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Employee Engagement Questionnaire

Choose the answer that best describes how you agree with the following statements
using the following key:

* Strongly disagree

* Disagree

* Agree

* Strongly agree

My work responsibilities are reasonable ___________

My participation and views in this organization are valued __________

The leaders in this organization are role models _________________

I can communicate directly with my bosses’ ________________

My bosses motivate me _________________

The people I work with are professional ___________

My contributions are received positively ________________

All employees in this organization are treated equally _____________

I am proud and happy to work for this organization ____________

I am confident that I can get ahead in this organization because of my merits

Employee Engagement Questionnaire
Employee engagement questionnaire
I/ Employee information
1. Employee name:
2. Position:
3. Department:
4. Start working from:
II/ Rating scales:
1. Strongly Disagree(1)
2. Disagree (2)
3. Neither Agree nor Disagree (3)
4. Agree(4)
5. Strongly Agree(5)
III/ Employee engagement questions
1. I have the materials and equipment I need to do my job efficiently.
2. I receive the information and communication I need to do my job.
3. I regularly receive recognition/praise for doing good work.
4. The benefits offered here are fair and reasonable.
5. The people here are pleasant and co-operative to work with.
6. There is someone at work who encourages my development.
7. My opinions and ideas seem to matter.
8. My supervisor provides me with feedback and guidance.
9. My supervisor helps me know what is expected of me.
10. My supervisor cares about me as a person.
11. Even if I had the opportunity to get a similar job with another organization, I would stay
with my present company.
12. In the last year, I have had opportunities to learn and grow.
13. I would recommend the organization as a good place to work.
14. Overall, I have confidence in the senior managers at the company.
15. Overall, I am extremely satisfied with my job

I am involved in the performance of the organization ________________

I can easily communicate with my bosses and co-workers ______________

I trust my colleagues and senior management _________________________

I have enough resources to get my job done best __________________

Are there enough opportunities in the organization for you to be able to learn and grow?

Does your job make you feel important? ____________________

Do you agree with the mission and the vision of the organization?

Are you happy with the stress release programs offered by the organization?

How would you suggest that management rewards staff who have performed well?

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