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Name: Sauvik Ghosh


Welcome to Atlas Copco – Summer Intern Selection Process:

Please note:

1. Duration for completing the below questions: 2:00pm to 2:45pm (we will consider 2:50pm
as cut off to consider your answers)
2. Once you have responded to the questions please mail them to me at
3. We are interested in your thoughts, so though we don’t say no to the use of internet or
any other sources, it would be great if you apply yourself to answering the below
questions with utmost sincerity and individuality!
All the best!

Please share your ideas on

- Can you name the best and effective tools to find out new market or segment for an
Industrial Equipment Selling Company?
Ans: The common marketing tool that can be used to find out new market segment is market
research and by conducting surveys. You need to divide your market on the basis of demographics.
Use of google analytics and more such technology will help you in the evolution of your product.
Also by creating different engaging marketing campaign one can find out its target markets. You
have to follow the 6M of marketing communication and do a SWOT analysis before entering into a

- Please recommend some Effective Marketing or Product Strategies to enter in new or lost
Customers for an Industrial Equipment Seller.
Ans: Firstly, you have to do the product positioning into the minds of your target market. For
example whether you want it as a premium product or not. It would always be ideal if you can do
the SWOT analysis of your as well as your competitor firms as if you have lost your customer, it
means they have move on to some other firms. So try to assess your competitors. Then to create
more impression in the minds of customer, go for social media marketing and go for online
advertisements and use the google adwords or such analytic tool to measure your success. One
unique idea will be to built an E-commerce platform for your industrial goods so as to provide ease
of buying from the point of view of customers.

About you!

- What makes you interested in Sales and Marketing?

Ans: I have done fours years of technical study as my specialisation in B.Tech was electrical
engineering. All through this four years I have acquired basic technical knowledge which are needed
in daily life. But one thing I realised that the interaction with environment and the happenings
around me was very less in such a course. After I completed my course, I gave CAT and got an offer
from GIM. Now choosing my specialisation as marketing was a combination of two reasons to be
very honest. One is the elimination method as my knowledge in finance was not so good and in HR, I
had a pre conceived notion that you have to mug up lot of things. The second factor is my inclination
towards advertising and selling. During my undergrad days also, I used to follow various social media
page inclined towards marketing, such as the Mad over marketing or say marketing minds and I used
to follow the different marketing strategies and unique adverts by reputed firms. I was also very
fascinated by Amul’s printed ads which was a very unique concept i.e. to relate your ads to the
current happenings. All these along with my good communication skills, presentable skills and my
calm personality supported me to pursue my career in sales and marketing

- Why are you applying for Atlas Copco Internship?

Ans: As I mentioned it above, I have acquired four years of proper technical knowledge in the field of
electrical engineering. And I was quite a good student during my school as well as college days. I
would definitely not want to waste these four years of knowledge totally as I pursue a career in a
different field. Working with Atlas Copco gives me this opportunity to use my undergrad knowledge
as well as knowledge I acquire in GIM to build a career for myself. In sales role, a sales personnel can
sell a product well only when he knows the product inside out. Being an engineer, this gives me an
opportunity to go through the working and every details of your products, as I want to pursue a
career in sales because I believe one must know the ground realities before being a product
manager or any such position. One must know how a product is actually sold in market.

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