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Balkumari, Lalitpur

Minor Project Report

“Membership and Chat Project”


Project By
Sushant Poudel (Sym. No. 4560563)


February, 2020

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Head of the Department

Department of Computer Application
Kathford International College of Engineering and Management
Balkumari, Lalitpur,

The undersigned certify that they have read and recommended to the Department of Computer
Application for acceptance, a project entitled “Parking Management System”, submitted by
Divesh Thapa, Nitika Bhatta and Sushant Poudel in partial fulfillment of the requirement
for the award of the degree of “Bachelor in Computer Application”.

Project Coordinator

Er. Kumar Poudel
Department of Computer Application
Kathford International College of Engineering and Management

Date: February 2020


The project entitled “Parking Management System”, submitted by Divesh Thapa, Nitika
Bhatta and Sushant Poudel in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree
of “Bachelor in Computer Application” has been accepted as a bonfire record of work
carried out by them in the department.

Er. Dipesh Bhattarai
Deputy Head of the Department
Department of Computer Application
Kathford International College of Engineering and Management
Balkumari, Lalitpur, Nepal
In performing my project, I had to take the help and guideline of some respected persons, who
deserve my greatest gratitude. The completion of this assignment gives me much pleasure. I
would like to show my gratitude to Er. Dipesh Bhattarai, Program Coordinator, Department
of Computer Application for giving me a good guideline for project throughout numerous
consultations. I would also like to expand my deepest gratitude to all those who have directly
and indirectly guided me in writing this assignment.

In addition, a thank you to Er. Kumar Poudel, who introduced me to the methodology of
work, and whose passion for the “underlying structures” had lasting effect. I also thank the
Kathford International College for consent to include copyrighted pictures as a part of my

Many people, especially my classmates have made valuable comment suggestions on this
proposal which gave me an inspiration to improve my project. I thank all the people for their
help directly and indirectly to complete my project and reports overall.

‘Membership and Chat Project is a website that requires user to login to access all the
features. Mainly the website focuses on a discussion forum. Registered Users can view the
messages in the forum and send messages. The project, being flexible, other features like ability
to assign tasks to other members can be added as per requirement. This idea was necessary as
the students are unaware of the current affairs due to traditional notice boards kept in some
corner of the college. The main objective of this very project is to eradicate the need to search
for updates around the college when simple update can reach every student in a single website.

Keyword: enigma, digital, system, discussion, chatbox, section

Acknowledgement I
Abstract ii
Table of Contents iii
Chapter One: Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Problem Statement 1
1.3 Objectives 1
Chapter Two: Literature Review 2
Chapter Three: Project Feasibility 4
4.1 Project Feasibility 4
Chapter Four: System Design 5
5.1 Use case diagram 5
Chapter Five: Conclusion 6
References 7

This project is the membership system which can be accessed via internet and web
application. Enigma Club is the example of a club where the project is first implemented and
the chat system is tested. It is a community club where the group of people discuss the ideas
in a general discussion section or, so called chat section. The propose of this project is to
eliminate the small get together and meetings where physical appearance is necessary. On
busy schedules, the discussions and the current affairs going on the community can easily be

Membership and Chat Project is a chat system by which any member can use their words.
Membership System contains-:
 Member information in database.
 Member Names, Email
 Member’s Date of Birth, Gender, Phone Number.

Various operational works that are done in the system are: -

 Recording information of the member in enigma database.
 Checking of information filled by member.
 Each information is sent to ADMIN.


 The proper club/community membership system, missing since forever.
 No discussion section in previous membership systems.
 Difficulties in time management to attend discussions physically.

