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Chapter 1


Background of the Study

The internet has experienced an exponential growth in the number

of users and has created an enormous increases in its marketing and

communication applications a during considerably short period of time.

Statement of the Problem

The study aims to determine the level of effectiveness of online

shop’s advertisements to Senior High School Grade 12 students of STI

West Negros University for calendar year.

Specifically, this study seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of the following variables?

a. Sex

b. Age

c. Monthly allowance

2. What is the level of effectiveness of online shop’s advertisements in the

following areas?

a. Television Advertisements

b. Social media

c. Online websites

3. What is the level of effectiveness of online shop’s advertisements when

group according to the aforementioned variables?


4. Is there a significant difference in the level of effectiveness of online

shop’s advertisements when respondents are grouped and compared

according to the aforementioned variables?


There is no significant difference in the level of effectiveness of

online shop’s advertisements when the respondents are grouped and

compared according to sex, age, and monthly allowance.

Assumption of the Study

The effectiveness of online shop’s advertisements may vary to

certain level.

Study Variables, Indicators, and Categories

The selected variables are herein presented with their

corresponding indicators and categories.

Variables Indicators Categories

Sex Biological Male
Distinction Female
Age Younger
Monthly allowance Higher

Theoretical Framework

This study will be anchored in the theory on Persuasion (2013), it

describes the effect of advertising whether positive or negative. This

theory designed around the step-by-step process through which people

are persuaded: attention, yielding and retention of the message. In

addition, the more people learn and remember from an ad, the more

persuasive the ad will be (Hovland, 2013).

Furthermore, the source of the message had a huge persuasive

impact on audiences and believed that audiences evaluate to a source

using two independent characteristics -- the degree to which the speaker

is perceived to be an expert on the topic and the degree to which the

speaker is perceived to be trustworthy. It is widely researched into the

characteristics of communication channels such as TV, Radio,

Newspapers, Magazines, Billboards and Social Media (.

This theory is related to this study since this research concerns

with the level of effectiveness of online shops’ advertisements. This theory

is the most appropriate considering that it is designed around the step-

by-step process through which people are persuaded.


Conceptual Framework

This study will determine the level of effectiveness of online shop’s

advertisements. Three areas such as Television advertisements, Social

Media and Online Website advertisements will be analyze as to its level of


Television advertisements is one of the most modern promoting

methods with a decisive role in presenting and selling new products. It

has continuously evolved due to the impact that visual media have on

the public and it also has the benefit of communication. (Budacia, 2012)

Social Media is a form of interactive media by which by which

users can communicate with each other through posts, content, photos

and videos. Message boards, forums, blogs and YouTube are all forms of

social media. Other examples of social media like Facebook, Twitter,

Google and Instagram (Kaser, 2015).

Online Website is a collection of publicly accessible, interlinked

Web page that share a single domain name. Website can be created and

maintained by an individual, group, business or organization to serve a

variety of purposes. It is also known as a web presence.

Sex, Age and Monthly Allowance will be the variables to be

consider in the analysis of data. These are characteristics that will deem

significant in determining the effectiveness of online shop’s


Assessments on the level of effectiveness for online shop’s

advertisements will be categorize to a 5-part scale with the following

categories: 5 as the highest or “Always” 4 “Frequent”, 3 “Sometimes”, 2

“Rarely” to 1 as the lowest or “Never”

Scope of the Study

This study will focus on the level of online shop’s advertisements in

the different areas namely Television ads, Social Media and Online

Websites using descriptive research design.

The research design is Descriptive Research while self-made

research will be use. A separate questionnaire will be used to gather


The statistical tools will use are mean, Mann-Whitney U-Test, and

analysis of variance.

Selected variables will be considered like Sex, Age and Monthly


Respondents of this study are the XXX Grade 12 students of STI

West Negros University for the calendar year 2019-2020.

The result of the study will be dealt with confidentiality and the proper

persons will be properly inform of this findings of the study.


Significance of the Study

This study proves beneficial to the following:

Present Researcher. This study will significantly help and inspire

them in applying

Future Researchers. This research study will serve as a reference

that will help them in conducting their research studies in the future.

Definition of Terms

The following terms were defined conceptually and operationally to

provide a clearer and understandable concepts related to the study.

Advertisements. is a sponsor-paid advertising message that is

broadcast on a television or radio station.

Operationally, it is use to promote a certain product by the use of

mediums like television social media and any online sites.

Age. As the length of time, most often in completed years, that a

given person has been alive, measured at the beginning of birth.


Effectiveness. It is the degree to which a strategic objective

matches the expected output or goals of the organization or system.



