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The Plan

Bringing a change to a New way of living for

all in the World.. to help by giving a chance
to progress without limitations of
monetization.. having a more Eco friendly
society for Earth. A new Balance for raw
materials. All Humans advancing in all levels
of scholastic through mentorship..
Holograph Future map:
The Quick summary

This book will describe plausible scenarios of a successful continuing generating life fulfillment.. Learning, Teaching,
Mentorship, Survival..non monetary system..better eco system. Free energy technology and solar electricity use and wind
power solutions to balance needs. Equalization of all..

I had been doing my own research along with thousands of others like me in the we near the legendary 2012 hear conspiracies ..its all over the media supported net pages..

Some are very detailed ..some are fear mongering..and as I have mention to the people on a site I am head admin
on..that never fear..fear is a handicap from progression..not just with your physical being..but with your spirit..when you
stop or hold back your in turn are holding back your spirit..when you die your spirit lives on your
soul..moves on..
fear is a major hold back..fear of dyeing..and those that want to control humanity know this and use it against
people..thus put it out these viewers become alert to dangerous possibilities..and the reaction usually is stay
within conformity..violation of this ..would be dire. or they hesitate..fear to make a right when they
should make a left..

Get beyond the fear .and they have nothing on you ..nothing at your confidence..that you are a great being on
this one planet out of thousands of have been giving a gift to experience what that life was about..although
trivial in time..nothing is ever or can be perfect..most will say things are perfect as they are no matter the situation..or
crisis..due to living and experience..and trust and know once your experience here is over by whatever move
to another experience...they never end..

People have to get their concentration on the right things..stop watching all the news and fear mongering videos and
who’s who out there corrupt or not..concentrate on what you would do or want for your perfect society..give your energies
to these thoughts..don’t stop progress or possibilities with worries or concerns that you have seen to be horrific in most

Try to concentrate on an advancement that would help you and build a common society of same needs and
wants..and no matter who you are..where you are..we all basically want the same..good jobs, good paid..good proper schooling or mentorship..
some of these here can be eliminated..with free electricity..or doing away with the monetary system..

I once saw Alex collier ..who said although the government owns all the technology now..that was all fixing to
change..and one of the biggest questions was..if we the people acquired this equipment and technology..what would we
do with would we use it to help all. and is also stated that this was very possible..but before we attain any of that
technology we had to know ..all these answers..

Another question I saw along the same lines was if we had control of our own government like would we
change it to make better for all. we would have to know all this before acquiring but is a chance we will..if we get beyond
the corrupt and fear mongering.

So you would sit and lay all the cards on table:

1.natural untainted..un commercialized Food production electricity..for homes..electric cars..bikes..use of more Solar power
3.non monetary system
4.mentorship teach all the truths of life and planet history and all the subjects
5.multi job individual could work different areas ..and trade when they wished ..
whether was help with food production..building..mentoring...all could be involved

This is just a few things to think about..

We all have to decide what we really want out of life. and how we would go about getting it..allot of our answers would be
the same I’m sure..allot of our answers have been there but unexpected by the government. or controlled by and
manipulated by..thus we are not allowed to set forth our own methods that would greatly help you just have to find
common ways to achieve these..not go by what you know of the government ways..some may be similar but like with
vegetables we would have control of not having chemicals being put on them..or stuck paying for high gas and oil prices
by using free electric..and having cleaner air from that as well..

Above in achieving would eliminate the necessity of monetary system..when you work you are helping others and in
return your trading for the goods you need ..or share in the work to build houses for another..we have some community
projects with volunteers like this today..but would be good if all utilize this process more and more..

think about what you need money for?.. just items TV’s..stereos..
all this is there already and with teams with the capability to continue build and anyone can train to have these jobs ..more
the merrier..and this leads o the multi job talent..

Multi job placement and training::

where individuals can choose what they want to learn and work and help..then 6 months later if they choose go do
something else..and keep going till they find what they like or just move when they get would not be pushed
for production quotas..and not having all the weight on any one individual..

All age mentorship and training::

Enable everyone the same opportunity to learn any trade they wish ..even those in school under mentorship..give them
the knowledge so they can grow up and advance in the learning and knowledge of.

Irrigation and water::

Hydro is another is mention to build our own hydro generators to pump water that would cover for the use of the
world..irrigation of dry wasteland would be promising for new neighborhoods..hence giving new homes for families
much land out there that is not utilized..and thus would grow Vegetation,, Trees,, Animals would come..would be like
building and oasis in middle of desert giving new home to all means of life..

This book will discuss and display the lay out plan for the "Holographic Future Map" for a self dependant
society..ungoverned by tyranny..
This map will be your guide in leading up to society advancement for all mentorship for young and old..

Modern system

We as a civilization are to progress have we have..although has been enforced in an unfairness to most of the World by
Giant Corporations who receive most of the funds ..and thus is booked and later find millions even billions are missing
..that could have been turned back into the company or benefits of workers..the money that could have supported
millions of needs for the people supplementary, Insurance, benefits.

But was never recycled to be used as such ..Only filtered away to other ventures that weren’t benefitting anyone but
themselves and those in control of the finance business world..

We can have all we have now..providing we switch to Free energy, Wind power, Solar. To help with the pollution and
Earths Eco factor and Life itself . and at the same time monitor and regulate supply and demand ,which also can be
easily done , will explain further into this through the book..

We are to grow and advance as a society , as a whole..with the World and all the people on it..for all to help improve life
and make sure every human on this planet can have and get what they need to advance only helps humankind in the
The Holograph principle

Regions have to be studied and information acquired..

