Model ADDIE Lesson Plan Analyse

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Model ADDIE Lesson Plan

Analyse  Subject:
- Class primary 1A from SJK C MAWAI, Kota Tinggi, Johor.
- 29 students
-12 Male and 17 female
-2 Indian and 27 Chinese
-Learning Style: Visual and Kinaesthetic
 They already knew how to differentiate living things and non-living
 They need to learn the body parts of animals.

Design  Course goal: Identify characteristics of animals.

 Learning Objectives:
1) The students can identify body parts of animals.
2) The students could label body parts of animals.
 Activities:
1) Teacher creates a video from Powtoon and download videos from
Youtube. (Different body parts of animals)
2) Students watch the videos.
3) Students are divide into 6 groups.
4) Students draw an animal of desire and label the body parts.
5) Representative of each group present the outcome.
6) Marks given to each group.
7) Assessment sheet with pictures of an elephant and a bird is given to
8) Students label the body parts accordingly.
9) Teacher discuss the answers with students.
10) Marks are recorded.
11) Teacher concludes the lesson.

Develop Learning materials:

 Powtoon
 Video
 Mahjong paper and markers
 Sains textbook (Chapter 3)
 Assessment sheet

Implement  Teacher teaches the lesson as planned.

 Teacher plays the related videos accordingly.
 Students involve in group discussion to design their presentations.
 Teacher records marks given to each group.
 Each group should score at least 5 out of 10 marks.
 Students complete the assessment sheet given.
 Students should answer at least 5 out of 10 questions correctly.
 Discussion between teacher and students.
 Reinforcement exercise is given to the students who score the target.
 Remedial exercise is given to the students who did not score the
 Teacher concludes and ends the lesson.

Evaluate Teacher makes a reflection on the lesson.

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