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Freelancing; The Basics
Understading Freelance Writing
Definitions; Freelancing, freelancer, and who is a freelance writer?

▪ Freelancing means the art of offering services to different individuals or organizations in exchange for
money. The most important part while joining is that you must have a specific skill so that you can get
paid for that particular skill.

▪ A freelancer is someone who does some specific tasks for different people or organizations rather
than one single organization. Therefore, it means that as a freelancer one is self-employed and not
tied up to one long term employer.

▪ A freelance Writer is someone who offers his/her writing skills in exchange of money. Different types
of freelance writing exist such as academic writing, article writing, copy writing, script, SEO and many

▪ Being a freelancer, means that there exists a ton of different opportunities that one can take
advantage of to make money online.
Types of freelancing jobs or opportunities available online

There are lots of freelancing jobs available online for people who possess different

They are not limited to this list here;

Freelance writer (academic/Article)
Computer Programming
Web Design
Graphic Design
Virtual Assistant.

Compensation in each field depends on the volume of work, level of experience and deadline of
Freelancer’s Starter Pack

Now, having learned about freelancing jobs available online, let us look at the most basic tools to kick
start your freelancing career.

o Laptop/Ipad or Tablet
o Internet
o Email
o Time. Yes you need time to execute any assigned task
o Skills

Key Things That Will Make You A Successful Freelancer

o Time management skills
o Typing Speed
o Proficient Grammar
o Editing Skills
o Good Communication Skills
o Self-Discipline
o High level research Skills
The Basic The Freelancing Model

The basic freelancing model is comprised of 3 groups of people. The Client, The Company, The
Freelance Worker.
The Company is always the intermediary between the client and the freelance worker. Therefore, it
means that each of the units is depends on each other for the sustainability of the business model.

Client: Posts the work or project with instructions of how it needs to be done. The client gives the
deadline. The client pays some amount of fees depending on the project size and deadline.

Company: The company provides the platform where the both the client places their projects as well
as where the freelancer will see the available projects to be worked on. The company reserves
rights to pay the freelancer once the project is completed and confirmed satisfactory by the client.

Freelancer: Places bids and once awarded the project, they work on it and submit to the client. The
freelancer offers to project progress through the platform (website) offered by the company. The
freelancer must abide to set Terms and conditions to remain part of the team hired by the company.
The Basic The Freelancing Model
The Latest Trend and Freelancing models in Kenya

Freelancing has become one of the fastest-growing hustle among the Kenyan youths. With the looming
unemployment crisis, freelancing has turned out to be a darling to many undergraduate and
graduate youths in Kenya. Below is the freelancing model in Kenya.

The most experienced writers signed up with renowned job offering platforms outsource work to
upcoming and young freelancers. The experienced freelancer will most likely be signed up with
different sites to make sure enough workload to the junior freelancers and also to make sure
earnings are maximized.
The junior freelancer gets paid some percentage of the total cost of the project.

Among the most outsourced form of freelancing jobs in Kenya include academic writing and article
writing. We’ll discuss them next on in detail in this blueprint.
Kenyan Freelancing Model
Thank You!

We meet in the next Lesson


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