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On March 16, 2020, a group of UN human rights experts said that “emergency declarations based on

the COVID-19 outbreak should not be used as a basis to target particular groups, minorities, or
individuals. It should not function as a cover for repressive action under the guise of protecting
health... and should not be used simply to quash dissent.” I would like to repeat this line one more. It
should not be used to squash dissent. Dissent in the form of protests, free speech, and free
assembly. Dear friends, this is the official stance of the UN on this subject of discussion.

Why is the death rate due to covid 19 3 times more in African americans than the white population.
This is because of the institutional racism that has plagued the country since decades, is it morally
justified to stop people from protesting, when the disparities between the white and the black has
never been more clear. Do keep in mind, taking usa as an example, Most protesters have been
exercising their constitutional rights without threatening the health of their fellow citizens: wearing
masks and standing six-feet apart outside hospitals and other places of business to protest
inadequate safety precautions; participating in car demonstrations in Arizona, California and
Michigan, and launching digital campaigns.

Protests against systemic racism held in 300-plus U.S. cities following the death of George Floyd did
not cause a significant increase in coronavirus infections, according to a team of economists who
have published their findings in a 60-page paper released by the National Bureau of Economic
Research; these somewhat surprising results are supported by Covid-19 testing data in many
populous cities where demonstrations were held.

The study’s conclusions are supported by Covid-19 testing data in many of the cities that were home
to prevalent protesting. For instance, the Minneapolis Department of Health reported that more
than 15,000 people were tested at centers set up in communities affected by the protests, and 1.7%
of tests came back positive—below the statewide average of about 3.6%. According to the
Washington Post, protest attendees in Minneapolis returned positivity rates of less than 1% and that
“officials believe the low infection rates reflect that the protests were outside, that most people
wore masks and that people spent most of their time in motion, circulating through the crowd.” NPR
reported last week that parties—not protests—are believed to have caused coronavirus spikes in

And if the USA for example, I am using the example of the US throughtout my speech a I find it to be
the most relevant country fpr this debate.

There is not an inch of doubt, that Aprotests DO NOT INCREASE COVID 19 SPREAD. I REST MY CASE.
It is instead the policies, and heeding of scientific suggestions instead for pushing propaganda, that
directly effects the deaths of corona. USA has been downplaying covid for far too long. Its current
administration is directly responsible for every death that occurred in the country. And if a person,
after these facts and reports, still suggests giving THE GOVERNMENT MORE POWER OVER THE
CITIZENS, Im sorry but, that’s foolish.

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