2013 - Spiritual and Psychological Assessment-4

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Every Nation School of World Missions

Spiritual and Psychological Assessment

Date of Interview: ______________________


2x2 picture

Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________
Date of Birth: ______________________________________________________________________________
Spiritual Date of Birth: _______________________________________________________________________
Sending Local Church: _______________________________________________________________________
Name of Authorized Sending Pastor: ___________________________________________________________

Please answer the following questions in 2- 3 paragraphs only (put appropriate spaces in between questions)

1. Describe Yourself : ( Personality , Character and Values )

2. Purpose for Attending the SWM:
3. Personal Vision and Mission in life:
4. Vision for the Mission Nation Chosen:
5. Personal Plans after the SWM:
6. Personal Philosophy and Principles in life:
7. Spiritual and Family Values in life:
8. Describe your Childhood Experiences:
9. Ministry and Training Experience:
10. Personal and Spiritual Issues Raise Against You in the Past:
11. Describe your Emotional and Spiritual Resiliency as a Person:
12. Describe the way you think:
13. How do you cope up with stress and challenges in life?
14. Given a choice, what are the things you want to change in your life?
15. How would you rate yourself in terms of the following skills? (1-10; 10 as the highest)

Relational Skills- Listening Skills-

Communication Skills - Financial Stewarship –
Management Skills - Team Work –
16. Who is God?
17. How can man be saved?
18. How important is the Bible to you?
19. Describe a normal Christian life?
20. What is the role of local church in Missions?

Comment and Recommendation: (put some space for my comments)

Pastor Tito G. Almadin 

Pastoral Counselor , D. Min  

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