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BSN 2-1

Philippines in the 19th Century

Political System and the Sources of Abuses in the Administrative System
The Spaniards ruled the Filipinos in the 19th century. The Filipinos became the Spaniard’s slave.
The Spaniards claimed their taxes and they worked under the power of the Spaniards. Sources of
Abuses in the Administrative System:
1. There was an appointment of officials with inferior qualifications, without dedication of
duty and moral strength to resist corruption for material advancement. Through the power
and authority the Spaniards possess, they collected and wasted the money of the
2. There were too complicated functions to the unions of the church and the state.
3. Manner of obtaining the position- through the power that the Spaniards possess, they had
the right to appoint the different positions. The appointment of positions is obtained by
the highest bidder which is the Governor-general of the country.
4. Term of office- term of office or term in office is the length of time a person (usually a
politician) serves in a particular office is dependent on the desire of the King of the
5. Distance of the colony-the Spanish officials traveled to various places and the needs of
the Philippines were ignored. They did not put too much attention to the needs of the
other people. There were inadequate administrative supervisions, they were unable to
face and solve the problems regarding to the Philippines. There were also overlapping of
powers and privileges of officials which made them competitive.
6. Personal interest over the welfare of the State- they were corrupt during the 19th century
and the Alcaldias/Alcalde is considered as the most corrupt over the other corrupts. The
Alcaldias/Alcalde includes the administrators, judges and military commandants. They
usually have P25/mo liberal allowances and privileges to take a certain percentage of
money from the total amount of taxes. There were also monopoly trades or business
practices known as indulto para comerciar.

Economic Development and the Rise of Filipino Nationalism

The country was opened to foreign trade at the end of the 18th century which resulted in the
rapid rise of foreign firms in Manila. This stimulated agricultural production and export of sugar,
rice hemp and tobacco. The number of families which prospered from foreign commerce and
trade were able to send their sons for an education in Europe. Filipinos who were educated
abroad were able to absorb the intellectual development in Europe.
Factors Contributed to the Development of Filipino Nationalism:
 Opening of the Philippines to International Trade and the Rise of the Middle Class-
Manila was opened to foreign trade which brought prosperity to the Filipinos and
Chinese mestizo resulting to the existence of middle class.
 Influx of European Liberalism- ideas of the enlightened philosophers like John Locke and
Jean Jacques Rosseau, masonry and the French Revolution reached the Philippines.
Liberty, religious freedom, democracy, human rights such as suffrage, freedom of speech,
press and form associations and assemblies.
 Opening of the Suez Canal on November 17, 1869
 Spanish Revolution of 1868 and the Liberal Regime of Carlos Maria Dela Torre(1869-

Social Structure
The Filipinos in the 19th century had suffered from feudalistic and master slave relationship by
the Spaniards. Their social structure is ranked into three groups: Highest class – the people that
belong in this class include the Spaniards, peninsulares and the friars. They have the power and
authority to rule over the Filipinos. They enjoyed their positions and do what they want.
 The Peninsulares (Spaniards who were born in Spain). They held the most important
government jobs, and made up the smallest number of the population.
 The Spanish officials or Insulares

 The Friars are members of any of certain religious orders of men, especially the four
mendicant orders (Augustinians, Carmelites, Dominicans, and Franciscans).

Middle Class – the people that belongs into this class includes the natives, mestizos and the

 Ilustrados- (Spanish for "erudite," "learned," or "enlightened ones"). constituted the

Filipino educated class during the Spanish colonial period in the late 19th century- They
were the middle class who were educated in Spanish and exposed to Spanish liberal and
European nationalist ideals.
 Principalia- nobility class was the social and educated class in the towns of colonial
Philippines composed of the Gobernadorcillo, or the Cabeza de Barangay who governed
the districts and the awardees of the medal of Civil Merit.
 Natives – the pure Filipinos
 The Mestizos are the Filipinos of mixed indigenous Filipino or European or Chinese

Lowest class – this class includes the Filipinos only.

The Indios are the poor people having pure blood Filipin which ruled by the Spaniards


One of the most powerful nations that colonized America was England. Under the reign
of Queen Victoria (1837-1901) then England transformed into European Superpower wherein
the African continent was their main target. Several reforms were also part of the English history
aside from being the mother of all parliamentary governments. Among them were-Reform Bill of
1867 wherein voting rights to the laborers were extended. Education Act of 1870 where free
education is catered to all British students and in the 1871 that unions were organized as part of
the worker’s right and privileges.


Italy was known for its magnificent churches and plazas has become one of the tourism
spots. It is very important that the reign of King Victor Immanuel II worked for the unification of
Italy. Therefore, the country was lavished by several kingdoms wherein Giueseppe Garibaldi
commanded his troops to subjugate other kingdoms and thus re-united in one sovereign country.
Take note that one city was separated (Vatican City) which became state within sovereign
territory in Italy which proclaimed under the Lateran Treaty of 1929.


Germany was once named into Prussia, was then led by known military general Otto von
Bismarck. It was in 1870 when it attacked France. Furthermore, the military domination in
Germany was quite strong. It was in 1871 then William I crowned as the emperor of Germany.


India was governed by Mogul empire wherein Sepoy soldiers staged a mutiny and
murdered some British commanders of the army that time. With that particular event the British
authorities hired loyal Indian soldiers to disintegrate the Mogul Empire then re-establish again
the British colonialism in India.


China was known to be as one of the oldest trade partners of the Philippines. During
those times, China was ruled by a dynasty. Manchu Dynasty ruled China that time when Taiping
Rebellion happened between 1852 up to 1864. China was fragmented into pieces by the foreign
powers particularly managed in whole or partial by Italy, France and Great Britain. Russia also
took advantage of China wherein they took some of the islands under Sino-Russia War in the
early 1900’s or latter part of the 19 th century. There are some conflicts also with Mongolia in
northern part of Chinese Mainland. Opium War (1856-1860) before Rizal was born in 1861
became one of the economic and political turmoil that time wherein Hongkong was surrendered
under several treaties and agreements.


Singapore was known for its ports that time wherein merchant and passenger ships
loaded and unloaded goods fron place to place. Its history was founded by British Sir Stamford
Raffles in 1819 wherein they attained independence and established the state the separation from
Federation of Malaysia in 1965.


In 1858 (8 years before Rizal was born) the American Naval Force headed by Mathew
Perry wanted to established ports for American ships. Japan signed several treaties with other
European countries particularly France, Russia, Holland and Great Britain. This was the first
time the Westerns entered in Japan and established its Shogunate for long years.


The United Sates of America according to the diary of Rizal was impressive in terms of
its rapid industrialization that time; and Rizal commented that Americans would be the next
Superpower after Spain. The racial issue hampered its racial discrimination in the mainland as
described in the Uncle Tom’s Cabin written by Harriet Beecher Stowe wherein Negroes are
subject to slavery by the “whites”. When President Lincoln became the president then several
reforms took place such as the “Emancipation of the Slaves” being addressed to the racial issue
and enfranchising them as well as acquiring their American citizenship.

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