1.seasonal growth of vegetation
2.the product growth of that region unused land to utilize
4.Irrigation routes to these unused areas such as deserts plotting for homes via grow centers or fields or deserts
6.Tradeing central locations..vegetables for supplies or material
7.home building plans..using minimum material and eco friendly
8.Fores rejuvenation replace wood used
9.utuilize free energy heat generators or use fireplaces or wood stoves..
free energy for hot water
10.assorted job list that all can decide to choose to do and change when they need to ..
Build homes to growing vegetation or working and learning how to use free energy with mentorship in all fields...
To have world communicable trade..product for product..non monetary..

Will be personal responsibility on locations from centers for all to make themselves accessible to these centers.
If an individual chooses to live far from the centers they have to utilize ways to make themselves accessible or make
trade with others in order to help commune material..

Reliance on monetization has to come to a halt..personal influence and input..

There are voluntary systems at work now for the homeless or feeding the unfortunate..
but we all should be doing this for one another across the world..can be done..
This is why for this book ..the map..

Altho funds are sent in via donations to purchase wood..

we cut our own wood as a team in that area of work at that material that is needed and
return will do the same for the next ..
as we will have foresters..and rejuvenators placed for these positions as they choose..

an individual wants a home..he has offered his way in working with free energy..
but needs some wood..the person who is access to the wood would get free energy in his home or the method or way to
do so himself if he chooses..

Medical field work same way we all gain knowledge and learn from each other thru mentoring..from experienced in that
trade and learn..
All the technology and equipment and mentoring is already in place..
To get paid for it is the optional..its a made requirement by the modern times..
the whole system will be built up on Bartering..Trade..
and gives all a chance to learn who want to learn that field of trade..

Would be like having everything we have now..but using this trade instead of money..
will keep trade or barter up to date as each are fulfilled in its position..

no tabs or withholding..all material is at hand .once map is laid out and utilize..
plus using free energy will not be the oil debts we have now or the price of gasoline..
automobiles will be electric..means of transportation but correspond to the needs of the "Eco Safe System"..where its
very important to protect earth as well..and conserve its natural properties.

It is said that are ways to use electric and balance the use of oils when cycle the uses to conserve..

Schooling will be Taught on the same levels we have now..and all will be givin the chance to have the education they only progresses all when all can learn what they can..and not held back by heavy monetization of today’s
required funds which hold back many from advancing for a better education and furthering their education..

as with all else we want to progress for humankind as much as possible without being held back as uch as possible..all
learn basic fundamentals in raising children ..knowing math and immediate history..and whatever history we may know
as true fact..

shops to learn how to technology as with free energy. medical

all the information is the present at a price to receive..but no more with the use of the new "Holographic plan"
again Bartering..

it would not be hard to utilize others time and trade capabilities to have what all need..
getting it started and use to..will take little time once the Map is in action..

Everything is there already..just have to use a different way then using money..

same process and information..but take away the use of currency period..

This would not be hard..the hardest part is getting people to tear away from use of currency..
when you start you ask..what do you need? they say i need would to build home..ok in return what they know will be
utilized on another’s need or request..thus the one who needed wood got their wood and house built and the other would
in return get what he needs goes on n on to the next person..
All fair in trade.

Learning material

Should be free!!.. I see most books that are priced at ungodly prices and again a person wanting to learn cant learn from
this material because they can’t afford it ..when mass produced as such it should be made available to the public for
whomever require it at that time..why stop people from learning with high value of a book..

There is so many big doors in the way that keep many from learning now..there are many highly intelligent people out
there not givin the chance due to their financial status ..this is very wrong ..and is holding back progress and learning.

All Schools and Colleges

Should be open to all, no matter race creed their preferred religion, the main idea and priniciple for schools is to learn
and higher ones education..not hold it is a shame how many I hear myself want to go to school be a doctor but
cant because they don’t have 50-75 thousand dollars and that’s the only thing keeping them from learning..and have
family with kids..they have just as much right as those that are fortunate to have the money although much is
borrowed through grants that in long run has to be paid back and even putting those in a tight with money even after
receiving degree and having a family. so in some cases they are screwed either way..and if this is obvious to me as
many you think those in charge of scholastic know it’s happening but yet they don’t care its not their
concern that all should learn is only those that can hand over the check..
Start now!!!

To this day this program or idea or plan would not be hard to put in place ..would be a start away from non use of
currency to a new starting level and will gradually build once the concept has caught on to the vast majority..
Even now we are doing trade with other countries ..but is due to paying off a debt as well that we never climb out of..
so we volunteer our work eliminating any debt anywhere..we go anywhere in the world to donate our time and
learn from mentored and be the mentor..

The world now is full of wants ..i call it a vanity..but you have to make the wants be necessity to live life and to progress
and gain thru learning and volunteering..

it does take ones time and dedication to want change and change for the better..many are not that willing..they are use to
their comfort zone..
but as with the market how it is now..something has to change or their will be no comfort zone then many will be lost and
know not what to do..
but for us with this plan in action already is up to us to help them learn how..
Just easier when all don’t wait till last minute to finally realize and jump on the wagon to even help or consider their
grandchildren’s they actually want them growing as we did knowing about wars and politics and money as we
have all our this what you want them to have or be left with? ..or do you want to try and show them you can make
a difference in this world to better for all?

it is obvious how and where things are headed..the money situation will not change the debts are not better they get
worse and yet many sit by their TV’s not a care in the world about what’s happening elsewhere..but those in the new plan
will already be use to it and utilizing it and will more then likely be back in comfort zone that is deal able..manageable and
will give them a better sense of security in life..

now is so much worry for bills..groceries..gas and oil prices..and they worry for jobs and pay..
all this can be eliminated..the worry of and how am I? can be eliminated completely in takes no more sacrifice
then you already do now for the corporate companies so why not turn that around for your own community and
yourself..not the corporate..

