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Motion – THBT iOS phones are better than Android.

Proposition –
The proposition is required to justify why iOS is better and safer than android
as a whole, due to its closed source software program, which makes hacking an
iPhone literally impossible. The high price is a key area that needs to be
justified by the proposition. A point that can act as a base for further research
is that the budget iPhone’s cameras though lacking in pixels, is notably
superior to phones in the same price range.

Opposition –
The opposition is required to question the vast profit margins of apple; apple
of 20 percent of the US market, but is responsible for two-thirds of the profits.
In terms of performance, certain smartphones over- perform iPhones
significantly for a much lesser price. Food for thought - An increasing number
of iPhones components, including image sensors are those manufactured from

The points stated above is not to be directly reproduced during debate, but
serves merely as a launchpad for the kind of research and debate we are
looking for. Research deeply, check whether there are any loops or nuances in
your stance, and be confident.

The following is the Flow of debate we will be adhering to –

Round 1 – Opening statements (1 min to 2 mins max)
*After each speakers’ speech, the floor is open for POIs from the opposing
team and the adjudicators. (Please note the questions must be in a simple and
concise manner in-relation to the speakers’ statements.)

Round 2 – Q&A round – There will be 3 questions posed from one team to the
other within a time limit of 4 mins, and 4 mins to reply to the questions.
Round 3 – Rebuttal and closing statements. (The time limit is set for 1 min
each speaker)

After every debate, the winning team and best debater will be announced on
the WhatsApp group the next day. Participation is mandatory.

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