Chat System is a form of communication that utilizes computer programs that allow for two-
way conversations between users in real time (events that occur in cyberspace at the same speed
that they would occur in real life). Typically, the users will connect to a chat server using a chat
client and meet in a chat room. Once the users are in the same chat room, they can converse
with one another by typing messages into a window where all of the other users in the chat
room can see the message. The user can also see all of the messages entered by the other users.
Conversations are then carried on by reading the messages entered by the other users in the
chat room and responding to them. How does online chat work? The technologies that allow
users to converse in real time via typed messages are the chat servers and the chat clients. These
special servers allow the messages to be quickly received and posted so that the chat clients
can receive the messages and display them in the window on the users’ computers. Fortunately,
most chat clients are relatively inexpensive shareware programs, and there are a number of chat
servers that let the user connect to them for free. Online chat could be an alternative to meeting
in a traditional classroom. While all of the participants would still be able to freely converse
with one another, they would be carrying on the conversation from the comfort of their own
home, thus avoiding the expense and inconvenience of traveling to another place. Chat server:

Fig. Traditional Club Membership System

Teleconferencing or Chatting, is a method of using technology to bring people and ideas
together despite of the geographical barriers. The technology has been available for years but
the acceptance it was quit recent. Our project is an example of a chat server. It is made up of
applications the client application, which runs on the user’s Pc and server application, which
runs on any Pc on the network.

Fig. Developed Membership Chat System

Web-based chat rooms can be located throughout the Internet on pages such as fan club
websites, online gaming sites and personal websites, among others. Individuals can discuss a
variety of topics, including computers, games, movies, music. Many popular search engines
have their own chat platform and can be run under most operating systems, provided that the
software that allows you to communicate with others in the chat room has been installed. •
Real-time chat: o Real-time chat, sometimes referred “instant messaging,” offers users the
ability to communicate in real time with individuals who have been added to a “buddy” list.
Generally, the chat is centered on an actual conversation as opposed to a theme which would
be found in a web-based chat room.

Feasibility is the measure of how beneficial the development of an information system would
be to an organization. Important outcome of the Preliminary investigation is determination of
whether the system is feasible or not.
There are three aspects of feasibility study:
 Operational Feasibility.
 Economic Feasibility.
 Technical Feasibility.

3.1 Operational Feasibility:

My proposed system for Multi User Voice Chat System can easily meet the needs of the
organization in terms of their working & various operations. System helps in interaction with
user while determining various requirements. It is user-friendly with appropriate error
messages to help. The system offers validations & verifications.
The training is not required to operate the system in user’s environment. One can easily work
with the new system. In this way, the system is operationally feasible.

3.2 Economical Feasibility:

This is very important for considering the cost overheads while implementing the system. The
cost overheads include Software cost, Hardware cost, operating cost etc.
The proposed system would provide right type of information, at right time, at right place & in
right format. This will save time in decision making. The system is economically suited to the
organization & the companies will have substantial benefits by the system. As the project is
built on the platform which is regularly used by everyone, so there is no need to spend more
amount of money on it.

3.3 Technical Feasibility:

Technical Feasibility is usually raised during feasibility stage of investigation. Project will
provide user friendly approach & so any person with basic computer knowledge will be able
to handle the system easily. The system is technically feasible, as software and hardware are
both easy available by performing proper installation. User friendly features added to improve
the performance of the system.


Fig: Use Case Diagram for LET US VOTE

An important issue for the development of a project is the selection of suitable front-end and
back-end. When I decided to develop the project I went through an extensive study to determine
the most suitable platform that suits the needs of the organization as well as helps in development
of the project.

All the activities provide a feeling like an easy walk over to the user who is interfacing with the
system. All the disadvantages of the existing system have been overcome using the present
system which has been successfully implemented at server location. A trial run of the system has
been made and is giving good results. The system has been developed using MYSQL in PHP.
All the modules are tested separately and put together to form the main system. Finally, the
system is tested with real data and everything worked successfully. Thus the system has fulfilled
the entire objective identified. The system has been developed in an attractive dialogs fashion
and the entire user interface is attractive and user friendly and suits all the necessities laid down
by the clients initially. So user with minimum knowledge about the computers and the system
can easily work with the system.

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