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Activity 1.
A study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of a weight loss program. The table below shows the
before and after weights of 10 subjects in the program. Conduct a test to determine if this program effective
for reducing weights. Use a significant level of 0.05.
Subject After
1 185 174
2 182 166
3 216 210
4 187 194
5 205 200
6 188 184
7 236 221
8 219 211
9 209 215
10 218 210

1. Ho = there is no enough evidence to determine the effectiveness of a weight loss program.

Ha = there is enough evidence to determine the effectiveness of a weight loss program.
2. α:0.05
3. T-test (two tailed)
4. Df = n - 1 = 10 - 1 =9

t-Test: Paired Two Sample for Means

  1 Variable 2

Mean 204.5 198.5

Variance 333.6111 343.1667

Observations 10 10

Pearson Correlation 0.912749

Hypothesized Mean Difference 0

df 9

t Stat 2.467838

P(T<=t) one-tail 0.017848

t Critical one-tail 1.833113

P(T<=t) two-tail 0.035697

t Critical two-tail 2.262157  

6. Since the t-stat of 2.47 is greater than the t-critical (two-tail) of 2.26, we reject the null hypothesis and
accept the alternative hypothesis.
7. There is enough evidence to determine the effectiveness of a weight loss program.

Activity 2.
Some investigators have proposed that students have elevated blood pressure during finals week. To test this
hypothesis 8 students volunteered to have their blood pressure taken at the beginning of the semester and
then again during finals week. The blood pressure data (diastolic) is listed below. Conduct a test to determine
if there is a difference between the first week and finals week. Use a significant level of 0.05.
Student Week 1 Finals Week
Jason 89 92
Gemma 76 78
Gabriel 84 92
Leila 89 94
Ismael 74 93
Marilyn 66Two Sample
t-Test: Paired 74for
Means 56 65
Geraldine 74 73

1. Ho = there is no enough evidence to determine

Varia Varia
  ble 1 ble 2
that students have elevated blood pressure during finals week.

Ha = there is enough evidence to determine that students have
Mean 76 5
elevated blood pressure during finals week.
2. α:0.05 130.2
3. T-test (two
Variance tailed) 130 679
4. Df = n - 1 = 8 - 1 =7
Observations 8 8
Pearson 0.858
Correlation 457

Mean Difference 0

df 7

t Stat 27

P(T<=t) one-tail 817

t Critical one-tail 579

P(T<=t) two-tail 634

t Critical two-tail 624  
6. Since the t-stat of -3.09 is lesser than the t-critical (two-tail) of -2.36, we reject the null hypothesis and
accept the alternative hypothesis.
7. There is enough evidence to determine that students have elevated blood pressure during finals week.

Activity 3.
Is there sufficient evidence to suggest that the mean time to exhaustion is greater after chocolate milk than
after carbohydrate replacement drink? Use a significant level of 0.05.
Time to Exhaustion (minutes)
Chocolate Milk Carb Replacement
1 50 42
2 47 50
3 57 41
4 46 32
5 29 46
6 57 31
7 23 20
8 28 14
9 35 20

1. Ho = there is no enough evidence to suggest that the mean time to exhaustion is greater after chocolate
milk than after carbohydrate replacement drink.
Ha = there is enough evidence to suggest that the mean time to exhaustion is greater after chocolate
milk than after carbohydrate replacement drink.
t-Test: Paired Two Sample for Means
2. α:0.05
3. T-test (one tailed)
Variable Variable 4. Df = n - 1 = 9 - 1 =8
  1 2
Mean 41.33333 32.88889

Variance 165.75 163.3611

Observations 9 9

Pearson Correlation 0.514531

Hypothesized Mean Difference 0

df 8

t Stat 2.004168

P(T<=t) one-tail 0.039999

t Critical one-tail 1.859548

P(T<=t) two-tail 0.079998

t Critical two-tail 2.306004  

6. Since the t-stat of 2.00 is greater than the t-critical (one-tail) of 1.86, we reject the null hypothesis and
accept the alternative hypothesis.
7. There is enough evidence to suggest that the mean time to exhaustion is greater after chocolate milk
than after carbohydrate replacement drink.

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