects—Noise Alone versus Light + Noise), Drug Main Effects for Trial Type (F[1,14] = 37.92, p b 005) and Drug Dose
Dose, including vehicle (five levels, within subjects) and Drugs (F[3,42] = 2.17, p0.05), with the Main Effect for Drug (F[1,14] =
(two levels, between subjects—GBL versus GVL). A similar analysis 3.34, n.s.) not being significant. The Dose ×Drug interaction (F[3,42] =
that excluded vehicle-treatment data was also conducted (i.e., 1.45) was not significant and the Dose × Trial Type (F[3,42] = 2.72,
2 × 4 × 2 Factorial ANOVA); this second analysis was conducted be- p =0.056) was marginally significant. Perhaps most important, with
cause similarities in vehicle treatment outcomes might be expected this analysis, the Trial Type × Drug interaction was statistically sig-
to ‘wash out’ potential differences in drug treatment responses. In nificant (F[1,14] = 7.14, p b 0.05), meaning that GBL treatment
addition, the effects of treatment with individual doses of GBL or more dramatically affected the SAPS response (Noise Alone versus
GVL on the SAPS response were assessed using paired t-tests com- Light + Noise) when compared to GVL treatment. Finally, the 3-
paring Noise Alone Startle Amplitude to Light + Noise Startle Am- way interaction also was statistically significant (F[3,42] = 3.33,
plitude for each treatment. p b 0.05). Paired t-tests for the SAPS response for the different
606 L.J. Marinetti et al. / Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 101 (2012) 602–608

Table 1
Blood and brain concentrations following acute treatment with GBL or GVL.

Treatment Blood concentration (μg/mL)

GBLa GHBb GVLc 4-methyl GHBd

GBL (75 mg/kg) n.d 73.9 ± 11.7 n.d n.d

GVL (400 mg/kg) n.d n.d 1.6 ± 0.1e(n = 4) 822 ± 30

Brain concentration (μg/g)

GBL (75 mg/kg) n.d 8.8 ± 0.6e(n = 6) n.d n.d
GVL (400 mg/kg) n.d n.d 2.1 ± 0.3e(n = 5) 95 ± 6

Values represent mean ± SEM;

