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Problem No.

Using Grindley and Gibson’s equation, determine the viscosity of air in poises for a

temperature of 60°F and convert this into English units. If the specific weight of air at this

temperature is 0.0765 lb/ft 3, determine the kinematic viscosity in both sets of units.

Given: t=60 ℉

γ =0.0765lb/ft 3

g=32.2 ft /s 2

Required: viscosity (μ)

kinematic viscosity (v)

Schematic Diagram:

t=60 ℉

γ =0.0765lb/ft 3


Using Grindley and Gibson’s equation, we have the equation,

μ=0.0001702 ( 1+0.00329 t+ 0.000007 t 2 )

Where μ is in poises and t is in degree celsius.

We need to convert the temperature into degree celsius

t=60 ℉

t=( 60℉ −32)×

t=15.5556 ℃

Substitute the temperature to the given Grindley and Gibson’s equation,

μ=0.0001702 ( 1+0.00329 t+ 0.000007 t 2 )

μ=0.0001702 [ 1+0.00329(15.5556 ℃ )+0.000007(15.5556 ℃ )2 ]

μ=1.791987737× 10−4 P

Because the viscosity is in poises, convert it into English unit

1 slug/ft ∙ s
1 .791987737 ×10−4 P× =0.0857820841 slug/ ft ∙ s
0.002089 P

Therefore, the viscosity of air for a temperature of 60°F is

0.0857820841 slug/ ft ∙ s

Since, ρg=γ



Substitute the value of specific weight and acceleration due to gravity

0.0765 lb /ft 3
32.2 ft /s2
ρ=2.375776398× 10−3 lbm /ft 3

After getting the value of density; we need to convert the unit of viscosity

slug 32.174 lb
0.0857820841 × =2.759952774 lb / ft ∙ s
ft ∙ s 1 slug

Since, v=

Then, substitute the given value

2.759952774 lb /ft ∙ s
2.375776398×10−3 lb m / ft 3

v=1161.705612 ft 2 / s

Because the answer is in English unit, we need to convert it into metric

2 2
ft 2 (30.48) cm
1161.705612 × 2
=1079259.829 cm 2 /s
s 1 ft

Therefore, the kinematic viscosity of air:

In English

v=1161.705612 ft 2 / s

In metric

v=1079259.829 cm2 / s

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