Those will eventually fall..once this plan goes into effect ..their supply and demand will dramatically drop thus their
income will as such also..

for many years we have fed the corporate companies all our time and sweat and tears to have little we have now..would
not be us attacking them but finding a better solution for ourselves looking out for ourselves..and to survive and live
without all the worries we have now..

most jobs which i have had many ..somehow manage to only pay you enough to barely pay the bills..barely enough to
buy groceries ..and that is hard for those specially with young..and this is week to week month to month..

In my observance it is this way everywhere..all being paid just enough to make it..and are left tired and worn out and
stressed worried for family and their home and life or future for the young in affording school..
all this has to change..and it can be I have said some programs have been around doing this for years basically
by using volunteer workers and their time..we can first learn from them. they are within that part of the system.. although
as i said is funded but when you get many people involved in all trades..funding would not be needed if trade is made for
Barter/Trade management

The BIG does one moderate or manage Barter and trade or what is equal in to receive?

Yes a good question..many of us have done for others and when someone does for us we try to return the favor and
usually subconsciously already want to be fair..
so really don’t think will be as a major issue as it is asked now..being that it is a preplan system or program.

some ideas can be worked out and made with writing down and signing off to what is received and thus
turned in and signed on return of favor..this is the question..

but to math it out on paper and receive due to and not say ..hey you got wood from me now you owe will not be
like that..when you have several people doing so much to help each other you will not look for favor from that one person
necessarily..will come in a cycle of favor returns of others with different trade skills..

and the one who got wood from you would take that receipt and turn in to do a volunteer elsewhere and when is finished
that deal is done..until next need or requirement. But will continue their work.
and hold receipts and trade the tickets in for something they may need or require for them..

after so long one may bank a drawer full of receipts and can acquire what they need when they need..

one big problem with world today is excessiveness..some need to learn to moderate for purpose of life..and dedicate
their time to help in the progression..if they do not then they have no interest in ones grandchildren’s future and are not
about progressing or helping mankind and in return for their lack of will due them in a bad spot when their vanity lifestyle
collapses..due to corporate cave ins..from financial breakdown ..only by their own doing..

As we all have basic needs with all working together those needs will be easily met.

If a certain region has had damage to fruits and vegetables due to bad season or weather can be acquired from another
region. trading wood or other materials or again volunteered members to help in that region.. is so many this all can be

All the math and set system will take time..and will learn from it ..but again allot of these programs are already set into
motion. The bases is already there to study it’s functions and maintenance of.

All the current systems we have can be utilized by means of proper management and continual mentorship on giving
anyone a chance to learn how to co operate or operate the system of manufacturing.


When you think of vehicles should be converted to using free energy or hydro engines which is said
the technology is there..utilizing these technologies and entering them in the vehicle world would help on moving away
from fossil fuels and help with cleaner air in our environment..

Areas and Regions can be Forecasted for average use and stored and shipped to local supply depots for immediate
communities in that area or region..

Seasonal fruit and vegetation will be acquired when is available and shared through out as requested by local suppliers

We have to moderate the supply and demand ..and can be done by eliminating a lot of fast food restaurants.

Fast food seems required these days due to modern living conditions with work ,kids, school, activities.

When we moderate the work days as I am suggesting 4 day work weeks and the rest for learning or mentoring others in
their free time..this will eliminate the hurry and need for fast food and cut down on supply and demand greatly..
Local suppliers will have what is forecasted for that area in meats and vegetables and fruit and milk and juice.

When you eliminate the fast food allows more to be put into local suppliers or traders..

The bartering system can be worked out just as well money was but not dependant on money.

But with these tickets mention earlier..possibly each giving value to equivalent to purchasing items.

We can set a set rate or price to all items to be no different then the next area or be same all across the board..

By now a lot of people will be shaking their heads and say all this couldn’t possibly work..but as sure as I am writing this
yes is very possible..many are use to the monetary system and the suppliers having control of the pricing due to their cost
and over head., when you eliminate these types of actions and running systems ..all the rest is more acquirable to all..

Just have to look at things at a different angle..this is merely a map of what could be ..and could be major change in way
we operate all together ..

When you have billions of people who can work together and learn so many different operations and trades and learn
from those with’s never ending possibilities and those of us would never get bored of our job when we are
allowed to change when we find we want to do something different ..which I would find many who would be interested in
this..even a chance for those who want to get in medical field get a chance to learn is their desire and when there is
desire in something as this..there is a lot of caring for what they do and try hard at it


As mentioned before. Tickets can be written for the amount of time you worked in any job.and can be used to purchase
items. I would almost say that a card would be good for this..maybe..more thought on that point in “Tickets” is trying
to get away from using the term “money”

When you work 30 hours a week and can be written down across the board the same amount as the person in 4 states
away or another country..noone makes more then the other an hour..

It can be written or printed or logged via computer or card..and when you go to make purchase you show paper or card
and what you buy will be subtracted..just as the modern day EBT card is used basically..

Local hometown suppliers of their own

This would be the person who has the garden or farm that grows and harvest or farms animals for meat or milk.

I am sure can be a work system as with any job to accommodate them being paid as a job as anyone else. And with help
volunteers to learn on the farm would give him more time to help others or advance the farm or care for the fields.

He would get his payment as the rest who work ..we are volunteering but we are at same time getting paid..just not with
moneys..we are trying to eliminate moneys..the monetary system..