n.d—compound of interest not detected above LOD in any subject in that treatment
LOD for GBL assay = 1.25 μg/mL or μg/g
LOD for GHB assay 5.0 μg/mL or μg/g
LOD for GVL assay = 1.25 μg/mL or μg/g
LOD for 4-Me-GHB assay = 2.5 μg/mL or μg/g
Fig. 2. Effects of GBL or GVL treatment on Noise Alone ASR and the SAPS response. Plot- GHB detected in 6 of 8 brain sample following GBL treatment; detected in 4 of
ted are the Mean ± SEM values (N = 8) for startle amplitude on Noise Alone trials 8 blood sample, and in 5 of 8 brain sample, following GVL treatment; all other values
(open bars) versus Light + Noise trials (cross-hatched bars). Factorial ANOVA revealed represent Mean ± SEM derived from 8 subjects.
significant Main Effects for Trial Types and for Drug Doses, plus a significant Drug (GBL
versus GVL) × Trial Type interaction; see text for details. #Noise Alone Startle Ampli-
tude is significantly different from Vehicle control for the indicated dose of GBL or 3.3. GBL and GVL startle behavior and disposition study
GVL, post hoc SNK comparison following Factorial ANOVA. *Significant SAPS effect for
the indicated treatment, i.e., Startle Amplitude on Light + Noise trials is significantly
different from Noise Alone trials for the indicated dose of GBL or GVL, paired t-test. Fig. 3 and Table 1 depict the results of the GBL, GVL or vehicle
treatment on Noise Alone startle and metabolic disposition of GBL
and GVL. Pretreatment startle baselines did not differ across the
doses of the different drugs revealed a differential effect of GBL ver- three treatment conditions (F[2, 21] = 1.63, n.s.). As seen in Fig. 3, ve-
sus GVL on this measure, with a significant SAPS effect present for all hicle treatment did not affect startle amplitude relative to this pretreat-
but the highest dose of GVL, whereas GBL treatment blocked the ment baseline, but treatment with either 75 mg/kg GBL or 400 mg/kg
SAPS effect for all except the lowest GBL dose. GVL treatment significantly reduced Noise Alone startle amplitude.
Fig. 2 also depicts the effects of these GBL or GVL challenges on the Statistically there was a significant Main Effect (F[2,21] = 7.32,
SAPS response (Light + Noise trials minus Noise Alone trials). GBL p b 0.05) for treatments (Veh/GBL/GVL) on the change in Noise Alone
treatment reduced the SAPS response at all doses at or above ASR (pre-treatment minus post-treatment). Post hoc SNK tests
37.5 mg/kg, whereas GVL treatment reduced the SAPS response only revealed that both 75 mg/kg GBL and 400 mg/kg GVL treatment
at the highest dose tested (1600 mg/kg). At the 37.5 mg/kg dose, were significantly different from vehicle treatment. The difference
GBL treatment selectively reduced the SAPS response, i.e., exhibited between GVL treatment and GBL treatment on the change in Noise
no effect on Noise Alone ASR. In contrast, GVL treatment did not pro- Alone ASR was not significant.
duce a selective reduction in the SAPS response at any dose. Indeed, Table 1 illustrates that GBL-treated rats (all but two) had measur-
the SAPS response was present and robust following treatment with able concentrations of GHB in both blood and brain, but no measur-
400 mg/kg GVL and 800 mg/kg GVL, doses that reduced Noise Alone able levels of 4-methyl GHB or GVL in either tissue. Conversely, all
startle by approximately 50% and 70%, respectively. Thus, the behav- GVL-treated rats had detectable concentrations of 4-methyl-GHB in
ioral effects of GBL and GVL on the Noise Alone ASR were qualitatively both blood and brain, but no measurable levels of GHB or GBL in ei-
similar, yet the effects of these two drugs were quite different for the ther tissue. The blood-to-brain ratio for GHB (GBL treatment) was
SAPS response. 7.5 ± 3.7 (Mean ± SEM; n = 6), and the blood-to-brain ratio for 4-
methyl-GHB (GVL treatment) was 8.9 ± 1.5 (Mean ± SEM; n = 8).
Low levels of GVL were found in blood and brain of several animals
following GVL treatment, but there were no measurable GBL levels
following GBL treatment in any of the rats. The failure to detect GBL
in any of the GBL-treated rats, and the presence of GVL in the blood
(4 of 8 subjects) and brain (5 of 8 subjects) of GVL-treated rats likely
is due to the approximately five-times higher dose of GVL adminis-
tered compared to GBL.
There was a modest, but statistically significant, correlation be-
tween the GVL-induced reduction in startle amplitude and 4-
methyl-GHB brain concentrations (r = 0.64, p b 0.05) in GVL treated
subjects; the corresponding correlation between the GBL-induced re-
duction in startle amplitude and GHB brain concentrations in GBL-
treated subjects (r = 0.18, n.s.) was not statistically significant, per-
haps because of the reduced number of subjects (two GBL-treated
subjects did not have detectable GHB concentrations).

4. Discussion

Fig. 3. Effects of GBL and GVL treatment on Noise Alone acoustic startle. Plotted are the GBL treatment resulted in a reduction in Noise Alone ASR startle
Mean ± SEM values (N = 8) for the change in startle amplitude (from pretreatment
baselines) for rats treated with Vehicle (distilled water), 75 mg/kg GBL or 400 mg/kg
amplitude and also resulted in measurable levels of GHB in blood
GVL. *Treatment-induced change in startle is significantly different from pretreatment and brain, but no formation of 4-methyl-GHB in either tissue. Simi-
baseline, post hoc SNK test following Factorial ANOVA. larly, GVL treatment resulted in a reduction in Noise Alone ASR
L.J. Marinetti et al. / Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 101 (2012) 602–608 607

startle amplitude and an increase in 4-methyl-GHB in both blood and Acknowledgements

brain, but no formation of GHB in either tissue. These data confirm the
independence of the metabolic pathways for the compounds GBL and These studies were supported in part by GM08167 and AA12435
GVL; moreover, the correlation between 4-methyl-GHB concentra- to RLC and by the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and the Ro-
tion and the GVL-induced change in startle amplitude further sup- land T. Lakey Research Fund, WSU College of Pharmacy & AHP. BJL
ports the 4-methyl-GHB pro-drug actions of GVL. and CMJ were supported in part by GM08167 and also by the Depart-
Both GBL and GVL treatment affected the startle response, but ment of Pharmaceutical Sciences.
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two drugs. GBL and GVL produced similar dose-dependent reductions
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