Business Plan

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Chapter II

Fruity ice candy is a small business that put smiles to the consumer’s faces by giving them quality and
satisfaction through our products, ice candy. Our business will deliver different flavors of ice candy
depending on the given season.

Our mission is to be a well-known ice candy producer,not only in our barangay, but to the whole town
of basista and to the nearby towns. It is our goal to give satisfaction to our costumers, to give them
the best ice candy they ever tasted.

By 2025, we see our business as the leading producer of ice candy in the town of basista and also the
nearby towns. We hope to become one of the best ice candy producers in the province of pangasinan.

Our business, “Fruity Ice Candy” will start as a neighborhood ice candy located at Tabayoyong,
Basista. It is where my co-founder lives, Mr. Rod Kenneth Gabriel. I believed it is the best place for
production because many fruits are available in their place like mangoes, coconuts and dragonfruits.

Basically, the target costumers are household people living nearby our place. Also, we will be
delivering our products to the canteen of a nearby school and to some market stalls. So after months
of operation, we expect a good return from our business.

Chapter III
Fruity Ice Candy is a business set to deliver the best ice candy in town. Our ice candy will include a
wide range of different flavored ice candy and will venture on flavors never done on ice candy. Also
our ice candy will have its very own twist. Our ice candy will have fruit tidbits and pulps on it to really
give that satisfaction to our costumers.

Chapter IV
At Fruity Ice Candy,we are set to produce a wide range of flavored ice candy. We hope to retail our
products from different stores not just in basista but also to the nearby towns.

Our intention of starting Fruity Ice candy is to make considerable profits. Here are the products that
will be produced as the days goes by
 Buko Salad ice candy
 Mango Ice Candy
 Buko Ice Candy
 Avocado Ice Candy
 Melon Ice Candy
 Dragonfruit Ice Candy
 Strawberry Ice Candy

Chapter V
Before we decided to start “Fruity Ice Candy”, we see to it that none of our neighbors offer ice candy.
This is to eliminate competition in our barangay. We also did a research as to the flavors being sold in
the public market or nearby schools. This is to assess what flavor should we produce to lessen the
competition. Also, this is to assess what price it should be sold.

At first, we will be producing 20 pieces of ice candy which will be sampled to children living in our
barangay. This is to introduce to our barangay that we will have a business as such and to attract the
attention of our target costumers.

We will be producing 200 pieces that is good for a week. Each piece will be sold for Php 10.00. this
means we will have sales amounting to Php 2,000.00. We are expecting a market share of Php 300.00,
that is 15 % of the sales.

Total number of purchase per week 200 pieces

Average payment per purchase Php 10.00
Projected total industry sales per week Php 2,000.00
Percentage the producer can attain 15%
The producer’s market share Php 300.00

Every week, we will be producing ice candies consisting of two different flavors. In this manner, as
weeks goes by, we know what flavor liked the most. From this, we know what flavor to produce more.

It’s an important factor for any company to select per unit price which overcome its cost and
some profit margin. Very important thing is that consumers can easily afford it. So our pricing
strategy will be according to market and customer affordability.

2 pcs. Large Can Evaporated Milk (410mL/can) Php 60.00
3/4 cup Cornstarch Php 20.00
3/4 cup White Sugar Php 50.00
7 cups Water
Fruit Flavor (Average) Php 80.00
Other Expences (Electricity, Packaging, Etc) Php 40.00

Total Expenses Php 250.00

It is expected that we will yield 50 pieces of ice candy and the SRP is 10.00. The expected total sales is
Php 500 and the potential profit per piece is Php 5.00.

First, we will sell our products directly to our costumers for the first two weeks. This is to have
immediate feedback from the costumers. We can assess as to what aspect needs improvement. As we
gain costumers, we will ask the school canteens nearby if they want to retail our products.

A friend of ours, who happened to have a computer shop located at the public market, will help us
introduce our product to the townspeople of Basista. Also, we will be introducing our product to our
friends using social media.

Chapter VI
We believed our biggest strength is our uniqueness. Ice candy with real pulps and real fruit tidbits is a
big twist for ice candy lovers. Also, we will be the first in our community to sell such. We are not just
selling frozen juices. We are selling the future of ice candy.

We believed our biggest weakness is the season. Ice candies are not popular during rainy seasons.
Also some fruits are only available in a given season. Lack of freezer is also a weakness. You cannot
sell an ice candy when its not frozen.

With our technology today, we see unlimited opportunities to sell our product. Promotion is not a
problem anymore. We have social medias and communication among friends is a problem anymore.
We call sell bulk orders online and deliver it right to their doorstep.

Our biggest threat is that someone might produce ice candies like our own. Competitors may arise
and we can’t control that.

Chapter VII
In the first month of the business, we will manage the “Fruity Ice Candy” together with my partner,
Rod Kenneth Gabriel. I will be the one in the production area and my partner will help me in the
Marketing part.

In the future, we will be needing the following positions:

 Chief Executive Officer (Me)

 Store Manager (My Partner)
 Accountants / Cashiers
 Delivery/Distributors
 Production
 Marketing

These are the key areas where we will spend our start-up capital

Equipments (Bowls, Cups, Funnel)
Utensils (Spoons, Knives)

As of now, we will use refrigerator to solidify our ice candies. As demands increase we will be
acquiring a freezer and ice boxes.

Chapter VIII

Fruity Ice Candy Company

Projected Income
For the week ending May 2019

Gross Sales Php 500.00

Product Cost 210.00
Gross Profit Php 290.00
Operating Expenses
Electricity Php 30.00
Packaging 10.00
Total Php 40.00
Net Profit Php 250.00
Fruity Ice Candy Company
Projected Balanced Sheet Statement
As of March 2019

Cash Php 250.00
Equipments 1,000.00
Total Assets Php 1,250.00

Liabilities and Owner’s Equity

Accounts Payable Php 500.00
Total Liability Php 500.00

Owner’s Equity 750.00

Total Liabilities and Owner’s Equity Php 1,250.00

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