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Briefly narrate your understandings and

learnings on BASICS IN C
PROGRAMMING. How the video touch you
and how is your level of appreciations in as
much as C programming is concern.
DEADLINE: Monday, at 4:00pm.

From the video on the “BASICS IN C PROGRAMMING”, the content of the video explains what is
inside the C programming language. I have learned that this type of programming language holds a
history of how this kind of language originated and was used to program the known operating systems
of today’s world. It is knowingly adopted as a system development language. I have learned, that this
language varies from lines to millions which is why it is considered as dynamic as long as it follows the
correct functions of the extensions.

Aside from the origin of the language, it also tackles about the structure of the C program. These
structure should be followed as the operation of the language need them to make the program function.
In addition, preprocessor command is a part of the c program language which consist of library and
inside the library varies commands that is readable to the program. Without the processor command,
the program a user is writing will not be readable to the system which resulted to errors. Other than
this, the system also has functions, variables, statements and expressions and comments. Each one of
them should be written in a specific command and include a specific library as the C programming
language is a sensitive language.

Moving on from the structure of the C programming language, this also tackles about the syntax
of the C programming language, which varies the individual tokens in writing a command. Supposed you
want to print a greeting, “Hello, World”. You will have to give a command to the system to print the
greeting. In C programming language, the command shall input the specific command instead of writing
a straight line of text greeting to the notepad. These individual syntaxes also hold individual role to the
system which they need each other to make the program run aside from including the main function
and the preprocessor command. For the rearmost, the video ended by tackling and proceeding to the
types and description of datatypes which is also needed to make an input and output command works.

To sum it all, the video planted a seed of learning that resonate to a student like me who seek
knowledge and values in this field. C programming language is behind the applications and systems that
we are using now. As a newbie in the world of programming, I am deeply interested to know more
about the C programming language and it motivates me to write a program of my own in the future.

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