And can be done..although this again is a rough draft..can be done..I am sure this rough draft of mine could be sent
through the mill and dissected and they will come up with a system..many could ..all this is a general idea thrown out
there and to click with someone else that may see..and say Hey wow this can work..and work out the details..

Look at everything we have now but take the big players out who hold all the money.. and put us in that place and divide
it with matter the job its open to internship and mentoringship
We are making it possible for those that aren’t givin the chance to be a part of something..they are only denied because
they don’t have the money to go to college and learn but they desire to do so..

Yes many went to college before to learn ..and then teach..but then that got over rated when they put such a heavy price
on it to drive Jaguars..not just to have to make the family happy and survive but to own the toys they wanted..

When you learn or have a pass it on for another to learn and understand and passed down the line..why charge
for that at the rates they been doing for so long..

It’s ridiculous..just because one person has learned something at Harvard doesn’t make them a better person ..many are
not in the position they can go to such a college but are just as smart but is held back due to moneys..

Again you can see over and over how money has a hold on everything when is obsessed. and definitely obtained by the
wrong people who could care less about the next person..

Humans want to learn they are not idiots..people of the higher stature want to believe that so they feel like god of
information but I am here to tell you that is very wrong and arrogant .


Those that make their own goods and crafts can auction them..just like any auction. highest bidder would acquire and the
maker would get there credit toward item for purchasing other items they need.

The people themselves have good judge of value so wouldn’t be a problem there at all auctions happen all the time..

Food banks

Food banks will stay supplied by course of up to 6 month forecast for each area and region. This will help store suppliers
for the forecasted use of families in that area.

Food banks have been around for many years so that system is there and all over the world..they would know how to
help calculate usage per region, per continent.

Gluttony and Vanity ,Excessive access

This is a big problem and is took advantage of..why do you think or always reminded by someone who says I remember
when I had to fetch water from the creek or gather eggs..or milk the cows..

That’s the way it was and they seemed to manage and from my own families experiences they never really complained it
was more like great memories to them..

And today everything is there, everything..which is nice if its not causing problems elsewhere in the world or our
environment which is exactly what its doing..but as long as you get your fast food burger, or mass excess of TV’s,
hardware and games..

These companies require bigger companies to supply them..they have giant factories that mass kill animals for these
restaurants to keep them in stock..these industries..that make the plastics alone for TV’s, computers, games..have big
production lines ..huge companies ..they are the ones you see on tv with smoke bellowing out the stacks.

But most of us don’t really live that close to them so why should we bother with this or even care as long as I get what I
want and its there..of course its there they are like you who could care less about what those big companies are doing to
our atmosphere or even curious to what they add to most products now for various reasons,

Many have known most of their lives ..but did it change anything and look where we are now as far as our eartyh
atmosphere..who long as I get mine..herd that..
Authors Quick note::
I am going to make a break note here..before I go further..i just want to state this is a rough draft of what can be done
to help and improve life as it is now..I mean most of the above can be done is there even the free power,

Either start caring about what you been told your whole life about our atmosphere and how to help it..instead of sitting
there going “Bummer” really? “ and then just change channel..

I haven’t watched TV in 3 -4 years and I don’t miss it and is obvious reasons as many know why themselves..i don’t need
fast food restaurants..we can still have food accessible but not over accessible to the point big manufacturing groups are
making a big killing and I mean that literally and in 2 ways..all the stock that is killed as in cattle due to supple and
demand and the mass amount of money these corporations make themselves..are they driving 1980+honda civics? No?
lol ..neither am I but close..but is only a point..

And another note that this being a draft..rough draft..i am hoping that those can read this pick out a few things that can
be looked at..because they are in the position to look ahead and utilize their placement as with food banks ..preparing
on how would they handle such a task and make it more local and regional then it is now..

And arranging credit rates, the ticket rate ..i say this either we get control of the full of the world moneys and its divided
up with all and learn to set a set value for everything and not have one item so much more expensive as the next I
am trying to think away and out of the box from money as if it don’t exist,

World bankers and big corporations have control of that and I think they would burn it before letting us get our hands
on it..

Lotteries..I never understood one person winning 29 million..I have seen a million go in no time..but I mean really..

Just had to throw that in .. I always shake my head to that one..29 million dollars broke up 29 people=million each or 58
people $500.000 each or 116 people$250.000 on n on what is the thinking behind this..when so many people can
be helped with this money, so many things could be accomplished with this money.

So for those that read this..I have done much research on different levels. almost little everything ..not a rock unturned
good or bad..but when I saw Collier no matter what you think of him good or bad ..this principle of a Holographic future
is a great idea that needed to be put in circuit to get the ball rolling..I know he would but he very busy with his
conferences as it is and all he’s been thru with what he does..

So this is my voluntary attempt to get it going..not bothering with publicist with this book..dealing with fighting with
publication over punctuation..I am sure everyone can read what I am typing..I do however ted to write cryptic ..that I
can’t help..Speak as such as it is to be..that would be

And the sooner I get it to the public the sooner someone can dissect the plan, organize, catch a sentence and go hey..i
can do something there and look into it..and get it going..if everyone was to step in..we could make a lot of this reality in
no time considering all that’s going on in the world now.

I’m going to hopefully have comments off in Scribd for this..some may like some may not..and I don’t want comments to
decide for others it tends to detour due to feeling uh oh I better not . I want each to think with their own for themselves
and take it for whatever its worth to you good or bad ..this is a plan for better future taking it out of the hands of big
corporations and using free energy. Could you imagine and we have the technology it’s there for us waiting.
How much money do you actually need now and why?
How much does it really take for one to survive and live comfortable and not have to have with those in
the micro chip stars ?