Monthly Allowance.


Online Shop.




Social Media. Refers to a website and applications that enable

users to create and share content or to participate in social networking

(Kraser, 2015).

Operationally, it refers to a platform in which a product can be

promoted and market through short and catchy visuals.

STI West Negros University. Is a private university located in

Bacolod City, Negros Occidental, Philippines. The university is a second

level-accredited school by the Philippine


Strand. Is a consistent thread running through a course offer

irrespective to its subject content.




This chapter presents other related information, facts, principles

and studies that have value or are closely related to the present study.

Conceptual Literature


Television advertisement

Television has been a staple in advertising since its inception.

Audiences tune in and engage with televised content while attracting

advertisers. Television advertising is largely used to influence viewers’

purchase decisions. Television networks take advantage of their audience

base by their advertising their own programming. Ads for new shows and

previews for existing shows are strategically placed to influence

audiences and retain viewers (Lazarri, 2019).

Social Media

Facebook regardless of whether or not schools choose to do so. By

setting up a Facebook Page, school can established a controlled,

professional presence that allows them to capitalize on this social space

in many important ways, while still protecting their students. It’s

important to note that while a Facebook Page is an excellent opportunity

for schools to supplement their web presence, it doesn’t fully replace the

benefits of a robust website (Lahiri, 2014).

In addition, Television ad time is still expensive and obviously still

being purchased, but its effectiveness has definitely been on decrease,

while internet advertising campaigns continue to be on the rise. Viewers

are watching far less live television (George 2014).

Online Websites

Advertising has become a major revenue source for many websites.

Not too long ago, online ads were often met with disapproval from

visitors, and advertisers were unsure about their value or effectiveness.

Today, most visitors have come to expect ads on commercial websites,

and advertisers have recognized the potential of various online ad

opportunities. Ads have long been a part of print publication, such as

magazines and newspapers, and now they essentially have the same role

in online periodicals and publications (Snell 2008).



Television advertisement

According to Giongco (2016) of The Manila Times, Television ads

still reign supreme as most effective advertising medium in the

Philippines, but with video-on-demand (VOD) advertisements in social

media and other online platforms increasingly supplementing TV’s

effectivity. The report revealed that 59 percent of online Filipino

consumers are subscribed to a cable provider, while just 16 percent are

subscribed to an online service provider.

The study, which surveyed 30,000 respondents from 61 countries,

showed that 81 percent of Filipino respondents subscribed to an online

service provider claim they watch some form of VOD programming

including long-and short-form content, be it through TV, computer,

tablet, or a mobile phone.

Social Media

According to, in a recent study conducted by Effective

Measure, a research supplier for web audience measurement, 83 percent

of Filipino respondents say that engaging in the Facebook corporate page

influenced them to buy from those businesses while 72 percent claimed

they are urged to buy upon seeing Facebook Ads.

In a separate report from SocialMedia Today, Filipino internet users

spend an average of four hours a day in social media, 97 percent of them


on Facebook. Facebook knew this that’s why its new algorithm that was

started in 2013 has limited the organic reach of Facebook business

pages to 6 percent. What does this mean? If a Facebook business page

with 1,000 fans posts a status update, roughly 60 people will get to see it

on their news feed.

Online Websites

In the Philippines, e-commerce is mostly being implemented by

major retailers and multinational corporations for bank-to-bank

exchange. A number of business-to-consumer transactions have emerged

through the years such as auctions, online shopping, and online

banking. This just shows that Filipino businesses welcome this new

opportunity in selling goods since 16% of the population is using

internet. This new marketing strategy will not only benefit those big

companies but also the small businesses who cannot afford to advertise

their products. Just by creating a website in a very affordable cost would

make the business grow in terms of sales and enhance the company

image as well (Lacson & Pasadilla, 2006).

Research Literature


Television Advertisement

In the study of Liaukonyte and Teixeira (2014), Media multitasking

distracts consumers’ attention from television advertising, but it also

enables immediate and measurable response to advertisements. Their


paper explores how the content of television advertising influences online

shopping. They constructed a massive dataset spanning $4 billion in

advertising expenditures by 20 brands, online shopping behavior at

those brands’ websites, and content measures for 1,269 distinct

television commercials. The results of their study showed that television

advertising influences online shopping.

