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Dear sir/ma'am,

I, Anuranan Das, am currently in my third undergraduate year and pursuing a Dual degree
course( ​Bachelors + Masters of Technology​) in the ​Department of Electrical Engineering​ at ​Indian
Institute of Technology Bombay,India. ​My current ​CPI is 8.88 on a scale of ten.

During my studies here at IIT Bombay, I have developed a keen interest in quantum computing and
hardwares and it fascinates me very deeply. As interested in this topic, I came to know about the opening
of an intern position in your institution in these areas. I think they suit my area of interest very well and
also appeal to me highly. I therefore would very much like to enhance my knowledge and understanding
of this field.
I am worked as a part of a project team on ​"Solid State Quantum Computing"​ under the supervision of
Prof. Bhaskaran Muralidharan ​of Electrical Engineering department at my university​. ​As a part of the
project team I have learnt the basics of quantum computing and also about transport in nano transistors. I
have also learnt simulation in MATLAB and quite proficient in Python. This summer, I took part in the ​IBM
Qiskit Global Summer School ​to further extend my knowledge of quantum algorithms and hardwares of
superconducting qubits. Currently I am working with Prof Rajib Rahman of ​School Of Physics, UNSW
on superexchange mediated coupling​ of quantum dots. Also, I am looking forward to pursuing a four
month long project under ​Quantum Open Source Software Foundation​ starting from October.

I have done coursework in Mathematics in subjects of Linear Algebra, ​Ordinary Differential Equations,
Partial Differential Equations,​ Calculus, Complex Analysis. In Statistics related fields, I have done
courses on Data Analysis and Interpretation. Besides these, I have done and performed well in Courses
related to electronic devices. I learnt​ C++ ​in the first year of my college and use ​Python and MATLAB
frequently to carry out simulations in ​Computational Nanoelectronics.​ I have also done coursera
courses on Machine learning and participated in Hackathons related to ​Quantum Machine Learning
where we had to recognize handwritten digits using variational circuits(Variational Quantum Classifiers)
analogous to classical Support Vector Machines. Also, as a part of digital courses at my school, I am
comfortable with ​VHDL and MIPS architecture. ​Also, I have completed a MOOC on ​Algorithms​ by
Stanford University on Coursera.

I ,therefore would very much like to undertake an ​Computational Sciences intern position during
Summer 2021​ under your guidance in your team, to expand my horizons and be able to merge concepts
with applications in this field.I also believe my academic profile and interests would be suitable for the
task profile. My motivation to apply for an internship arises from the desire to gain more practical
knowledge and to get an opportunity to apply the concepts learnt in the classroom. Also, an intern in your
University will help me in making an informed decision regarding my future academic course of action.

Thanking you,
Anuranan Das
UG third Year
EE, IIT Bombay, India

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