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PE Log Grades EK through 6

The PE Log (Physical Education Log) will track the various activities that you complete as part of the requirements for t
recommended that you complete no more than two hours of activity per day.

To complete the PE Log, enter your information in the open fields below. Then, in the table, enter the date you completed the
the activity, the amount of time you participated (in hours), and the kit item (if applicable). Note: Farmwork and part-time jobs

You must complete all areas of this form in order to receive credit.

Remember to save this document to your computer. You will be instructed to submit the log periodically throughout the cou
should always be adding your hours to the log. When prompted to submit the log, turn in your completed PE Log to your inst
Physical Education course.

Student Name and ID:

Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Instructor and Course Name:
Total Activity Hours: 0

You may choose to add any of the following unorganized activities to your PE Log: swimming, basketball, archery, flying
walking, running, hiking, biking, wall climbing, golfing, bowling, weight lifting, aerobics, cardio, football, snowboardi
tumbling/gymnastics, calisthenics stretching, skiing, canoeing, kayaking, martial arts, horseback riding, fitness apps, yoga, L
fencing, racquet sports, softball, or baseball.

Date Physical Activity Time

1/17/2019 Running 0.25
ete as part of the requirements for this course. It is
s of activity per day.

e, enter the date you completed the activity, the name of

Note: Farmwork and part-time jobs do not count as valid

o receive credit.

log periodically throughout the course; therefore, you

your completed PE Log to your instructor through your

mming, basketball, archery, flying disc, target games,

obics, cardio, football, snowboarding, volleyball,
seback riding, fitness apps, yoga, Latin dance, dance,

Physical Education Kit Item


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