North South University: Assignment

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Submitted To: Submitted By:

Dr. Khandaker M. Ashraful Munim A.K MAINUL HASSAN
Department of Management ID: 163 1782 030
North South University SEC: 15
How to make the campus sustainable
Introduction: Sustainability means the capability of being sustained. The future of the world
largely depends on it. Sustainability can be of different types .For example it can be social,
economic, environmental etc. Sustainability gives more importance to long term prospects rather
than short time benefits. It’s about meeting the present demands without compromising the
ability of future generations to fulfill their needs. We are the current students of North South
University. So it’s our duty to make the campus and the environment of the university
sustainable for our future students. We can do it by being a bit concerned and the authority as
well has to take initiative for that. Otherwise it will turn out as a huge problem for our future
Problems: There are problems in every campus of the world. Nothing is completely perfect in
this earth. Some campuses are facing more problems and some are facing less. There are two
types of universities in Bangladesh. One is public university and the other one is private
universities. Due to campus location and the area that covers a campus the sustainability depends
a lot. Mostly we can see the public universities cover a huge open area. So it is easier to make the
campus and environment sustainable for the future generation. Because they get a lot of free
areas and space to plant more tress which helps most to make the environment sustainable. On
the other hand, the campus of the public universities in Bangladesh covers a very small area and
sometimes it’s only confined within a building. So they don’t get any opportunity to plant trees
and they have a very less opportunity to make it sustainable for the future generations. It has
turned out as a huge problem for them. Obviously it is a threat for the future generation which
can put the future students in danger. Our North South University is one of the leading
universities of our country. Though it is a private university but it is certainly different than the
other private universities of Bangladesh. Even though it also complies with some problems
which we have to overcome.
Solutions: To overcome all those problems we have to take lot of measures. The authority single
handedly cannot do that. So along with the students they can take the steps to eradicate those
problems. For this concern a club named Earth Club of NSU was formed. The aim of this club is
to raise the awareness among the students regarding the environmental issues. For example once
in year it provides free plants to the students to increase their interest in tree plantation. This kind
of initiative should be taken more. Some clubs like Earth club can be formed to make the
students convinced about the environmental issues. The authority can play a huge role by
planting more trees in the free areas of the campus. They can also organize a lot of seminars
regarding environmental issues. It will influence the students a lot. There should be more labs for
students for research purpose. The above mentioned points can play a big role in making the
campus sustainable.
Conclusion: As we are the current students of our beloved university so it is our duty for us to
make the campus sustainable for our future students. Beside the authority we, the
students can also play a vital role to overcome the problems regarding this issue. So it has
become a big concern for us. We cannot only give emphasis on the current situation. We
also have to think on long term basis. If we don’t make the campus sustainable then it
will be so threatening in the future. None of us want that. So it is really a big issue for us
which we can’t ignore.

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