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Exercise 46.

Greta Thunberg is being credited with 1.__a climate revolution__________________.

She convinced her family to 2.___go vegan_________________ and to give up flying.
She was inspired by American youths who led a 3._____historic march_______________for gun
Thousands of young people in the movement, called 4.____________________, now strike to demand
more aggressive action from their governments and the international community.
Greta has 5.___laid into_________________some of the world’s most powerful people and she
practices what she 6.____________________ .
There are several reasons why young protesters are getting more and more attention:
- Social media platforms have become activists 7.___ grounds_________________.
- Young people have 8.___tapped into_________________people’s fear for their own lives much
more 9.__attention__________________.
- Age
Greta says she is not a leader, icon or 10.___face_________________ of a movement, but that’s what
makes her the 11.____________________. She ‘s become the climate 12.____________________.

Exercise 47. 
The House of Representatives voted this week to 1.__set the rules__________________ for the
ongoing impeachment inquiry against President Trump.
President Trump spoke to supporters last night at a 2.___rally_________________ in Tupelo, Miss.
His words underscore how 3.______divisive and political______________ the impeachment process is
likely to remain as it goes forward.
It does three simple things. The first thing it does is it calls for the House to have public hearings. It
also directs the 4.____________________ to release publicly all of those private 5.__depositions
________________ of interviews they've been taking. And it directs the 6.______
judiciary______________ to essentially begin and prepare for possible impeachment proceedings.
The vote was 7.__________split __________ straight down party lines, all but two House Democrats
voting in favor, all the Republicans voting against.
29 of the 31 Democrats who represent districts that Donald Trump won voted for this
But then you have Republicans, who have also stood directly behind the president on this question, no
Even prior to this resolution vote, the White House's lawyers had sent a letter to Congress saying, we
see this process as 10._____illegitimate_______________, and we won't participate. And, in fact,
they've 11._____stonewalled_______________ the investigation happening behind closed doors with
the 12.____________________.
Whether or not they will participate is a question that remains open. But the White House has indicated
that their strategy here has just been a 13.__blockade__________________.
And I think that the White House thinks if those numbers hold, if the country remains divided,
Democrats are the one 14.____________________. What we don't know is how public hearings might
shift that 15._______sentiment_____________.
It's different if you see and hear people testifying in public under 16.____________________ about
what they saw and heard.
Democrats still say they'd like to 17.____ wrap________________this impeachment investigation on
the House side by the end of the year.
They still have to consider public hearings, impeachment proceedings in the
18.____________________ and still a vote in the full House.
And assuming 19.____________________ of impeachment are approved, they would then go to the
House floor. It's a 20.____ privilege matter________________. There's not that much
21.____________________ on it.
The 22.____________________ requires that they have a 23.___ trial_________________, although it
does give some flexibility to how that will go. 24.____________________ on both sides have said
they do 25.__ anticipate a trial__________________similar to how the Clinton impeachment went in
1998 and 1999.

Exercise 48. 
On February 6th 2018, Elon Musk launches the world’s most powerful active rocket,
1.______catapults______________  his Tesla sports car into space, and
2.____vertically________________  lands two of the rocket 3.____boosters________________ 
For most engineers, this 4._____extraordinary feat_______________  would be the
5.____________________ of their career. But for Elon Musk, it was just a Tuesday. 
He also runs a 6._____futurist_______________ electric car company, sells
7.____________________, plots a super-fast underground transport system and even offers assistance
in 8._foreing countries___________________. 
He was a 9.____voraciuos________________  reader. He even turned to the
10.____________________ when he’d run out of books. 
He was once 11.____________________  so severely that he was
12.______hospitalised______________  for a week.
Musk’s 13.___empire_________________  began in 1999 when he and his brother sold their software
company which provided 14._____business_______________ to newspapers.
Musk reinvested his $22m 15._____windfall_______________  into, now known as PayPal.
He turned his 16.____________________  upwards and set up Space Exploration Technologies, or
SpaceX, with the 17.____mission________________ of enabling people to live on other planets.
He directed his 18.________thinking____________ to renewable energy, and in 2004 set up the
electric car company Tesla. He believes the value of Tesla as a 1._______catalyst_____________ in
the transition. 
In 2008, SpaceX suffered a third rocket 19.____________________ and Tesla’s rising costs threatened
to 20._______firm_____________.
SpaceX 21.____________________ thanks to a new government contract. But even today, questions
about profitability 22._______loom_____________  over the company. 
Mark himself is no stranger to controversy. His 23.__basement__________________ against a Thai
cave rescuer sparked a 24.___case_________________.
His 2018 tweet about taking Tesla private and a very public, but legal, toke of
25.____________________ on a Youtube Podcast displayed his somewhat 26._______ attitude
towards shareholders.
His ultimate goal is to 27.___stepping into_________________ Mars and beyond. Going and setting
up base on Mars would be the 28.____________________ ever. 
Exercise 49. 
China has landed a spacecraft on the side of the moon that's never seen from Earth, which is part of a
1.____methodical plan________________  that China has 2.____laid out________________  for
space exploration.
The moon is a 3._____ bright_______________ in the sky. The moon also has another side, but don't
call it the dark side.
David Kring is a 4.____________________  with the USRA Lunar and Planetary Institute in Houston.
He says the moon's far side is sometimes dark and sometimes 5._____dark_______________   by the
sun, just like its near side.
The only thing that distinguishes the far side is it is the part of the moon that we cannot see from the
6.______surface______________  of the earth.
It was a 7.____ total mystery________________  until 1959, when a Soviet spacecraft flew by and
snapped the first 8._____fuzzy_______________  image.
China had to add a satellite to 9.____________________  back to Earth. The lander also has a
10.____________________  to explore what scientists say is a more 11.____________________  than
the near side because it hasn't been flooded by 12.___lava eruptions_________________  .
China is pursuing this 13.____________________  as well as a human exploration program that's
building a large 14.___space station_________________ .

Exercise 50. 

Huawei sued the U.S over a law that bans 1.____________________  from buying its products.
Ren Zhengfei is trying to counter-attack the U.S ‘s 2._____multi_______________  effort to tarnish
the reputation of Huawei worldwide.
Huawei is deemed as a national security threat because they are 3._____beholden_______________  
to Beijing. 
Huawei 4.___adanmantly_________________ denies the accusation that if you use Huawei products,
the Chinese government can then in turn 5.____________________  you. 
Huawei argues the lawsuit is 6.___unconstitutional_________________  because they do not do
anything wrong.
The U.S has not only really gone after Huawei and prevented it from being
7.____involved________________  in its own infrastructure but basically gone around the world to
boycott Huawei’s products. Huawei sees that as a threat to its 8.____existence________________. For
example, the U.S threatens to 9.____________________  between the U.S and Germany. 

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