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in the words of the Prophet of Isl°m Mu¶ammad ibn `Abdull°h

(may All°h shower him and his family with blessings)
Translated by Saleem Bhimji

The Prophet of All°h (blessings of All°h be

upon him and his family) said: :( )
“Jibr°˜il came to me after Æal°t al-Zuhr accompanied
by 70,000 Angels and said (to me), ‘O’ Mu¶ammad! !"#$% & '( )*+, - !./ 01 % 234 5.6 7% 8 9)6: ;< =4
Surely your Lord has conveyed His greetings to you
and has granted you two gifts and He has not given
G3 1 6 H;6< #>!*& ? @"&!> 1 A!>4 B "C DE)3'& 1F/
either of these two gifts to any Prophet before you.’ & G3 0N #: ;( O#P3 - I " 0J .K L M )= 3 @"&!*3 %
The Prophet replied, ‘What are these two gifts?’
Jibr°˜il replied, ‘The Witr Æalaw°t which are three R@K ? S3M < K UT !"#$% & N #V3 ;( ;@"%Q % 8 9)6:
Rak`at (Æal°t al-Witr which is one Rak`at and Æal°t al-
Shaf` which is two Rak`at) and the second gift which
R@K [NM M < K UT [- 5C#\ [N9 % 0N.3K Z8W/ 0!X Y Z8W
is the five daily Æal°t in Jam°`at.’ I said to Jibr°˜il, Z8W R@K [N./ 4 < K TU 0-T] N9 #"@ 0N.3K Z8W/ *S% ^8W
‘And what reward is there for my Ummah in the
Æal°t al-Jam°`at?’ Jibr°˜il replied, ‘O’ Mu¶ammad! If Z8W R@K [NC#\ < K UT 0-T] ;@9 % [_34 0N.3K Z8W/ 0!X Y
people then All°h will record the
there are two people,
Z8W R@K [N"@ < K UT 0-T] N9 #./ 4 ? _34 0N.3K Z8W/ 0!X Y
reward for each Rak`at is being equal to 150 Rak`at of
Æal°t If there are three people,
Æal°t; people then All°h will record [N.6 < K UT 0-T] N9 #< #M 0` N./ 4 0N.3K Z8W/ *S% 0!X Y
the reward for each Rak`at is being equal to 600
Æal°t If there are four people,
Rak`at of Æal°t; people then All°h TU 0-T] N9 #"@ 0` N.C= 0N.3K Z8W/ *S% 0!X Y Z8W R@K
will record the reward for each Rak`at is being equal ;@9 % [_34 )a N.C= *S% 0!X Y Z8W .= R@K [N < #M < K
to 1200 Rak`at of Æal°al°t; If there are five
five people,
people then
All°h will record the reward for each Rak`at is being [N"@ 0N.3K Z8W/ *S% 0!X Y Z8W .= R@K [N.C= < K UT 0-T]
equal to 2400 Rak`at of Æal° al°t; If there are six people,
then All°h will record the reward for each Rak`at is Z8W .= R@K [-)a < K UT 0-T] N9 #./ 4 [_34 5M M
being equal to 4800 Rak`at of Æal° al°t; If there are seven b c 3 d( 0-T] N9 #< #M ? _34 [_34 5.6 0N.3K Z8W/ 0!X Y
people, then All°h will record the reward for each
Rak`at is being equal to 9600 Rak`at of Æal° al°t; If there VeQ3 [b !% *+K f Q3 J #"C $/ J ( -)a.3
are eight people,
people then All°h will record the reward
for each Rak`at is being equal to 19,200 Rak`at of Æal° al°t; 0N.3K g M 6@3W& 3 4 !3'& [/ "@K NW9 #3 7% 'h [% 3 4
If there are nine people,
people then All°h will record the 234 5F@ ?% Y) \ B %d3 7% ?%i#3 *K !& T-j63W= !"#$% & 0-!X
reward for each Rak`at is being equal to 37,400 Rak`at
Æal°t; If there are ten people,
of Æal°t people then All°h will record * ZI& TN.3K 0-")% 234 5.6 * ( % <k! ?% Y) \ 0-)# 0N"VX
the reward for each Rak`at is being equal to 72,800
Æal°t If there are more than ten people in
Rak`at of Æal°t.
5K C#3 */ l"!I@& 0 S&b 234 N9 % ?% Y) \ B %d3 7% ?%i#3
the Jam°`at, then if all of the rivers in the Heavens .0N6 N9 % m@ ?% Y) \ 0N #: ;( B %d3 7% ?%i#3 >!VC& T-!V
and the Earth were to be changed into ink and all the
trees were to be changed into pens and all of the Jinn
and Mankind along with the Angels were to try to record the reward (for one Rak`at) they would not be able to
record it. O’ Mu¶ammad! The Takb¢r that the believers perform with the Im°m (of the Æal°t) is better than 60,000 Øajj
and `Umrah and better than the world and all that is contained within it 70,000 times over. The one Rak`at that the
believers pray with the Im°m is better than 100,000 din°r of charity given to the poor people. The Sajdah that the
believers perform with the Im°m in Jam°`at is better than freeing 1,000 slaves.’” (Mustadrak al-Wasa˜’il, Volume 1, Page 487)

Ponder upon this point: If you were to pray just one 2 Rak`at Æal°t in Jam°`at with 10 people just ONE TIME, this would
be equivalent to performing the Æal°t of 23½ years (17 Rak`at per day x 365 days in one year x 23½ years = 145,600)!!

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