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The environment gets polluted when we add harmful substances in it, in the form of solid, liquid or
gas. The main types of pollution are – air, water, soil, noise, thermal, nuclear and radiation. Its
cause is prolonged and continuous development and human activity to fulfill endless materialistic
demands of an ever increasing world population.
Causes of Environmental Pollution
Polluted Air – industries consume and run on coal, charcoal, petroleum its products and natural
gas. After consumption they produce energy to manufacture industrial goods. In the tail end of the
produce a large quantity of toxic gases are belched out or exhaled as byproducts or side-effects of
these natural resources. These poisonous gaseous contents are namely – sulphur dioxide, carbon
monoxide, carbon dioxide and minute untreated dust particles. Motor vehicles pose a similar
danger from the fumes they emit.
Lacking Forests and Trees -Trees are a major source of cleaning the air. They inhale CO2
discharged in the atmosphere and exhale oxygen that creatures breathe. And as getting a sore
throat by yelling on top of the roof top: stop cutting trees, stop demolishing forests; for the very
same reason. But of course they are necessary for us to adorn our houses as wood items. The
value of a tree should be as high as a priceless diamond or an exclusive prohibited animal fur. Our
refrigerators and other cooling electronics release CFC, which is a gas that drills a hole in earth’s
ozone enfolding that is slowly ripping it apart. It is exposing us to the dangers of excessive heat,
which the world calls and terms it as climate change.
Contaminated Water – the chemical residues of fertilizers and pesticides used in farming mixes
in the soil and runs off into water. The solid and liquid forms of residual wastes from industries;
urban garbage and untreated sewage and soiled water will all flow into our water bodies. And that
is contaminating our rivers, seas and oceans that pose a danger to our marine life. This will
include accidental oil spills from sea tankers, carriers and containers due to human negligence.
Contaminated Soil – we are denuding our soil from fertile to infertile. The indiscriminate use of
chemically laced fertilizers, insecticides, pesticides to tend crops, actually contaminates the soil.
Unprocessed garbage and sewage encroach upon unoccupied land making it dumping bin in
sprawling cities. The green belts are the only grazing grounds left for animals. Drilling, digging and
mining all chisel the layers of minerals and granite emptying the soil and leaving the rocky hills,
lifeless and corroded. All these factors render the land useless for planting and cropping.
Unsystematic, inorganic farming practices leave the soil unsustainable for growing.
Nuclear radiation
The potentially disastrous threat to the environment is from nuclear radiation, termed as the
nuclear holocaust. Chernobyl, Russia and the Bhopal, India gas tragedy are succinct examples of
what it will lead to and how the world will end up being.
All the causes of pollution are mostly man-made. We will have to reverse from hammering on
nature and reserve back whatever little we can from our remaining resources. We will succeed if
we willingly or by duress remove those causes that cause environment to degrade and pollute.


Even as we introduce the topic at the very start and without copious wordy delays at the outset let
us make an appeal to stop smoking. Smoke fumes kill the one who smokes and those innocents
who are subject to passive smoking. Smoke of any kind is not just a health issue, but a serious
endanger to the environment inside or out.
Solutions to Prevent Environmental Pollution
Similarly control over and changing farming methods to suit the environment, even gradually, after
the prolonged damage is advisable. Farmers have to be nudged to see profit in eco-friendly
farming methods with the help of government aided and subsidized, farmer- friendly, proven
practices. Here are some effective solutions to prevent environmental pollution:
Clean and Green
We simply have to try and curtail our daily needs by keeping them small, simple and
minimalist. And fine tuning these to comply with nature and its processes. We must rid our habitats
and dwellings of unnecessarily accumulating waste – to be disposed off, treated and recycled – in
organic forms for future usage.
Dwellings and toilets should be spic and span, clean and disinfected, to avoid catching
infections. Industries belting smoke should be strapped by regulat1ory norms. Household
chimneys should be attached with smoke filter gauzes.
Ban on plastics should be turned into a movement. Its use will be deterred by issuing a
huge fine on it. This will encourage the use of paper packets recycled from waste. Be as ethnic as
possible in dressing up your homes and houses as hand –crafted and semi-tailored items are
original and abide by an eco-friendly template.
Eco-friendly Farming and Food
Crops contain lesser amount of toxics when fertilizers are treated organically. Result is
wholesome and healthy food.
Consumption of greenhouse gasses to treat meat processing plants is 7 times more than that
treated for vegan diet. Other than economic the major loss is inevitable extinction of the animal
race, from the environment. This will not be less than a curse for the existence of human race. The
truth is that a non-vegetarian diet is not considered unnatural be it chicken, pork, mutton or beef.
However those who seek for a substitute these are available in the markets – seitan, tofu, legumes
or tempeh – in their vegetarian form.
Hybrid food farming should be replaced by genetically produced organic food. Vested
interests prefer hybrid forms because they are produced in large quantities, are pest resistant,
preserved and last longer. Even so organically produced food stays unparalleled in its time tested
quality and as healthy diet. We must aim at conserving and producing genetically pure crops and
vegetables as they will go a long way in keeping us healthily alive and robust.
‘Greener’ Cleaning Options
Chemical toxins and exposure to synthetic chemical solvents used for cleaning parts and surfaces
cause skin bruises, corrosion, and allergies specially in children. These need not be tolerated as
there are ‘green’ solvents and disinfectants, which are effective, economical and observe
environment compliance regulations.
Hazardous Waste Recycling
Treatment of hazardous waste material before disposal combined with recycling plastic waste will
help unclog sewage pipes, gutters and garbage landfills.

