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GR. 11 ABM 09

MS. Mary Cruz


Alvin Eugenio


Abby Tapiador

John Ray Ayes

Caren Opriaza

Joy Mitch Valencia

Alvin G. Eugenio John Ray ayes

Caren Anne Opriaza Mitchelle Joy Valencia

Rose Abby Mary Tapiador

Ms. Mary Cruz

Prinsiples of Marketing Adviser



Pepper spray is a chemical mixture that causes severe pain and irritation when it

comes in contact with the eyes. It has the ability to incapacitate someone, the damage it

leaves is seldom long-lasting. Applicable used for self-defense. This product is easy to

carry, and it can be carry anywhere because it’s a small container. It is not made up of

glass instead it is stainless. This product is convenient, affordable and appropriate to

anyone especially to students and workers. And it can be used for self-defense from the

criminal’s intentions, and that’s why the market proponents wants to promote this



Pepper spray is a product that is somehow unique in the market because there are

products related to ours but are not well-developed. Conflicts are always present when

you have business. Business competitors are everywhere and cannot be avoided, lack of

resources and material as well. Should also take notes of the structure and know the


Pepper spray is a good product for a high rate crime country like here in the

Philippines. Many Filipinos can be protected by this product from the criminals

especially in night time. As much as possible customer likes things that is easy access and

easy to carry. Internet users increase that is why it’s a good opportunities to use online

shop. People can encounter criminals anytime and anywhere so it’s good to have this


There are several product that are related to our product, pepper spray that are not

well developed and not known in the market. That’s why this product was improved.

There are various types of pepper spray. That’s why the product consist benefit to make

an impact to the market the product was. Customers do not just buy an unknown and

unfamiliar product in the market they usually buy a product that is familiar. This product

is still familiar to them because this product is just like a normal pepper spray the only

difference is that it was improved. The product is unique and will make an impact.


A. Environmental Analysis

 Political environment

The product is located in Pasig city, outside the school of arellano university

Andres bonifacio campus, because we think no one sells pepper spray product in

Pasig city, since Pasig city has an ordinance in making a business, we will make

sure that we have the business license from bureau of internal revenue (BIR) and

the business permit from pasig city hall/barangay hall transaction and to the


 Economic Environment

Poverty is the status in the Philippines. The target customer will be low and

middle class who can't afford to hire bodyguards and training for self-defense.

Pepper spray is made for them. Product is cheap but still have quality. The

product will not be a waste of money because you can use it as a tool for defense .

 Socio-cultural Environment

Filipinos are known for being generous they like giving their love ones a gift

and another culture of Filipino is that they always want their love ones safe. They

can use this as a perfect gift for someone. And they can used this for self-defense

to protect themselves from the criminals.

 Technological Environment

We all know that technology improves every generation from low level of

technology to high level of technology. The present technology continue to

upgrade so the people catch up with the trends. Because of the competition in

terms of high tech product, we upgrade our product a pepper spray.

C. Marketing Analysis

The target consumer will be students and workers. They are somehow related and

both of them mostly involved in street crime. That’s why the target customer preference

is a product for safety. One of the target consumer is students and they want an affordable

product. Consumers want a product that is familiar and have benefits that is why this

product is a good product.

D. Competitor Analysis

The competitors under the product of pepper spray. This product is not well

known in the market. No rapid increase of sale because this is not on demand and

consumer are not familiar with this product. Relaunching and improving the pepper spray

to an improved product pepper spray. A product for safety.

E. SWOT Analysis


Product: for safety and convenient

Price: Cheap

Atmosphere: calming in mind.

Location: It’s available online and can be shift locally.


New: not popular yet.

Lack of fund: Need more financial support.


Market: give interest for those who want safety.

People: high demand for safety.

Expansion: Not only Philippines experience crime.


People: acceptance.

Economy: low rate of crime




 The target customers are students and workers because they are the main demand

for the product pepper spray and they are often the ones who carry important

things like cellphone and money because of this they can be targeted by criminals

that is why they need the product pepper spray. They can use it to protect

themselves so that they can survive in the criminal intentions and this product can

be a great use to them because it is for self-defense. And our product is more

improve than the product of our competitors because of its descriptions.

 In today’s highly competitive business world, you need to optimize and plan

carefully every step that is taken at the company, and devise new strategies to

make your company successful and effective.


 Demographic segmentation

This market study targets all students and workers who cannot able to protect

themselves especially women, and they can use it to protect themselves against criminals,

and our product will not be sell to children 12 age below or those who do not know much

about our product because they can misused it and can cause accident.
 Geographic segmentation

The product is for sale in schools and in places where people are working here in

Pasig City, because many students and workers will be interested in our product because

they will think about their safety and therefore they will encourage to buy our products.

As well as those online shop. The product will be sale there too because according to

DATAREPORTAL(2019) there are 62 million internet users and 92% of Filipinos ages

16 to 64 use online to shop.

 Psychographic segmentation

This product encourages our consumers to lose their fears to crime scene and to

change their perceptions and they can be strong and brave because they know that they

can protect themselves against criminals because of the product pepper spray.

The package will be designed by a rectangle box that has a white color with the

product logo. The packaging will be more attractive to the eyes of the customer because

of its simple color and design. Simplicity is still the best.

The first benefit of this product is it is simple to carry. It is easy to carry because

it’s small and can be hide in any purse, bag or even in pocket. The second one is it’s easy

to use for self- defense because it is easy to use just spray it. The third one is it’s

accessible unlike guns or large knives, pepper spray is usually easy to buy. Some

purchased it online or even in store. And the fourth one is this product is for self-defense

and that’s why you’ll be safer.


Costing Template

Recipe and materials for pepper spray

Yield: 1

Size: 5ml
Quantity Ingredients/ Equivalent Unit price Peso cost

description Measure
½ tsp Paprika 1g 50g P1.39
1/4 cup Alcohol 59.15ml 250ml P5
1 Spray bottle 1pc 5pcs P45
Add: Utility expense P3

Total recipe and material cost P54.39

Retail Price P65

Our suggested retail price (SRP) is P65 per piece and this is good for customers to buy

this product because of the price is cheap and they can protect themselves from criminal,

and think they will be satisfied on that.

The product will be available to the market in retail and will have a promo for

wholesale. Not all customer can afford wholesale that is why we are focus in retail. There

would be a discount if you already purchase the product you should just need to bring

back the bottle that has the logo of the product.

The price of the product pepper spray is made to be cheaper and affordable yet

high quality compared to other product.


The product will be market specifically for those who are on the middle class and

low class who can’t afford guards and self-defense practice for their safety. Will be place

through online for wider selling of product and also direct promotion.



Social Media app ad cost P 18,200
 2 (frequency) x 7 days x P 11,200
 2 (frequency) x 7 days x P 7,000

Public Relations
Product publicity
 Youtuber fee P 2, 000
 Sponsored product (5 P
Sales Promotion P25
Coupon printing: 1000 x P 0.25 P25


Weakness 1: The product is new to the market that is why it’s not popular. As a solution
the product will be promoted online and will give coupons to attract customers.
Weakness 2: Lacking of financial can be solve by finding investors.
Threat 1: The product is not well known making people doubt in buying the product.
Will prove the customer that the product is worth the buy and worth for their good
Threat 2: There will be a time that the crime rate in the Philippines will decrease and if
that time come as a solution for that dilemma the product will be on sale or be sell in

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