The reason they need so much I have gathered ona quick acknowledgement is these people are givin limousines and
lighting and the equipment in a lot of cases..then once they make their money from cd or dvd sales..they have to pay all
that back..

So the bases of needing so much money in one pretense is for these contracts that have been signed in lue of for these
big production many of you out there think you could do these jobs? How many out there if givin the
same equipment could be your own rock star? It’s limitless to the possibilities and again is held back to the few
fortunate ones ..i say fortunate ..they fortunate at the moment with their grander scheme they have going for them
..makes them and few around them a lot of money and we pay to see it lol

But does it take millions to have a descent car, food, clothes? no it doesn’t again is feeding an ego of vanity and
gluttony ..

It all looks good in the neons. but how many have you ever heard about that went to Hollywood seeking fortune and to
be recognized to only wind up living in the streets and never seen..I imagine there’s that big wall
again..from some very possible talented people who went thru all the trouble being there..with heart and hope and
determination and confidence in themselves to only be denied by who..and who gave them that power?..

So when you go to thinking realistically we could all comfortable life styles afford nice clothes energy car
,free energy home , just the amount we spend alone on power and gas is phenomenal.

So why we doing it?.. why is this happening? Why is all not being shared equally with all..and all looking out for one
another to help spend more time in progressing then regressing..

It’s about like that saying you hear ..war makes money ..yes it does for some the construction field mostly,
Insurance, pharmaceuticals, doctors and in most cases the bread baker shop is blown to bits but cannot be replaced he
has no insurance or money to replace so total loss for him but gain for another company who can afford insurance take
over his spot and him just walk off empty handed, and trying to still feed family in most cases is how he did and was use
to most of his life.

We should be progressing

S long as we have lived on this planet is much not yet discovered, Land and water, there is so much land which I
understand preservation..but is also replenishing factor as well..there is so much land out there that if the funds or the
means were made ..we could irrigate the deserts for vegetation communities..why is this not being
done and I am sure is few popping up here and there ..but not over the last 50 years is a lot untouched that if we spend
as much time building as we do destroying, where would we be now..actually think why a lot of these countries are
bitter ..with the vast land I seen them have .which thru conspiracy research I cant put all the blame of these wars by
what TV has told me your looking at other countries that have vast amounts of land and we are fighting in a block..if
they are bombing terrorizing us…why? We may not have a clue ..but maybe someone above us does with their little toy a chess game oh well 5 down next game..and continue.. what if there is a country in trouble due to their
population and room.. what do you think the most feasible way is to fix that?..if givin the chance to move and if opted
..their life would continue but just on another different piece of land or country and live life..
History, Defining, Percentages

Yes if you notice I’m not breaking out big charts and percentages and history and trying to define to the mili purpose

Is no need what we want to work on is NOW..and from NOW..with all the information we all know and those in
position who can help fill some of these possibilities just have to start campaigning new ideas .new ways.

The out of the box way of thinking when a person comes up with this awesome great new invention..although it
may not be extremely exotic. It doesn’t have to be..but would work for the mass..this is what we all want ..all of us
have thought of ways to make things easier for ourselves neighbors quick hints fixes..well here is your chance to help
the world ..not just yourself and your neighbors..although you may only be able to involve yourself locally if it’s a great
idea will expand way beyond that. Never underestimate yourself or not allow yourself the possibility you as one person
can make great change for the world we are all highly intellect if we allow many of us are always finding ways and
exploring new horizons.

And as far as percentages again that’s everywhere .. keyword search it if its something you need to see. but basically
what I see is an overall as most see now..the little guys who work hard and barely pay bills and the rich getting richer..

It’s not changed .why? who’s responsible? Those that come home from work.. complain but just eat and turn TV
on..doesn’t explore the net or ways to reach out..I have spent my last 3 years voluntarily for almost 24/7 expressing
positive outlook for people giving them a positive insight into matters to make their day easier if not more..daily life has
such a crunch on people, it’s not easy.

But we all have to know and say hey it can be done..a little benefit of doubt with all the information you find and read
and utube its everywhere and you take what makes sense to you and let it resonate with you.

As it has with me to help people for the last 3 years and just to give hope and positive outlook and write articles for site
magazine on how to reach the inner self for your power and gifts..and now this Holographic map..Inspired by Alex

I will say he mentioned general methods in this..but with what I written no way reflects on his ideas or thoughts these
are my he is not responsible for that part..but I seen what he was saying and expressing the rough draft of it
all in my words and some of my experience which would be very hard to break down from all my research just in last 4
years alone..

But for once try to think out of the box if you never a whole new world of possibilities and until then your only
allowing what we have known for ages to continue we grew up as children as for me hearing about Vietnam..World war
1 and 2 ..the French ..Civil war, and the list goes on..

