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Working with moisture sensors in submersible pumps

By Gene Vogel
EASA Pump & Vibration Specialist
Figure 2. Float type Figure 3. Bare resistor
Editor’s Note: PDFs of this article are sensor. type sensor.
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Submersible pumps may have
any of several types of internal sen-
sors or protective devices. These may
include temperature sensors, vibration
Figure 1. Control leads and power leads.
transducers or moisture sensors. The
type of temperature and vibration
Since the cable or cord entry is most
devices are identical to those used in
often at the top of the submersible pump
non-submersible style motors, so only
stator and any moisture sensors will
the moisture sensors are of special
naturally be below the stator, it is neces-
interest regarding submersible pumps.
sary to disconnect any moisture sensor
It is important for technicians involved
leads before attempting to remove the
in the repair of submersible pumps
stator from the pump. Attempting to
to be aware of their presence in any
remove the stator without disconnecting
specific pump they may encounter, and
the moisture sensor leads will result in
understand the manner in which they
breaking the sensor leads or possibly Figure 4. Conductivity type sensor.
function to ensure they work properly
breaking the moisture sensor.
after repairs are completed.
Separate sealed cavities
Moisture sensor indicators
There are two separate sealed cavi-
Moisture sensors along with other
ties in a submersible pump: the motor
internal sensors or protective devices
stator cavity and the seal cavity. In-
are connected to the machine starter
dustrial submersible pumps will have
or controller through the power cable
two seals with a seal cavity between
or cord along with the power leads;
them that will be filled with some type
in some cases, they are connected by
of barrier fluid, generally oil or glycol
a cord separate from the power cable.
solution. Each of these two cavities is
Generally, the presence of control
subject to possible moisture ingress
leads entering the pump along with
and may have moisture sensors. In
the power leads is an indication that
one common configuration, a pair
moisture sensors may be present (see
of dual-purpose moisture sensors
Figure 1). One of the important initial
may protect both the stator and seal
steps in disassembling a submersible
pump is to remove the cable seal hous-
ing (aka pot housing) and inspect the Continued on Page 2
incoming leads. Figure 5. Proximity type sensor.

Copyright © 2019 • • June 2019 1

Working with moisture sensors in submersible pumps
Continued From Page 1

In other configurations, individual

sensors may protect either or both of
the cavities. The configuration and
purpose of sensors should be obvious
from the location of the sensors. But it
won’t be obvious from control leads
at the cable or cord connection where
testing might be done.
The most common type of moisture
sensor is a conductivity probe. These
are very simply an exposed metal
conductor mounted in an insulator.
Notice that some sensors are simply a
length of tinned lead wire. There may
be a single sensor with an electrical
potential to ground or a pair of sensors
with the electrical potential between
them. In either case, the presence of
moisture will reduce the resistance
in the circuit. The controller will Figure 6. Dual-purpose conductivity type sensor pair.
sense the reduction in resistance and
the outer (lower) seal fails and pump- cavity, the proximity sensor detects
indicate a moisture failure. Figure 2
age penetrates into the oil filled seal the change in density near the tip of
illustrates some common examples of
chamber, that moisture mixes with the detector.
conductivity sensors. The conductiv-
the seal oil and the resistance between Evaluating and testing individual
ity probes in Figure 6 illustrate a pair
the portions of the probes extending moisture sensors during the repair
of dual-purpose moisture sensors.
into the seal oil is reduced. Thus these process is a simple matter. Trou-
The sensor circuit is between the two
probes sense moisture in the seal cavity bleshooting fault indications on an
probes rather than from one sensor
or moisture in the stator cavity. Note in installed pump can be more difficult.
to ground. The probes are mounted
Figure 3 that there is a resistor between In some instances, manufacturers con-
through holes in the bottom of a well
the probe terminals. The pump control- nect various temperature and moisture
in the stator cavity into the seal oil in
ler is set to recognize that resistance sensors in series, bringing out only
the seal chamber below.
value, allowing the controller to detect two leads. To test that series circuit,
When moisture collects in the well
if a sensor lead is open. To determine the resistances of individual sensors
at the bottom of the stator cavity, the
a resistor's nominal value visually and trim resistors must be known.
water closes the circuit between the
from color band markings, consult an Programmed controllers may report a
terminals on the top of each probe. If
electrical reference such as the EASA high temperature fault or a moisture
Electrical Engineering Pocket Handbook. sensor fault depending on the circuit

“ Repair technicians
should be aware of the pres-
Float switch sensor
Perhaps the simplest type of
resistance change. But a faulty sensor
can trick the controller; a faulty mois-
ture sensor could trip a temperature
ence of moisture sensors in moisture sensor is a float switch, as fault or vice versa when the only fault
illustrated in Figure 4. The float is
submersible pumps and be magnetic and closes (or opens) an
is with the sensor.
familiar with how each isolated reed switch when the float Caution during repairs
type operates. Caution is rises. Unlike other type sensors, float Repair technicians should be aware
needed when disassem- switches are functional only when the of the presence of moisture sensors in
bling submersible pumps pump is setting vertical, but that’s little submersible pumps and be familiar
concern since the normal operation of with how each type operates. Cau-
to ensure sensors are not submersible pumps is vertical. tion is needed when disassembling
damaged, and their func- Figure 5 illustrates an unusual submersible pumps to ensure sensors
tion should be properly proximity probe moisture sensor. are not damaged, and their function
tested during the repair When moisture accumulates as water should be properly tested during the

in the well at the bottom of the stator repair process. l

2 Copyright © 2019 • • June 2019

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