Social Media

According to the study of Pikas and Sorrentino (2014) The

Effectiveness of Online Advertising: Consumer’s Perceptions of Ads on

Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, The growth of Internet usage has

created a platform for businesses to attract and retain customers. While

online advertising strategies are used by many businesses, the

effectiveness of these methods being used can be debated. Their study

was conducted to test the consumer’s perception of online advertising on

the popular social webpages: Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. At the end

of their research, they have concluded that consumers of all ages and

demographics are spending a significant amount of their time on the

Internet. Due to this trend, businesses have expanded their marketing

campaigns to reach consumers through online platforms. As Facebook,

Twitter and YouTube have become more popular, businesses are paying

to advertise on these popular social networking sites. While most agree

that a business should have a social media presence, the effectiveness of

these advertising methods is debated.


Online Websites

In the study of Deshwal (2016) Online Advertising and its Impact

on Consumer Behavior, The size and range of online advertisement is

increasing dramatically. Businesses are spending more on online

advertisement than before. Understanding the factors that influence

online advertisement effectiveness is crucial. An internet broadcast

model is what major advertisers have been waiting for. They want to

make Internet advertising more like television advertising. Actually, they

want to make it better than TV advertising: all visuals impact of

traditional broadcast with the additional value of interactivity. The goal of

advertisers is to make their ads more involving. Interactive advertising

allows customers to become more involved because they initiate most of

the action. Experiences during this interaction will drive brand attitudes.

With the increased adoption ad fission of the Internet, World Wide Web is

becoming gradually a standard advertisement platform. The Web is

offering business advertisement world with more rich media tools,

interactive services, and global reach. The need is to understand the

target consumers and then strategize wisely in order to gain maximum

out of this new medium.


Television Advertisement

In the study of Prieler & Centeno (2013) The Gender

Representation in Philippine Television Advertisement, analyzed 254

unduplicated primetime Philippine television advertisements from 2010

for differences in gender representation. The findings are based on chi-

square analyses and indicate a high prevalence of gender differences and

stereotypes in Philippine television advertisements. By analyzing

Philippine television advertisements, this study intends to close a gap in

the still under-researched area of gender representation in developing

countries, which could provide a more complete picture of this topic from

an international perspective. The similarities and differences between

this research and previous studies on this topic in developing and

developed countries are examined. The possible effects of such

representation on audiences are discussed based on social cognitive

theory and cultivation theory.

Social Media

According to the study of Marañan et. al,. (2016) The Youth

Perception on Social Media as a Platform for Advocacy Communication,

Facebook is one of the most prolific social media platforms in use by the

youth in the Philippines, most particularly in the City of Manila. The

social media site is also used by advocacy groups and related non-profit

organizations as a platform to communicate to the public. In conclusion,


it was found that youth have a positive overall perception of social media

as a platform for advocacy communication.

Online Websites

According to the study of Lizardo (2016) The Online Media in the

Post-Dotcom World, The concept of providing relevant information for

partners and customers along with many collaborative tools for the

partnership still holds well in the online media industry. In fact, it has

become the key to survival after the dotcom crash. New strategies that

allow online media to evolve along with an ever-changing scenario of

technology, competition and market make for better business, not just

survival, in the post-dotcom world. It proposes some of those strategies

in the light of the experiences derived from an online news and

information organization that has continued to leave its mark in the

online media industry in the Philippines.


The literatures that has been reviewed provided by the researchers

are the foundation to this study. Advertisements contributes greatly and

an important aspect of online shops. The related articles and studies has

proven the effectiveness of advertisements. Also, this chapter gives a

clear guide for each category which is the television advertisements,

social Media and online websites which will determine the parameters of

the effectives of online shop’s advertisements.


Chapter 3


This chapter will discuss the research design, locale of the study,

respondents of the study, data gathering instrument, validity and

reliability of the research instrument, data gathering procedure,

analytical scheme and statistical tools.

Research Design

This study will use the descriptive research design in order to

determine the level of effectiveness of online shop’s advertisements of the

(no. of students (xx)) grade 12 students enrolled in STI West Negros

University for the first semester of school year 2019-2020.

According to Sanchez (1998) that descriptive research includes all

of those studies that purport to present facts concerning the nature and

status of anything – a group of persons, a number of objects, a set of

conditions, a class of events, a system of thought or any other kind of

phenomena which one may wish to study. Considering the problem of

the study, the researcher will consider the descriptive method as an

appropriate research design to be used to analyze, interpret and evaluate

the data.

Locale of the Study


STI West Negros University is a private university located in Bacolod

City, Negros Occidental, Philippines. The university is a second level-

accredited school by the Philippine Association of Colleges and

Universities – Commission on Accreditation (PACU-COA) and awards

degrees in associate, bachelor, master, and doctorate levels. STI West

Negros University has an enrollment of 10,000 students per semester

and produces 1,500 graduates every school year.

Respondents of the Study

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