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FFTC Practical


Symbiotic culture of rice plants with aigamo,

a cross-breed of wild and domestic ducks
Characteristics of the technology compared with routine cultivation (Table 1). This is
due to the cumulative effects of the following;
This is an ecological technology for the cultivation H Suppression of weeds and pests,
of rice plants, based on resource recycling and including golden snails and field rats (Fig. 2);
positive interaction between rice plants and Aigamo, H Supply of quality organic fertilizers in the form
a crossbreed of wild and domestic ducks (Fig. 1). of duck manure;
In this method, neither fertilizer nor pesticide is H Positive effects of stirring of water and topsoil,
used. It is, therefore, low-cost and labor saving. which suppresses the growth of weeds and
Since it is an ecological technology, it should be perhaps increases the level of dissolved oxygen
adjusted to location-specific conditions such as the in the water (Fig. 3).
current system of rice cultivation, and populations H The plants have frequent touch stimuli from the
of weeds and insects. Farmers are assumed to be ducks, which perhaps produces plant hormones
innovative enough to adjust the technology to their working in favor of plant forms resistant to
own fields. This technology is recommended for lodging.
rather small-scale rice farmers.
Managing the ducks
Effects of the technology
After transplanted seedlings become rooted,
Even though it does not use any agricultural ducklings 1-2 weeks old are introduced into the
chemical, this technology accelerates the growth of field. The reason for using ducklings is that the
tops and roots, hence increases the yield of rice growth of ducklings and seedlings can be

Table 2. Number of planthoppers observed on

15 hills (August, 1991)

Table 1. Yield trial of rice in Fukuoka Prefecture,

Kyushu, Japan (1999)

Food and Fertilizer Technology Center (FFTC) Cooperating agency for this topic:
14 Wenchow St., Taipei, Taiwan ROC
This information was summarized by FFTC from a booklet
Tel.: (886 2) 2362 6239 Fax: (886 2) 2362 0478
“Aigamo Banzai” (in Japanese), written by Mr. Takao Furuno
E-mail: Website:
and published by Nosan-Gyoson Bunka Kyokai in 1995. For
FFTC: An international information center for further information in English: Takao Furuno, 1999 “The Power
small-scale farmers in Asia of Duck”, Tagari Publications, Web Site:
synchronized, and because Aigamo ducks are most such enemies as dogs, cats, weasels and hawks.
active in catching insects at 3-5 weeks after Therefore, a protective fence is indispensable. This
hatching (Table 2). The optimum population of limits the activity of the Aigamo to inside the
Aigamo in the field is about 200-300 birds/ha. It fence. An electric fence was found to be the most
depends, however, on the level of available feed effective in Japan. In case you cannot buy this in
(weeds and insects). A lower population of your district, you may find some other low-cost
Aigamo than the optimum decreases the positive material for the fence.
effect of the birds, and a higher population both
spoils seedlings and delays the growth of Aigamo. Water management
Aigamo ducks are reported to be the most suitable
for this technology because of their small size While Aigamo are in the field, water should be kept
(adult: 1.6 kg) and their active movement. Other always at such a depth as to allow the birds both
indigenous small breeds of duck in Asia are also to swim and walk. In spots where the soil surface
available. is above the water surface, a weeding effect cannot
Aigamo ducks seldom feed on leaves of be expected. Water also protects birds from their
rice. However, they take ears. For this reason, the enemies.
ducks should be removed from the field after the Before introducing ducklings into the field,
rice plants reach the heading stage. The ducks it is recommended to train them to get into the
might be sold at this stage, or be kept in a pen for habit of flocking and also oiling their feathers, by
further growth. leaving them in water for one or two days. It is
Birds are left in the field even at night, also recommended to leave a plot of higher ground
because they are more active at night than in the where they can rest, adjust their body temperature
daytime. Hence, it is necessary to protect them from and oil their feathers.

Fig. 2. Population of weeds

Fig. 1. Comparison of plant type

A: Traditional plot
B: Control plot: a small area was enclosed by a net to
prevent Aigamo ducks from entering.
C: Treated plot: Field where Aigamo ducks were kept
D: Same as C plot, except that the treated period was
longer than in C plot Fig. 3. Active feeding of Aigamo

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