And look how our Vets have been done this whole time.. for whatever reason you may believe .it’s inhumane

You ever really thought why there is war..although again the terrorists thing which has been stated from insiders are
fabricated and produced by our own..they must have needed the money or supplies for their baron land ..I mean if we
all shared what we had around the world there would be plenty..enough to survive on minus a mikky d’s in the middle
of desert .
Peace, love and Togetherness

Ok the root of most problems is people and their Egos, who they choose to be around or not be around because of their
pre judgmental thoughts without even knowing the person.. everyone does it ..on the street how someone is dressed or
how someone walks or talks..or what they drive? why? who are you to say your better than them? What is this purpose
serve and applying Peace, Love and togetherness..when you start seeking for the person inside. then you will find the of now many have been forced in situations they would probably prefer to never be in. but have no in this box as most of us had. presenting us with Icons. statures. status, a quota. This has been fed to all
thru all the hype thru movies and TV’s and thru this we have lost reality and allowed ourselves to be so distracted by
everything the news can dish out, that it got to where was 50 scenarios going on at once so you don’t know what
direction to turn but to defend yourself even with the next person to you or around you. even the nosey proddin
neighbor has reasons for what they do ..due to this..we have all reasons to not trust the next..but think we all seeing a
bigger picture on who to trust and who’s been used and abused ..and I am sorry to say for some of you goody goodys
out there ..ha ha you not in their fan club..your with us in the same little sinking boat..

So humanity really needs to take a look at what is real and surreal and what needs to be done to change
some of us few years to observe and see it happen for first time in our lives ..but what about our kids and their kids..?
you really want them going thru what we have all our lives? Would you even consider that just keep going as we have
the last 100 years alone it’s just going to get better ?

So many people thru the years preached all this peace lovers..even most Pagans and wiccans I am around along with
native Americans have been dealt a pretty nasty hand through deceit and lies..

Again judging without can even offer some evidence all they can read and all be positive statements..but
they will refuse matter what they will continue to believe what they want ..even if proof is with these
paths above I mention who do very well follow a solid spiritual path not the demon type people you hear about ..or
have been mocked by undercover clans I call them that represent some of these paths and do horrible things to make
the real paths look honest and earth loving people. it’s been happening since the Templars. another interesting point.

I am on a site with pagans, Wiccans and native Americans and I myself told I am past Templar. now what’s the
coincidence of all of us being together at this point? Ha ha I bet some people would like to know or they just don’t
believe what all these other people been saying all along. as with Camelot and Avalon friends..

Yes very this time and age..all the true spirit loving people throughout history although presented
different from the hierarchy to the modern day illuminati /atheist type are gathered in one place and many more are
out there..

So never worry that your alone when you dare to make that leap of faith so to many out there in same situation
but are scared . which as I seen David Icke explain death the same way I see it. what would your limits be if you weren’t
scared of death?

What do you think you could accomplish if you weren’t too scared to make a bold move in fear of dyeing for some
reason or another..this is where I use the Spartan term . do or die. do it. if it kills you move on to the next plain. basically
way I see it. I joke that I would be more dangerous to the bad guys dead then I would be alive. so it doesn’t bother me..

Most people hold themselves back in fear of death and don’t even have proof they will anytime soon and may not. but
yet hold themselves all locked up in a protective shell not allowing themselves to expand beyond Horizons
Research and Investigate
Most of us have known or had an idea that most commercialized food was tampered one way or another. With
preservatives and certain ingredients to enhance tolerance to long dating.

Just recently a certain Taco franchise was on the news that there burritos were only 35% meat the rest was oats and
other additives, replacing meat with basically bread so to spread out their meat supply it is never mentioned in their
commercials or their signs that these are in these burritos but more as other restaurants claiming 100% beef .

This is a little follow up on what was mentioned earlier about another well known franchise in mass producing food

I would say hit Google or even Youtube and research using keywords. And study all the information you can
find..granted some maybe misinformation on some things but not all. These videos wouldn’t be there just because
someone is mad that their food didn’t turn out right..maybe if they were treated unfairly in a complaint as I Have seen
done before maybe reason it is there. But you can go thru all the videos you find or information even in Google has all
the report cards on a lot of these establishments are for public view.

Anything you have heard about as with here or on news or through friends and word of mouth , investigate it, there are
numerous videos out there to go thru and you take what seems to make sense or is much out there for
conspiracy issues I understand..but doesn’t hurt to know what all is out there and being said and why..and you decipher
in your own way..we are all not dummies I am afraid..we all have senses and intuition, we know and feel it when we see
something and acknowledge and recognize a situation to be as we see it being presented.

Things to research
Food industry : production number of required items such as beef, pork, chicken. The regions they come from and how
they are farmed and mass produced and fed with special additives in their foods to make bigger and better for
commercial use.

Chemtrails: said to have up to 60 times of aluminum and high in Barium floating and dropping out of the skies upon our
forest and wildlife, ponds, rivers, lakes.

Pollution rate : the amount of pollution in our atmosphere ,our oxygen levels would amaze you ,I had seen by Collier
say that way back when..Earth had 35% oxygen in its atmosphere in the beginning and during even the mid 90’s was
rated at 18%. humans need 15% to have sufficient amount of oxygen to survive.

Money and profits : explore where all these big companies are doing with their money and profits how are they
recycling it back to the public, I have seen some who make millions but are on the news for donating $40.000 to a
charitable cause ,that is nice, but wow can we not do any better where is rest of all this profit going? Oh they can
explain this cycle of company overhead costs. Where its so mathematically screwed up though several little micro
divisions that is almost impossible to trace and why is that?

