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There are two main tables for ISDN namely ZISDN_HEADER_TAB

These tables corresponds to the ISDN data that we see in the front end which is as shown in the
below screenshot.

ZISDN_HEADER_TAB : The table contains one entry corresponding to one ISDN BRI
or PRI connection.

It stores some key fields as below:

Note: The field name in the bracket specifies the corresponding field name in the backend.

 ISDN group id (GROUP_ID): It is generated randomly by the system every time the new
connection order is created. ISDN id may or may not change in case of shift.
 ISDN Header status (STATUS): While order creation initial status is NEW which
becomes ACTIVE once the order gets complete.
 ISDN Service Subtype (TYPE): Whether ISDN is BRI or BRI.
 ISDN group name (NAME): The name of the group as given by the user.
 DID Flag (DID_FLAG):
o DID flag is applicable in case of ISDN PRI only.
o If the PRI is given only with the main number then the DID flag should be kept as
o If the number of extensions are 1 or more then make the DID flag as Y and enter
the number of extensions.
o While creating NTC if you try to put 1 or more extension in the number of
extension field with DID Flag as N then you will get error message as number of
extensions are not required.
 NO Of Extensions (ZDUMMY_1) :
o In case of ISDN PRI number of extensions can range from 0 to 998.
o Value of the DID flag varies based on NO Of Extensions as described above.
o In case of ISDN BRI the NO Of Extensions varies from 1 to 7. It is mandatory to
take at least one extension in this case. System will not allow you to change the
value to any other value than 1 to 7.
 NO of Junctions (NO_OF_JUNCTIONS) , NO of Incoming
Channels(NO_INCOMING_CHAN), NO of Outgoing
o These three fields are applicable in case of ISDN PRI only.
o By default the system will take one junction which implies 30 Incoming and 30
Outgoing channels.
o If you increase the number of Junctions then the incoming and outgoing channels
will increase in the multiple of 30.
o IF don’t specify anything in the fields NO of Incoming and NO of Outgoing
Channels then the all the channels will be configured both way.
o If you specify any value in the above field then the corresponding number of
channels will be configured as only incoming or outgoing and rest will be
configured as both way.
 ISDN Main Number (MAIN_NUMBER):
o The field stores the ISDN main number.
o After number reservation in either NTC or shift order if the system is
continuously asking to save the ISDN details even if the details are saved then
please check if the Main number that you have just blocked is present in the main
number field in the header. If it is not there then add the same from front end itself
and save the header. After that you can save the order without getting any other
o This field is very imp while creating NTC or Shift order if the number of
extensions are 1 or more.
o The extensions are blocked based on the preferred number given in this field.
o Based on the preferred number given by you if the extensions are not available at
clarity then the system will give “Port not available error”. So if you get this error
then try to increase the range of the given preferred number from specific to more
 (ORDER_ID) :
o This field if not seen in the front end.
o It stores the order id with which the ISDN is provisioned.
o While booking NTC please make sure that no entry should be in this table with
the order id that you are working on.
o While hitting the NTC please make sure that only one entry should be present
with the corresponding order id. Remove any other entries if they exists.
o In case of shift after number reservation two entries will be there against the
corresponding order, one for old number and other for new number.
o If the number is not changing then only one entry will be there.

ZISDN_ITEMS_TAB: This table stores the details of the extensions that are provisioned
along with the one entry for main number. If for example, 2 extensions are given then the table
will contain 3 entries against the ISDN id or the order id.

The table contains various field, the fields which are different from ZISDN_HEADER_TAB are
as below.

 Service start date (START_DATE): It stores the start date for the extension.
 Service End date (ZDUMMY_1): It stores the end date for the extension.
 (END_DATE) :
o The field can be seen in the backend only.
o This field is very imp while making the order to delete some
o If the delete action code is selected then the END_DATE field value
becomes ‘01’.
ISDN Procedures
NTC Creation
 NTC creation is same as normal except you have to fill ISDN header details.
 Fill the proper values in the fields DID Flag, No. Of Extensions and Preferred
DID. Rest of the details will be auto populated.
 If the order was previously canceled at clarity or if some time out error has
occurred then before doing number reservation please make sure that no entry
exist in the table ZISDN_HEADER_TAB when you search through order id.
 IF any entry exists then delete the same before doing the number reservation.
 After number reservation please make sure that Header tab is updated with the
main number and items tab shows the list of numbers that are reserved.

Shift Order
 Before creating shift order please make sure that previous all details present on
the ibase related to ISDN header and Items tabs are correct.
 If required update the ZISDN_HEADER_TAB and Z_ISDN_ITEMS_TAB
 Fill the proper values in the fields DID Flag, No. Of Extensions and Preferred
DID. Rest of the details will be auto populated.
 After number reservation please make sure that Header tab is updated with the
main number and items tab shows the list of numbers that are reserved.

Order to add the Extensions

 Before creating order please make sure that previous all details present on the
ibase related to ISDN header and Items tabs are correct.
 If required update the ZISDN_HEADER_TAB and Z_ISDN_ITEMS_TAB
 Create the ISDN Modify Modify order.
 Go to ISDN header tab and fill the proper values for the fields No. Of
Extensions and Preferred DID.
 Example case: If you have asset with one extension. In this case the ISDN
header and items tab will look like as shown in the screenshot.

 IF you want to provide two more extension then put 3(1 previous + 2 new) in
number of extensions and put the preferred number for the extensions to be
reserved in Preferred DID field and save the header tab.
 After that click on “ISDN Number Reservation” Button given on Header tab.
 After performing this task you will see that ISDN Items tab contains two more
row of the numbers having status as reserved which are reserved based on the
preferred DID given by us.
 Save and submit the order.
 After completion of the order the status of the reserved extensions will be
changed to ACTIVE.
Order to Delete the Extensions
 Before creating order please make sure that previous all details present on
the ibase related to ISDN header and Items tabs are correct.
 If required update the ZISDN_HEADER_TAB and Z_ISDN_ITEMS_TAB
 Create the ISDN Modify Modify order.
 Example case: If you have asset with 98 extension. In this case the ISDN
header and items tab will look like as shown in the screenshot.
 Now if you want to delete 5 extensions then reduce the number of extensions
be the same amount, in this case make the number of extensions equal to
93(98 previous – 5 to delete).
 Save the ISDN Header.
 Now select the delete from the dropdown for the extension which you want
to delete as shown in the screenshot.
 Perform this task only after reducing the number of extension by the
required amount.
 Save and submit the order.
 After completion of the order the status of the reserved extensions will be
changed to INACTIVE.

Order hit details.

ISDN order hit is almost similar to LL order hit. There are few additional things that you need to take
care are given below.

Order Report Name Debugger Position Fields

type need to be
_ISDN field,
ST table
contains the
list of
xcept main
that are
reserved or
that are to
be deleted.
Y _ISDN_COPY order field,
ST table
contains the
list of
that are
reserved or
that are to
be deleted.
Shift Same as LL Same as LL Same as LL
ect or
Shift Z_CREATE_SALES_ORDER First debugger same as ISDN Id
reconne _ISDN LL to apply second field,
ction And debugger go to PHONE_LI
DER_ISDN. Double click contains the
list of
DER_ISDN it will
redirect you to this new (except
report. Now apply main
debugger on append number)
input. After that press that are
F3 and then press reserved or
execute that are to
be deleted.

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