Pan Pacific Progress, July 1927

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Masonry tn
Written especially for PAN PACIFIC PROGRESS


ASONRY is enjoying an unpre- but is unfortunately allowed tv creep in
cedented growth in Mexico at the at times all this side of the Rio Grande.
present time. Reports from var- Masonry in Mexico has always kenneled
ious Grand Lodges and the annual report with the under-dog, and while its cham-
of the Supreme Council 33°, A. A. & S. pionship of the down-trodden has been at
R. show an increase in membership of times strenuous, we must keep in mind
something over 30 per cent during the past that this was the only champion in sight.
twelve months. From the time of its introduction into
The revival in Masonic interest began Mexico in the latter part of the 18th cen-
Mr, flail was formerly a resident of Pas/I·
immediately after the Madero revolution tury Masonry has played a dominant part dena, California, but has been engaged in tht
of 1910 but its greatest activity has de- in the history of the country. The patriot general investment business in the city 9/
veloped within the last four years. priest Hidalgo. Father of Mexican Inde- Mexico for the past 32 years. He is PaJI
It is perfectly true, as alleged by Masons pendence, was a regularly initiated Ma- Sovereign Grand Com m ander , of the Supreme
Council 3r, for Mexico, and representativl
in the United States that Masonry in son, as were many of his generals and of the Northern Jurisdiction, of the samt
Mexico, or more strictly speaking, Mex- civil co-workers and practically every Rite, for the United States, with Set al
ican Masonry, is strongly impregnated President of Mexico, with the exception Boston. He hal been active in tlu Chapta
with politics and that it is usually mili- of Santa Ana, Carranzas and Obregon, and Gommandery in Mexico; is the Premier
Past Potentate of Aneuh Temple, Nab/es
tantly fighting the Church-meaning the has been a Mason; and the latter, though of the Mystic Shrine and a Permanent Rep.
Roman Catholic Church. So far as I have not a member of the Craft. has sympa- resentatioe to the Imperial Council. He was
been able to observe, however, the same thetic leanings towards the Order. Three one of the founders of the American Cham-
condition prevails throughout most all members of President Calles' present cab- ber 0/ Commerce in Mexico Citv and a! Ike
Latin countries and certainly in all Latin- Rotary Club there; also President 0/ 'ht
inet-the secretaries of Foreign Relations,
American Club, the American Sc!/091 AJJ.9'
American Republics, for the simple rea- Interior and of the Treasury and the dation and generally active in Colony afffllrs
son that in those countries there has been President himself. are Masons. Two of
a constant antagonism between the eco- the principal candidates for the Presidency
nomic and political elements represented next year-Generals Gomez and Serrano growing rapidly. These bodies, subordi·
by the Church and those representing the are Scottish Rite Masons, and the former nate to the Supreme Council 330 of Mex-
Liberal political parties. The same con- is a member of Anezeh Temple, Nobles of ico chartered in 1867 from Charleston,
ditions do not exist in the United States. the Mystic Shrine. Practically all the 50:1th Carolina, by Albert Pike, are more
American and British Masons in Mex- state governors belong to the order and a conservative than symbolism, or the "Blue
ico, naturally, abstain from intermission in majority of the high army officers. Lodges," and have maintained their ind~-
these political and religious differences, One of the principal beneficent works peudence from political partizanshlP
but some of us can appreciate the condi- ~ndertaken by symbolic Masonry in Mex- throughout the more recent troublous
tions as they exist, while deploring the ~co at this time is the patronage, which times. The present Sovereign Grand
fact that circumstances do sometimes drag mcIud:s financial responsibility for the Commander, Tomas A. Ramos, has no po-
Masonry into contentions which are dif- estabbshment and carrying 0 f . h litical affiliations whatever and stands firm
h n a rug t
ferent from our own "raisings" and un- sc ools for adults in practically every state against "entangling alliances," whatever
derstandings of the tenets of the Order. of the Republic. These are maiIII tai
• alne d that may be construed to mean. At the
But despite these differences of opinion b.y speclal.assessments, regular conu-ibu- same time the Body is loyal to whatever
as to the responsibilities and obligations uons and In most of the cases b ddi government may be. Because of this ~t-
of Masonry, we must admit that Mexican ti I' y a 1-
.lona. aid ~rom the state governments. In titude the Supreme Council maintains Its
Masonry is doing a tremendous good and MeXICO City, the Shrine has also raised good relations with all the regular Su-
will have a great deal to its credit when a .nucleus for the establishment of a preme Councils of the world and has been
the final balance is made. For more than Crippled Children's HOSpital • b d
tl . . ..0 e Un er a potent factor in Mexico for the political
a hundred years it has held the torch re supervision of the Impe . l Coum-;
against fanaticism and intolerance, polit- N th A . ria ouncil of betterment of the country.
or men ca. The Feder I
ically, while being at times in its over- has expressed its desire to aa g~ve~nment While it is probable that a majority of
