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" Back to School Mr.

Bean " 
Andres felipe sanchez

At School

bean is unable to find a parking space but spots a Mini looking near-identical to his own

then two cadets from the army see him pushing the car and they will help him and he runs

away, then he sees military men making strange steps and sounds, then he enters the


He sees a woman using a Van de Graaff generator to spike her hair, and then tries it out

himself, but finds it doesn't work on him. but, it leaves your body electrostatically charged,

then a flyer is attached to the charge. After several failed attempts to get rid of the

brochure, he gives it to a woman, but static electricity causes her skirt to rise up. Bean

leaves quickly while other people try to lower their skirts.

at the laboratory

In the chemistry lab, Bean experiments with various chemicals forcing Bean to escape
from the lab when a child enters the lab
there's an explosion, with blue smoke

In an art class, Bean is first made to draw a banana, then later, the fruit bowl is replaced
with a model. He does not immediately realize this, but suddenly realizes that he has
drawn some parts of the woman. and not a piece of fruit
bean was very scared since what he was drawing was a naked woman,
the boy from the chemistry lab, covered in blue powder, and his teacher arrive in the
room to look for the person responsible for the explosion. Not finding him and realizing
the nude model, they run out of the classroom.

The Judo Class and the Toilet

In a judo class, a scared bean doesn't let himself be thrown, but he manages to confuse his
master by running after him by pushing him and throwing him on a mat

After class, when Bean has changed into his normal clothes, he realizes that he has
changed his pants with someone else. In the men's restrooms, he sees them, Bean
distracts the man, grabs him, tries to grab his pants. . While this is happening, a guard
enters the bathroom and Bean begins to clean the man's shoes and the guard
immediately leaves the bathroom. then he finally gets his pants back,

The disaster

after leaving school when looking for his car he will not find it after he sees it and is
distracted eating some cakes moment after a tank passes crushing his car the sad one
looks for the lock and takes it away

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