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Name: ana tyesheliadze დააწერეთ თქვენი სახელები Date: 16.09.

• Put the words in present simple or present continuous:
• In Australia, people ……………………….. new year in December. (not to celebrate)
• We ………………………………. At the moment. (to make)
• When it’s my birthday my grandparents sometimes ………………… in the evening. (to visit)
• …………………………….. volley ball well? ( to play)
• ……………………………. ice-cream right now? ( to eat)
• Jenny …………………………. home late. ( not to arrive)
• James and Lily …………………………. home at 8:00 a.m. in the morning. (to leave)
• We usually ……………………………. a bonfire in spring. ( to have)
• Why ……………………………… candles in the garden? ( to put)
• He is there on the stage! He ………………………….. karaoke. ( to sing)
N Answer (აქ ჩაწერეთ პასუხები)
• მაგალითად: do not celebrate
• are makeing
• do visit ? კითხვითი არაა
• do you play
• are you eatting
• doesn't arrives s agar unda
• leave?
• have ?
• do you put
• is singing

• Put the correct prepositions: in or at.

• There are many people ………… the centre of the street.
• …….. the weekend we always visit museums.
• The children gather in the yard ………. The evening.
• We make jack o lanterns ………… Easter.
• We start going to school ……….. September.
• My dad was born ………… 1963.
• It is difficult to make children go to bed ………… night.
• We celebrate Easter ………. Spring.
N Answers
• in
• at
• in
• at
• in
• in
• at
• in

• Put a/an, some, any in the sentences:

• There aren’t …………… children in the room.
• There is ………. Sandcastle next to you.
• Are there ……………… candles in the garden?
• You have ……….. brilliant idea.
• James is wearing ………… amazing costume.
• I can see ……….. flowers in the garden.
• You need ………… flour to make bread.
N Answers
• any
• a
• any
• a
• a
• some
• an

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