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Name: ________________________ Mark: _______ / 50

Part 1. For questions 1-5, listen to a news bulletin on China’s influence in Europe and
decide whether the following statements are true (T), false (F) or not given (NG). Write
your answers on the corresponding numbered boxes.
1. Greek people want to help China in its plan in the South China Sea.
2. China and the US clash with each other in climate change.
3. The naive extreme and the hostile extreme are both partially right in their viewpoint.
4. It is possible that strategy experts in Europe take bribes from China.
5. The US only takes advantage of Europe to benefit itself.
Your answers
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Part 2. For questions 6-10, listen to a tutor discussing with two students their research for
paper and answer the following questions with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS. Write
your answers in the space provided.
6. What is the research topic of the two students?
6. ______________________________________
What are four symptoms of the mentioned mental condition in the research?
7. _______________________________________
8. _______________________________________
9. _______________________________________
10. ______________________________________

Part 3. For questions 11-15, listen to an interview with a couple who work as
photographers in Africa and choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) which fits best
according to what you hear. Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes.
11. Why do Bob and Hilary find it hard to organise their photographic trip?
A. Ceremonies take place at irregular intervals.
B. The information they receive is unreliable.
C The precise timing of events is unpredictable.
D Important messages may not reach them in time.
12. Hilary feels that she and Bob are accepted by the communities they visit because ______.
A. they don’t rush into things
B. they make influential friends
C they avoid getting involved with them
D they are able to explain their aims to them
13. When living with a group of people in a remote area, Bob and Hilary ______.
A. avoid adopting local eating habits
B. make a point of dressing in local clothes
C depend on the hospitality of their hosts
D take a supply of basic provisions with them
14. Hilary explains that they gain access to very private ceremonies thanks to ______.
A. their persistent requests
B. changing attitudes in Africa
C their long-term relationships with people
D an acceptance of their role in the ceremonies
15. Bob and Hilary feel that the significance of their work is that ______.
A. it will prevent certain traditions from dying out
B. it portrays traditional ceremonies in a positive way
C it encourages young Africans to appreciate their heritage
D it allows comparisons with similar traditions elsewhere
Your answers
11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Part 4. For questions 16-25, listen to a piece of news on cancer and fill in the missing
information with NO MORE THAN FOUR WORDS. Write your answers in the space
Cancer treatment is of such great importance to all countries that in the US, the (16)
____________________________________ receive a 5-billion-dollar fund.
Cancer does not refer to one disease but a collection of over 100 diseases such as breast cancer
or (17) ___________________________ - a rare eye cancer.
The onset of cancer is the appearance of dysfunctional cells, the accumulation of (18)
__________________________________ and then, their uncontrollable cell division that can
retreat from death.
In most cancers, this process can lead to (19) ___________________________ that can affect
surrounding nearby tissues.
Some symptoms of skin cancer are (20) _________________, ___________________,
___________________ and mole alterations.
Some examples of cancer treatment methods are (21) ___________________________, high-
dose radiation and targeted therapy.
Despite those methods, cancer cells still find their own way to resist it due to a(n) (22)
_______________________________ that monitors blood sugar.
It is discovered that when given in combination with a high-fat diet or type-2 diabetes medicines,
the targeted therapy drug can lead to (23) ___________________________.
Immunotherapy treats lung cancer patients by halting a particular protein interaction, making it
unable for cancer to (24) _____________________________.
From 1991 to 2005, (25) _____________________________ have been guarded from cancer-
related deaths, which proves that we are moving in the right direction in the fight against cancer.

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