zealousness somewhat intolerant itself. movement When it is tl asrst 111 this Mexican Masons are in accord, more or
This over-zealousness, by the way, is not track. loroughly on the less, with the President in his present con-
a special characteristic of the Mexicans. The Scottish R' troversy with the Church hierarchy yet
ne organizations are also
(Continued on Page 67)
JULY. 1921
(Contimltd from Page 26) HOLIDA YS IN MEXICO FOR 1927
th~campaignwas not il~stigated,. an.d is
t continued by Masonic orgamzatrons. Whole Days:
~~r~are Masons who think the govern- January 1st, Saturday .........................•.... New Year's Day
est's policy is too radical and there are February 5th, Saturday Mexican National Holiday
February 22nd, Tuesday (Optional) Washington', Birthday
IllanyCatholics who blame, :he. higher April 14th, Thursday Holy Thursday
Church authorities for precipitating the April 15th. Friday Good Friday
Frtsentdeplorable situation-just as in April 16th, Saturday ...............••••••.•....... .Baster Saturday
treryother controversy, there are two May Sth, Thursday , " Mexican National Holiday
sid~5,and the adherents of either are pre- May 30th, Monday (Optional) , .. Memorial Day
June 16th, Thursday Corpus Christi Day
par~d to submit invincible arguments, July 4th, Monday Independence Day
There are two Chapters of the Royal September 16th, Friday ..................•........ MeXIcan National Holiday
Archin Mexico, working under the gen- October 12th, Wednesday Fiesta de la Rua
November 2nd, Wednesday AU Souls' Day
ual Grand Chapter of the United States, November 24th, Thursday (Optional) , Thanksgiving Day
and two Asylums of Knights Templar December 12th, Monday N. S. de Guadalupe
'iorkingunder authority from the Grand Half Days:
Enampment of the United States. There January 6th, Thursday Los Rey .. (Epiphany)
is also one Shrine Temple at the City of May 26th, Thursday , La Ascensi6n
Yexico-Anezeh-chartered by the Im- June 29th, Wednesday .. , .......••.•.•.•.•........ St. Peter and St. Paul
August 15th, Monday n". ~, La Aacunci6n
perialCouncil of North America in 1906 November 1st, Tuesday Todoe Santos
andhavingjurisdiction throughout the en- December Bth, Thursday La Purfsima
tire Republic. Initiates in the latter are
limited to Anglo-Saxons or those Mexi-
ans proficient in the English language, MEXICAN LABOR WOMEN OF MEXICO
(Continued from Page 35) TO GET CIVIL RIGHTS
tapableof walking the hot sands of their MEXICO CI1'Y.-A decree giving
native deserts, and expressing their appre- fines a minimum wage as one which "shall Mexican women equal
civil riA:hcJ with
ciation in the language of Shakespeare. be considered sufficient, according to the mcn has been prepared by President Calles
conditions prevailing in the respective and will be promulgated loon, the Depart-
ment of the Interior announced.
regions of the country, to satisfy the nor- The decree not only gives WOmen the
mal needs of the life of the workingman, right to vote, but will revise the civil code
(Continued from Page 19) his education and his lawful pleasures. which at present gives women an inferior
th~Courtof Saint Cloud when refused the considering him as the head of a family." status to men.
aidof France for her husband. Broken Other provisions of article 123 recognize
On the wheel of fate, her passing seems the right of workingmen and employers
hardlyreal for the life of the mad Empress to use the strike and the lockout, define
America:n and Canadian
Charlottewas filled with romance, trag-
(dyand mental oblivion or a shadowed
lawful and unlawful strikes, provide for
arbitration of labor disputes, and guar-
eistence. Surrounded by a few faithful antee the laborer compensation for "mal- Official Publication 01 tho Affili-
attendants,the end came, and the curtain treatment of himself or his family by the ated American and Canadian
nngsdown on one of the saddest chap- employer or his subordinates." Tourists' Association.
ltrs in Mexican history. Published monthly in the interes
The second important labor group in
Mexico is the railroad workers, which like of the tourist trade and travel.
those of the United States, maintain an Hotels, travel huruu., IT.napor.
New York schools are experimenting tation ecmpeniee, or touri.t
Wllhthe use of moving picture reels to organization separate from the Federation
each current events. that want the tourill..' trade,
of Labor. 'The Confederation of Trans- tise in this journal. Advert.M.lo.I
portation and Communications Employees rates on application.
American shipping through the Suez at its third national congress in 1926 an-
Canallast year totaled 109,000 tons. L. C. WAGNER
nounced its immediate objectives as the Touruu' A'lociation
Honoluluis to have nearly 20,000 new 44 hour week, a minimum living wage,
automatictelephones. and collective contracts with employers.
Box lIS, Station "C"
Los Angeles, Calif.
The Chilean government, through its Single Copiea IOc,
POWDERED TEA-Something new. Japan's
NallonalHealth Service, has worked out most delicious flavored tea, "BLOSSOM" Brand, Year'. Sublcription $1.00
plansfor a sanitary type house which can ready for instant and healthiul drink. a-ce. We Exchange ForeigD uled Stamp.
be quickly constructed from native rna- beautiful lacquered can shipped post paid $1.25.
Blossom G. F. Shoppe. 410 Southwest Building- with Callecto".
tnialsat relatively small cost. Los Angeles, California.

Enchanting Ensenada, the Coming Resort of Lower California

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