World money: where are millions and billions? Who are these depts. You hear about? Black ops? Who are funding
amazing programs that the tax payers pay for but don’t have a right to..or the right to the information these programs
and hidden from us for over 60 year? Why is it happening only in a few favor not for world cause..could you imagine
what all this money could we are in debt with other countries and these hidden agenda depts. ..don’t pay it off
but yet spend it on nice little toys for themselves in their own secret little world and leave us to worry about possible
war with a country we owe?
Medical cures and healthcare

Many of us have heard about cures being out there for Aids and where are they? Why are many having
to go through regiments of experimental drugs that most cause more bad side effects then the original issue? Why are
we being held down to what the Pharmaceutical think we should receive according to them? Lately has been a little war
going on about herbals..which many through centuries relied on herbals so who is the industry that has the say or right
to make a law to illegalize it..which I have heard many times that’s what they trying to do. they have made themselves
god of all medicines. They have put themselves way up on this podium and they tell the doctors what to prescribe
patience and give them all these experimental drugs, and use us as case studies for them. I had a friend one time after
his mom passed he was having difficult time he went to the doctors..for 3 months they put him on one
experimental drug, that hit him the wrong way so he asked for different drug so they gave him another experimental
drug told him try this for 3 months..we all know it takes a good couple weeks for any drug to set in and work with the
system as it should.. I went to see him and all he could do was sit in floor with his back against the closet and didn’t
want to do anything..was just almost he went and had that changed and yet again another experimental
drug. They never actually got him right but he made a good test rat for them, and because its experimental drugs .the
doctors or the pharmaceuticals are not liable. You need these drugs but to have them and take them you sign your own
life away for taking something they made and prescribed.

Where are these cures for cancer that we heard about for years? They load us with all these experimental drugs so why
not the ones they have had for aids and cancer for many years and won’t release..

I am sure if they did Insurance would make a killing which is another underhanded plan. But your made to have it. In
most hospitals wont except you if you don’t have insurance they will turn you away. so you ever have a need to go,
better make it emergency they cant refuse you then..don’t be a walk in expecting help without insurance..I got shot
when I was 18 walking from work and 2 gang members walked up on me back in 84 ozzy’s “shot in the dark “ came out
that year..I had to walk to the hospital and I was bleeding was a hollow point tip I got hit with in my arm, so I walked half
a mile to closest hospital and was definitely bleeding everywhere, when I got in there they wouldn’t take me unless I
called my dad to use his insurance since I didn’t have any..they let me walk around in waiting room bleeding as I was
until he got there and before they would take me back..this is very true.

And I have herd many state they been thru this themselves as with kids and all them meds I don’t believe init..when I
was a child I acted up I got spanked..our parents weren’t made to fear human services that if we spank our kids or
discipline them we would be fined or even your left with a screaming kid who gets away with murder and if
parents cant deal they put Johnny on drugs so again pharmaceuticals getting their money and so are the doctors and
therapist. I mean this is a corrupt system in many ways and is legal by law.

Need to figure away to make healthcare accessible to all, have all medical discoveries for cures accessible.

Find out why we can’t get our hands on these and why herbals are being attacked. and take control of that situation
start making demands.
We the People

Can have control we are just not taking it..many know what’s going on in this world complain but do the usual turn the
TV on and watch more of the depressing news. Many afraid that if they talk they will be jailed is know through history
through protest and anytime someone confronts a circumstance with the government. They get beaten or jailed and
hit with heavy fines and even some have been charged with unbelievable charges as terrorism, incite of riot, etc. and so
I can see why many are hesitant ..but we as whole have to stand up and fight and say our peace take our Freedom
back. Have our voice again as individuals not sheep as those high up wish us to be and its being allowed to happen its
being overlooked. as long as those have the jobs they have to barely make it and left alone and hide in their houses and
have TV, Games to keep the kids from being out of control..which kids are being fed very violent games..

Some just don’t know the first step to take, or even who to report to or can trust or if their report won’t make it in the
waste basket or deleted in email as spam. So yes even I understand that. We have to find a central a system for us that
we know works for us and with us and locate the trusting allies of the Freedom Rights.

See I am trying to leave this on Earth level at human conscious level, a many well know or have found out the idea of
Mentorship actually came from another race unearthly race and they are not willing to just impose it or come
down here and help and show us.. and we have to except the idea for them to proceed they will not interfere without
us asking for it or interfere with our free will..they just will not and a lot they see we can fix ourselves if we make the
move ,if we try to fix what was messed up years ago, yes some could say hey this not fair ,,this not our fault the Gov
made agreements with certain aliens that made us their but thru time when we were going thru changes
and seen them..How many of you did something about it..made a phone call and said hey this don’t seem right and
after 1 do it then a 10 then a didn’t happen so it continued ..untill now its gotten so bad ,they are in total
control at this point..and we still as a human race have a chance to change that and when we start to make those
changes ourselves then we may get help from outside..but they want to see that we want the change, because if we
don’t and do something about it soon..your not going to be living this lavish lifestyle you have now..what I mean lavish
is anything more than having a fire for heat, not having to hunt for food, to chase down water, not having electricity,
clothes,, how many have you heard in the past that survived on the minimum and made it? Guess what yes you have
was our grandparents who raised big families a lot bigger then most now and they did well..

So I wouldn’t be grasping on to your vanity lifestyle to tight..this continues wont have anything long. maybe a
reservation in a Fema camp somewhere.

I think many should understand what life is about and why its here and what can we learn or teach another and share
our ideas with all..not be prejudice to anyone , over all we all want the same be healthy to live as long as we
can, to have food, to wear clothes and be happy.. everyone wants this, it’s ego’s and arrogance that’s in the middle of
all this and being blinded on purpose knowing what’s going on..thinking it will just go away..look at our short history,
what do you remember about growing up .? what all have you ever heard growing up?