Preservation of Natural Resources: Saying no to Excessive and Illegal Mining Practices

Governments are slowly waking up to the clarion call of climate change and environment
degradation. Several citizen forums and activists including the United Nations are applying
pressure on countries to construct regulatory bodies as watch dogs for controlling natural
resources ‘piracy’ and ‘poaching’, so to speak.
Educating Environment
Developing tropical countries possess the largest bio-diversity and thick green forest cover plus a
phenomenally expanding population. These factors render them to be ‘sitting ducks’ to
environment hungry hunters and exploiters; even as they become prey to anti-environment
policies. Environmental education is the only direct course to its awareness and protection. We
should educate young and old generations of the fragile condition of the biosphere and our
entwined links with the eco-system.
The political, economical, social and ethical stakes are high on preserving the purity of earth. Our
eco-system is inter-related. Over stress on one half will imbalance the other. We ought to
understand and approach the contingency and onus of improving our environment, as resting on
our shoulders alone. There is no other substitute. It’s a legacy, whose mainstay lay in an attitude
of care and protection: if we wish to continue breathing clean air, eat wholesome food and inherit a
green, environment friendly earth.
Air Pollution Poignant Matters

Air pollution refers to a chemical, physical or biological alteration to the atmospheric air. It results
whenever harmful gasses, smoke, or dust enters the atmosphere and in turn, hinders the survival
of animals and plants as the air contains toxic substances.

The survival of human beings and animals greatly depend on the combination of gasses in the
atmosphere; slight disruption of this composition can cause devastating effects on their existence.
An imbalance in these atmospheric gasses is known to result in global warming, a great threat to
the contemporary world. We cannot underestimate the effects air pollution has on the ozone layer
which largely contributes to the existence of organisms on the planet.

Causes of Air Pollution

For the causes of air pollution to be well articulated, it is important to delve into the types of air
pollutants. Air pollutants can be caused by secondary and primary sources. If a process directly
results to pollution, then this forms the primary source. For instance, factories emit  sulfur dioxide
which is a primary source of air pollution. Reactions and interactions between primary
sources form the secondary pollutant. For instance, the intermingling of primary pollutants forms
smog which is a secondary pollutant.
Burning of fossil fuels

The main cause of air pollution is burning of coal, gasoline, petroleum, and other fossil fuels.
These fuels are the main cause of acid rain, smog, greenhouse gas emissions, and presence of
heavy metals in the air.

Fossil fuels form an important part of the society; they are used in transportation, heating,
manufacturing, and even in electricity generation. This makes them an important part of the
society making it difficult (but not uncontrollable) to curtail. In modern society, the use of fossil
fuels can be made so that its burning becomes efficient, but this comes with a monetary cost. It is
important to note that unless alternative cleaner option is found, we will have the future facing the
same problems of pollution.

Increased use of motor vehicles, and emission of nitrogen

Vehicles use fuel which sometimes is not completely burnt in the engine; therefore, they release
VOCs (Volatile Organic Chemicals) into the air. VOCs and nitrogen are a common source of air

Decomposition of garbage and solid wastes

Disposal sites containing biodegradable substances are known to emit methane gas into the
atmosphere. Methane gas is known to be a harmful gas, it is highly flammable and a potential
disaster to the ozone layer. Garbage and other household products release VOCs to the air.

Natural causes

Air pollution can come from natural sources such as dust, wildfires, and volcanic activity. Wildfire
is known to emit VOCs and particulates into the atmosphere. Volcanic eruptions spew sulfur
dioxide and volcanic ash into the atmosphere. Volcanic ash is usually dumped in the upper
atmosphere, and as a result, global temperatures are lowered. However, pollution resulting from
natural causes remains in the atmosphere for a short period and does not result in a permanent
change as it might be the case with human activity-based pollution.

Effects of Air Pollution

1. Respiratory infections

Air pollution is the leading cause of respiratory diseases. Exposure to air pollutants can cause lung
cancer and even asthma. Asthma can lead to death if not well treated, as it might cause difficulty
in breathing. A prolonged exposure of pollutants can cause lung cancer.

2. Global warming

The rise in sea level, rising temperature in the world, and the melting of ice glaciers are the
evidence for the global warming. Global warming is a direct effect of air pollution in the world. The
only way to curb this increasingly destructive menace is to reduce air pollution.

3. Depletion of ozone layer

With the greenhouse effect which is the major contributor of the release of chlorofluorocarbon into
the atmosphere has led to the depletion of ozone layer. This layer is important in shielding the
earth from the destructive ultraviolet (UV) radiations.

4. Formation of acid rain

Emission of harmful gasses such as sulfur dioxide and nitrogen into the atmosphere lead to the
formation of acid rain. It is quite common for rain water to have sulfuric acid due to rampant cases
of air pollution in the modern society. Acid rain is a major threat to the aquatic life as well as
human beings.

There are carcinogenic substances in the acid rain, and it has devastating effects to even metal
which can be observed by the extent of corrosion that often results.

5. Eutrophication

Air pollutants such as nitrogen oxide speed up the growth of algae on the water surface. This
growth competes with aquatic life for oxygen, therefore, posing a major threat to fishing. The only
way to reduce the devastating effects of air pollution will be to come up with effective ways of
reducing air pollution.

Earth’s atmosphere has a self-regulating mechanism that ensures sequestration of carbon among
other pollutants. The mechanism works to ensure that the ecosystem is not affected by the
changes occurring in the atmosphere. However, if people continue to add more pollutants than the
earth is able to remove, then the response will be increased smog, acid rain, global warming and a
number of health problems.

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