I am doing my part with the site I am on sharing knowledge that’s been passed down for generation along with others
like me ,informing and assuring a positive outlook that anything can happen at any moment so never give up Hope.
Never cut yourself short..never make yourself stay in the little box you don’t even realize you have been worked into
through the years.
Get more Involved

Try to open your eyes more and actually see what’s going on all around not just in your area,, this is a problem with
most in the world if it doesn’t effect them in their surrounding but elsewhere on another continent they will not
concern themselves and when they do this they are missing out on the whole picture of what’s actually going on in this
world. You have to care about others, neighbors people on other side of the world it effects everyone what the Elite are
doing. When they have the ability to control human life around the globe, play money wars using us like game pieces
and making up false wars that are not real but are made real by them and the controlled media feeding us what they
want us to see, don’t look to TV or the news for your answers they are all not correct and in my research so much of this
is proven true.

Stop harassing each other due to their race and religion there are some out there in every religion known for judging
another and that is wrong. As with anything else through history a lot is made up alot is fabricated lies even by the Elite
who will go through the trouble of making up certain religion factors causing disharmony thus causing conflict for that
path. It’s known ,it’s happened through history just as it did with the Templars, even the original Alchemist were made
into a secret society by the big churches and thus controlled by the Elite and have taken on that roll in full.

Use your intuition more if it doesn’t seem right more then likely its not. We have that power to know and see. Never
second guess yourself just what because what your use to in modern life doesn’t add up. It’s not suppose to not when
there are corruption going on..if your looking for a peace , loving life and to be happy and enjoy a lot is not
going to make sense in comparison to what you know now, we all have allowed our self to be squeezed in a little box, of
control. So you think to yourself what it is that seems natural, basic ,it’s not complex at all is very simple ,everything
around you that’s been happening has made it all seem complex. well let them worry about the web they have built
don’t become part of it, your neighbors are not the one set out to hurt you or those countries away, No!!. it’s this
molded in belief system we all been herded into by those of the Elite, I use to always blame Gov. but they are as
controlled as we are, even the president and I am sure and have seen it in their faces as if they wanted to say but know
if they did would probably come up missing has happened in the past JFK.

So stop with blame or judging, I have seen pagans and wiccans good as gold light I carry and get treated as trash..that
has to stop, these little religious fights been going on for years where has it gotten one controls anything not
even the money only the elite..those in power.

Do you really think snubbing your neighbor day in day out going fix the world? No. so stop doing it get real with the real
happenings in the world, stop acting like self tyrants with giant egos of control all you control is your surroundings that’s
it nothing love, respect and compassion to all, what have you got to lose? How do you feel when someone
pays you a compliment wouldn’t you want another to feel the same ? unless your just flat out selfish. Or work with
negative forces this is how they work this is what they do. They love to cause disharmony and fear and hate. So if you do
any of these things your feeding that negative and makes you one of them.

Try learning to show love, heal others we have the power of good intent if we put our mind to it ,we could do amazing
things. You have to believe in yourself and your power within. you’re not a sheep nor will ever be..without the price of
your neighbor or other countries having to pay for it is bad Karma whether you believe in it or not positive brings
positive reaction negative brings negative reaction. I get negative reaction to this I am not worried about it..My intent is
with the good and purpose of common life humankind, Earth and its inhabitants and nature.
Credit and research

Yeh well this is the toughest part being that I researched much through Youtube from A-Z on my own on everything
imaginable to do with Earth and conspiracies, aliens, technology, Quantum Physics, geometry, history, races, religions,
government involvements, black ops, Super soldiers, Fema camps, Star gates, Ufos, planetary, alien technology, free
energy, Haarp, Templars, Pagan and druid paths considering how they were done and are still done to this day, Native
American wisdom coincidence they went through same thing basically here in America and on a site I am head admin to
we have all in one place.

A lot of my research I will say is through Camelot videos, Exopoltics videos, I have mentioned couple names above as
with Collier that Inspired me to write this but not responsible for what I have written. By no means would I want
anything said toward him about this in any dislikes and there are many others like him I will not go through all the
names once you start searching you will find watch one video look over see something that interest you click it.
Goes on and on.. as I did last 3 years I have researched unbelievable amount of material in a short time..but I was aware
since I was 5 but then I was kind of “Called on” I should say and not by phone.

So this list above is small compared to what I researched but as I said you will find them all as you start and learn and be
little more aware then you are now..there are deception videos out there to induce fear..just stay away from those, and
guys like Collier and others they promote higher conscious and loving and peace and self responsibility to not be
allowed to continue to be anyone’s sheep. We have a right to free will..but I will mention free will is ok if your not
imposing on another’s free will that’s where the defining is. It’s been contemplated by several how you have free will
with so many different beliefs? True just don’t enforce or impose your beliefs on the next and deny them of theirs , we
are all different and that’s what makes us unique and then to blend in as one not become separatist.

We all need to become one work with each other and make this a better world for all, together we can do it but your
going to have to break down that ego wall ..and quit trying to be better then another we shouldn’t see anyone less, why
would anyone want to deprive another of having a place in this world when they themselves are a Devine creation
although may not be your preference in looks or type of person as long as they don’t impose on you have no right
to judge or ridicule, I will say with the world way it is now and way things are going, how dare those compare and try to
compete with another when themselves have helped allow what has happened in the world ..this is not a sand pit .little
kids fighting in it..No..this is Humankind, nature, Animals, life, that all are playing with as if it is disposable..and it is and
when it runs out so will you ..

And for those just now learning and finding out and want to help but not sure how..research find info you think people
may need to hear and share it somehow, spread the word, make people aware of anything if one thing, that’s a start.
No one is asking one person to save the world it’s going to take the majority to want it to happen so our kids
generations down will have better life then we grew up with and as far as 2012. All I got to say is have peace and love in
your heart ..Earth herself is not doing anymore negative dances. Learning experiences will become of learning and
mentoring for progression not regression.

You have the power within, Use it!!!

Boyce Christian

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